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See also:Needs


WOTD – 26 June 2021



Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishnedes(of necessity, necessarily; inevitably, unavoidably) [and other forms],[1] fromOld Englishnēdes,nīedes(of necessity; not willingly), fromnīed +-es(suffix formingadverbs fromnouns).

The English word is equivalent toneed +‎-'s(possessive marker) and hence toneed +‎-s(suffix forming adverbs).[2]



needs (notcomparable)

  1. (archaic)Either directly or indirectly preceded or followed by anauxiliary verb, oftenmust: ofnecessity orneed;necessarily,indispensably.
    • 1584, Iaspar Loarte[i.e., Gaspart Loarte], “Certaine General Aduertissementes Necessary for suche as Minde to Serue God Sincerely”, in James Sancer [pseudonym;Stephen Brinkley], transl.,The Exercise of a Christian Life. [],[Rouen]: [Robert Person’s Press],→OCLC,pages10–11:
      As touching corporal puniſhments and penance, as faſting, diſciplin, hare cloth and other chaſtiſements, it behoueth thee herein to vſe good diſcretiõ, taking ſuch as help to repreſſe the aſſaults and temptations of the fleſh, and leuing others that may be hurtful, not yeelding herein to the heats, which ſome nouices are vvont to haue in their beginning, who thorough indiſcrete mortifying, and dompting of their fleſhe, fal into ſome ſuche infirmitie, as aftervvardes they muſtneedes pamper and cheriſhe it to much.
    • 1610–1611 (date written),William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, andEd[ward] Blount, published1623,→OCLC,[Act I, scene ii],page 2, column 2:
      To haue noSchreene between this part he plaid, / And him he plaid it for, heneedes will be / AbſoluteMillaine,[]
    • 1611, Thomas Coryate [i.e.,Thomas Coryat], “My Obseruations of the Most Glorious, Peerelesse, and Mayden Citie of Venice: []”, inCoryats Crudities Hastily Gobled Vp in Five Moneths Trauells [], London: [] W[illiam] S[tansby for the author],→OCLC,pages214–215:
      For they both ſay and beleeue that this picture hath ſo great vertue, as alſo that of Padua, whereof I haue before ſpoken, that whenſoeuer it is carried abroad in a ſolemne proceſſion in the time of a great drougth, it will cauſe raine to deſcend from heauen either before it is brought backe into the Church, or very ſhortly after.[] I cannot be induced to attribute ſo much to the vertue of a picture, as the Venetians do, except I had ſeene ſome notable miracle wrought by the ſame. For it brought no drops at all with it: onely about two dayes after it rained (I muſtneedes confeſſe) amaine. But I hope they are not ſo ſuperſtitious to aſcribe that to the vertue of the picture.
    • 1625,James Ussher, “Of Traditions”, inAn Ansvver to a Challenge Made by a Iesuite in Ireland. [], London: [] [Humphrey Lownes] for theSociety of Stationers,→OCLC; republished inC[harles] R[ichard] Elrington, editor,The Whole Works of the Most Rev. James Ussher, D.D. Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of All Ireland, volume III, Dublin: Hodges & Smith; London: Whittaker & Co.,[1831],→OCLC,page41:
      To begin therefore with Traditions, which is your forlorn hope that in the first place we are to set upon: this must Ineeds tell you before we begin, that you much mistake the matter, if you think that traditions of all sorts promiscuously are struck at by our religion.
    • 1667,John Milton, “Book IV”, inParadise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [];[a]nd by Robert Boulter [];[a]nd Matthias Walker, [],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [],1873,→OCLC, lines411–414:
      Sole partner and ſole part of all theſe joyes, / Dearer thy ſelf then all;needs muſt the Power / That made us, and for us this ample World / Be infinitly good,[]
    • 1768, Mr. Yorick [pseudonym;Laurence Sterne], “The Passport. Versailles.”, inA Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume II, London: [] T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, [],→OCLC,page62:
      ―And the maſter of my hotel, ſaid I, as I concluded it, willneeds have it, Monſieur le Count, that I ſhall be ſent to the Baſtile—[]
    • 1782,William Cowper, “The Diverting History of John Gilpin, []”, inThe Task, a Poem, [], London: [] J[oseph] Johnson; [], published1785,→OCLC,page349:
      So ſtooping down, asneeds he muſt / Who cannot ſit upright, / He graſp'd the mane with both his hands / And eke with all his might.
    • 1822 May 21, Geoffrey Crayon [pseudonym;Washington Irving], “The Wedding”, inBracebridge Hall, or The Humourists. A Medley. [], volume II, New York, N.Y.: [] C. S. Van Winkle, [],→OCLC,page339:
      The Squire mustneeds have something of the old ceremonies observed on the occasion; so, at the gate of the church-yard, several little girls of the village, dressed in white, were in readiness with baskets of flowers, which they strewed before the bride,[]
    • 1828 May 15, [Walter Scott], chapter VII, inChronicles of the Canongate. Second Series. [] (The Fair Maid of Perth), volume III, Edinburgh: [] [Ballantyne and Co.] forCadell and Co.; London:Simpkin and Marshall,→OCLC,page179:
      Vulcan was a smith as well as Harry Wynd; he wouldneeds wedVenus, and our Chronicles tell us what came of it.
    • 1882,Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “The Promise of May”, inLocksley Hall Sixty Years After etc., London, New York, N.Y.:Macmillan and Co., published1886,→OCLC, Act II,page119:
      O my God, if man be only / A willy-nilly current of sensations— / Reactionneeds must follow revel—yet— / Why feel remorse, he, knowing that hemust have / Moved in the iron grooves of Destiny?
    • 1886 May –1887 April,Thomas Hardy, chapter III, inThe Woodlanders [], volume I, London; New York, N.Y.:Macmillan and Co., published1887,→OCLC,page48:
      ["]Why, Marty—whatever has happened to your head? Lord, it has shrunk to nothing—it looks like an apple upon a gate-post!" / Her heart swelled and she could not speak. At length she managed to groan, looking on the ground, "I've made myself ugly—and hateful—that's what I've done!" / "No, no," he answered, "You've only cut your hair—I see now." / "Then why must youneeds say that about apples and gate-posts?"
    • 1896,A[lfred] E[dward] Housman, “[Poem] XXV”, inA Shropshire Lad, New York, N.Y.:John Lane Company,The Bodley Head, published1906,→OCLC, stanza 1,page36:
      The time of year a twelvemonth past, / When Fred and I would meet, / Weneeds must jangle, till at last / We fought and I was beat.
    • 1908 October,Kenneth Grahame, “Dulce Domum”, inThe Wind in the Willows, New York, N.Y.:Charles Scribner’s Sons,→OCLC,page110:
      His spirits finally quite restored, he mustneeds go and caress his possessions, and take a lamp and show off their points to his visitor and expiate on them, quite forgetful of the supper they both so much needed;[]
Alternative forms
Derived terms

Etymology 2


Fromneed +‎-s.




  1. plural ofneed

Etymology 3


Fromneed +‎-s.




  1. third-personsingularsimplepresentindicative ofneed
Usage notes
  • Whenneed is used as amodal verb, no-s is added in thethird-personsingular, just as no-s is added to the other modal verbs, for example “sheneed not [instead ofneeds not] go to school today”.


  1. ^nẹ̄des,adv.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^Compareneeds,adv.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, March 2021;needs,adv.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.


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