Borrowed fromLatinobsolētus(“worn out, gone out of use”), past participle ofobsolēscere(“to wear out, fall into disuse, grow old, decay”); seeobsolesce.
obsolete (comparativemoreobsolete,superlativemostobsolete)
- (of words, equipment, etc.) No longer in use; gone intodisuse; disused orneglected (often in favour of something newer).
- Synonyms:antiquated,deprecated,disused;see alsoThesaurus:obsolete
Speedy, worldwide, accessible delivery of news through the Web has made newspapersobsolete.
Horses becameobsolete means of transportation in cities in the first half of the twentieth century.
2013 July 20, “The attack of the MOOCs”, inThe Economist, volume408, number8845:Since the launch early last year of […] two Silicon Valley start-ups offering free education through MOOCs, massive open online courses, the ivory towers of academia have been shaken to their foundations. University brands built in some cases over centuries have been forced to contemplate the possibility that information technology will rapidly make their existing business modelobsolete.
- (biology)Imperfectly developed; not very distinct.
- Synonyms:abortive,obscure,rudimental
1891, Charles Dixon,The Birds of Our Rambles: With a Companion for the Country, page130:These two birds somewhat closely resemble each other, but the Sedge Warbler is russet-brown above, the feathers with dark centres, the pale buff eyestripe is very clearly defined, and the underparts are buffish white; the Reed Warbler is more olive on the upper parts, the feathers having no dark centres, the underparts are more inclined to buff, and the eyestripe is nearlyobsolete.
with nouns
- obsolete word
- obsolete phrase
- obsolete equipment
- obsolete computer
- obsolete technology
- obsolete weapon
- obsolete machine
- obsolete law
- obsolete statute
- obsolete currency
- obsolete building
- obsolete idea
- obsolete skill
- obsolete concept
- obsolete custom
- obsolete theory
- obsolete tradition
- obsolete institution
with verbs
- be/became/become obsolete
- made/makesomething obsolete
- render(ed) obsolete
no longer in use
- Arabic:عفا عليها الزمن
- Azerbaijani:köhnə (az),köhnəlmiş
- Breton:diamzeret (br)
- Bulgarian:излязъл от употреба(izljazǎl ot upotreba)
- Catalan:obsolet (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:淘汰 (zh)(táotài),過時 /过时 (zh)(guòshí),廢棄 /废弃 (zh)(fèiqì)
- Danish:gået af brug,forældet (da)
- Dutch:verouderd (nl),achterhaald (nl),in onbruik
- Esperanto:troantikva
- Finnish:vanhentunut (fi)
- French:obsolète (fr)
- German:veraltet (de),obsolet (de),antiquiert (de),alt (de)
- Greek:απαρχαιωμένος (el)(aparchaioménos),ξεπερασμένος (el)(xeperasménos),παρωχημένος (el)(parochiménos)
- Hindi:अप्रचलित (hi)(apraclit)
- Hungarian:elavult (hu),idejétmúlt (hu),ósdi (hu)
- Icelandic:úreltur
- Ido:obsoleta (io)
- Indonesian:usang (id)
- Irish:seanchaite
- Italian:obsoleto (it),in disuso
- Japanese:廃れた (ja)(すたれた, sutareta)
- Korean:폐어 (ko)(pyeeo)
- Latin:obsolētus
- Latvian:novecojis
- Maori:tūnguru
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:foreldet (no)
- Polish:przestarzały (pl),zdezaktualizowany
- Portuguese:obsoleto (pt)
- Romanian:ieșit din uz,scos din uz,învechit (ro),desuet (ro)
- Russian:устаре́вший (ru)(ustarévšij)
- Serbo-Croatian:zastario (sh)
- Spanish:obsoleto (es),desusado (es)
- Swedish:föråldrad (sv),ur bruk
- Tamil:வழக்கற்றுப்போன(vaḻakkaṟṟuppōṉa)
- Turkish:eskimiş (tr)
- Vietnamese:lỗi thời (vi),mai một (vi)
- Welsh:anarferedig,darfodedig (cy)
- Zazaki:kehan (diq),verên (diq)
in biology: imperfectly developed
obsolete (third-person singular simple presentobsoletes,present participleobsoleting,simple past and past participleobsoleted)
- (transitive) To cause to becomeobsolete.
This software component has beenobsoleted.
We are in the process ofobsoleting this product.
2023 March 22, “Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter”, inFuture of Life Institute[1]:Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart,obsolete and replace us?
- To obsolete is often used in computing and other technical fields to indicate an effort to remove or replace something.
- Comparedeprecated(“no longer considered correct usage”).
to cause to become obsolete
- “obsolete”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913,→OCLC.
- William Dwight Whitney,Benjamin E[li] Smith, editors (1911), “obsolete”, inThe Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.:The Century Co.,→OCLC.
- “obsolete”, inOneLook Dictionary Search.
- inflection ofobsolet:
- strong/mixednominative/accusativefemininesingular
- strongnominative/accusativeplural
- weaknominative all-gendersingular
- weakaccusativefeminine/neutersingular
obsolete f pl
- feminineplural ofobsoleto
obsolētē (comparativeobsolētius,superlativeobsolētissimē)
- old
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation, then remove the text
- vocativemasculinesingular ofobsolētus
- “obsolete”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers