E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985) “num”, inAn Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English), University of London,→ISBN
Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015)L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie)[2], Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis)
“Num flētū ingemuit nostrō?Num lūmina flexit? Num lacrimās victus dedit, aut miserātus amantem est?”
“Was he troubled by our tears?Did he [even] turn his eyes [to notice]? Has he been taken [by love and] shed tears, or pitied the one who loved him?” (Theanaphora of the three “nums” marks an ascendingtricolon ortricolon crescens. Dido refers to herself using the “majestic plural” or “royal we”: nostro; and Dido uses third person singular verbs to question the actions of Aeneas who is standing before her.)