Thus, when thenuns came to the mission and we saw that instead of murmuring soft blessings and gliding seraphically over the grass in diaphanous habits, they wore smart blouses and skirts and walked, laughed and talked in low twanging tones very much like our own American missionaries did, we were very disappointed.
(by extension) A member of a similar female community in otherconfessions.
Why laſt night, as Colonel Kill'em, Sir William Weezy, Lord Frederick Foretop, and I were careleſsly ſliding the Ranelagh round, picking our teeth, after a damn'd muzzy dinner at Boodle's, who ſhould trip by but an abbeſs, well known about town, with a ſmart littlenun in her ſuite.
1881,Pierce Egan, chapter 8, inLife in London[1], page205:
"I mean to inform you," answered theOxonian, with a grin on his face, "that those three nymphs, who have so much dazzled your optics, are threenuns, and the plump female isMother .... of great notoriety [...]"
A kind ofpigeon with thefeathers on its head like the hood of a nun.
InRoman Catholicism, a distinction is often drawn, especially by members of femalereligious orders, between nuns and sisters, the former being cloistered and devoted primarily to prayer, while the latter being more active, doing work such as operating hospitals, caring for the poor, or teaching.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Daunay, Jean (1998)Parlers de Champagne : Pour un classement thématique du vocabulaire des anciens parlers de Champagne (Aube - Marne - Haute-Marne)[2] (in French), Rumilly-lés-Vaudes
Baudoin, Alphonse (1885)Glossaire de la forêt de Clairvaux[3] (in French), Troyes
Although the adverb is similar and akin to English “now”, Germannun is not commonly used in a strictly temporal sense, meaning “at this moment”. For that, seejetzt.
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
1946, “Nuns”, inVolapükagased pro Nedänapükans, page34:
Ko lied gretik egetobsnuni, das vomül: ‚Maria Willebrand’ in ‚Warendorf’ e söl: ‚Ing. Paul Tarnow’ in ‚Düsseldorf-Oberkassel’ edeadons sekü krigaduns.
With great regret we have received thenews that Miss Maria Willebrand of Warendorf and Mr. ing. Paul Tarnow of Düsseldorf-Oberkassel have died as a result of war action.