1940, L.F. Badger, D.w. Patrick, Don Wolfe, “Leprosy: Two Strains of Acid-Fast Bacilli Isolated From a Case of Human Leprosy. A Comparison with Other Strains of Acid-Fast Organisms with Particular Reference to the Lleras Bacillus”, inNational Institute of Health Bulletin, number173, page 2:
The third attempt was from anonabscessed lesion.
1999, National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board,The Use of Drugs in Food Animals: Benefits and Risks, page75:
Additional data demonstrate that the decrease in weight gain in abscessed cattle was lower than it was innonabscessed cattle.
2022, Lee J. Pinnell, Paul S. Morley, “The Microbial Ecology of LIver Abscesses in Cattle”, in John T. Richeson, Ty E. Lawrence, editor,Liver Abnormalities in Cattle, page371:
Stotz and colleagues reported that both thephyla Fusobacteria and Bacteroidetes were more predominant within abscess microbial communities than in parenchymal tissue of scarred livers andnonabscessed livers.