- plural ofnag
- AGNs,Angs,ngas,snag,NSAG,GNAs,ANGs,gans,GANs,sang,SNAG,Sang
nags on Latvian Wikipedia
NagiBasically fromProto-Balto-Slavic*nágas, fromProto-Indo-European*h₃nṓgʰs (see there for further descendants). The meaning 'leg', widely attested in Slavic (cf.Ukrainianнога(noha),Russianнога(noga),Czechnoha,Polishnoga) and also inOld Prussiannoge (cf. also meaning #3 below), probably evolved as '(finger) nail' > '(bird) claw' > '(bird) leg'. The 'metal fastener for joining wood etc.' meaning, found in Germanic languages (Englishnail,GermanNagel), is probably derived from 'claw' as 'object for piercing'.[1]
nags m (1st declension)
- (anatomy)fingernail (thin,curvedhornyplate on thebacksurface of a (human)fingertip).
- garinagi ―longnails
- ieaudzisnags ―ingrownnails
- naga gultne ―nail bed (base on which the nails rest)
- naga sakne ―nail root (part of the nail under the skin, where the nail grows)
- nagu kopšana ―nail care
- nagu laka ―nail polish
- apgrieztnagus ―to trim one'snails
- nolīdzināt nagus ar vīlīti ―to file one'snails
- ar zobiem unnagiem ―with tooth andnail (with complete dedication, persistently)
- (anatomy)claw (hornyformation at thetip of ananimal'stoe).
Kaķa nags.- kaķanags ―a cat'sclaw
- ērgļanagi ―eagleclaws
- Vanagam ir asi nagi. ―A hawk has sharptalons.
- Govis apslima ar mutes unnagu sērgu. ―Cows getfoot-and-mouth disease.
- (figurative,colloquial)hand
Šaudās acis, meklēnagi ķert un grābt.- His eyes are darting, hishands searching for something to grab and catch.
- (figurative,colloquial)dexterity,skill,knack,specialtalent
- Viņam uz atslēdznieku darbu esotnags no bērnu dienām. ―He has had aknack for locksmithing since childhood.
- aprotrusion orformation resembling such ahornyplate
Zirgs klibo, [...] bet piešu asienagi to cērt un nebeidz dzīt.- The horse stumbles, [...] but its sharphoof slits cut it and do not stop moving forward.
- acrescent-shapedprotrusion of ahat above theforehead
Zem žokej cepuresnaga šaurās spraugas spīdēja divas niknas acis.- Under the narrow gap of theprotrusion of a jokeyš hat, two fierce eyes shone.
- (plural only, obsolete)difficulty,greateffort
Agrāk, kad bija jānēsa līdzi pičpaunā, bija daudz lielākinagi - kur tu iznēsāsi un pieglabāsi!- In the past, when you had to carry it with you in a pitchfork, it was a much greatereffort - where will you carry it and store it!
- misfortune,desperatesituation
Bet muļķītis skaidri nagos, labi zina, ja muižā rādīsies, velns paņems kā zemeni.- But a fool in a clearlydesperate situation knows very well that, if he shows up at the estate, the devil will pick him lick a strawberry.
- (colloquial)cataract,glaucoma
Izplatīts akluma un vājredzības cēlonis... ir bojājumi acs optiskajā sistēmā, piemēram, lēcas vai radzenes apduļķojumi (katarakta,nags).- A common cause of blindness and low vision... is damage to the optical system of the eye, such as clouding of the lens or cornea (cataract, ornail).