FromMiddle Englishmouse-trappe,mous trappe,mouse trape, equivalent tomouse +trap. Cognate withDutchmuizetrap,muizentrap(“mousetrap”),German Low GermanMuustrappe,Muustrapp(“mousetrap”). In the Internet sense, refers to a computer mouse.
mousetrap (countable anduncountable,pluralmousetraps)
- (countable) Adevice forcapturing orkillingmice and otherrodents.
- (countable, Internet) Awebsite designed to open another copy of itself when the user tries to close the webpage. Frequently used by advertisers and pornographers.
- (chiefly British, informal, uncountable) Ordinary, everydaycheese.
- (New Zealand) Aslice ofbread ortoast topped with cheese and then grilled or microwaved.
- (military, historical) Anantisubmarinerocket used mainly duringWorld War II by the US Navy and US Coast Guard.
2003,Nautical Research Journal, volume48, page199:Besides depth charges, they were armed with smaller forward firing antisubmarine rocket launchers calledmousetraps. Fired in groups, these rockets detonated when they contacted a submarine.
- (device for capturing or killing mice or rodents):mousefall
device for killing mice
- Afrikaans:muisval
- Asi:yabti
- Azerbaijani:siçantələsi
- Bikol Central:atipil (bcl)
- Bulgarian:капан за мишки(kapan za miški)
- Catalan:ratera
- Chinese:
- Cantonese:老鼠夾 /老鼠夹(lou5 syu2 gep6-2)
- Mandarin:捕鼠器 (zh)(bǔshǔqì)
- Czech:past na myši f,pastička f
- Danish:musefælde (da) c
- Dutch:muizenval (nl) m
- Esperanto:muskaptilo
- Finnish:hiirenloukku (fi),rotanloukku (fi)
- French:piège à souris m,souricière (fr) f
- Galician:ratoeira f
- German:Mausefalle (de) f,Rattenfalle (de) f
- Greek:ποντικοπαγίδα (el) f(pontikopagída),(colloquial)φάκα (el) f(fáka)
- Ancient:μυάγρα f(muágra)
- Hungarian:egérfogó (hu)
- Hunsrik:Rattefall f
- Icelandic:músagildra (is) f,fjalaköttur (is) m,tréköttur m,músafella f
- Ingrian:loukku
- Italian:trappola per topi
- Japanese:ネズミ捕り(ねずみとり, nezumi-tori),鼠取り(ねずみとり, nezumi-tori)
- Kazakh:тышқанқақпан(tyşqan qaqpan)
- Korean:쥐덫 (ko)(jwideot)
- Kurdish:
- Central Kurdish:تەڵەمشک(tellemişk)
- Latin:mūscipula f
- Lithuanian:pelėkautai m pl
- Macedonian:кла́па f(klápa),ста́пица за глу́вци f(stápica za glúvci),глу́вчарник m(glúvčarnik)
- Mongolian:
- Cyrillic:хулганы хавх(xulgany xavx)
- Mongolian:ᠬᠤᠯᠤᠭᠠᠨᠠ ᠵᠢᠨ
ᠬᠠᠪᠬᠠ(quluɣan-a-ǰin qabk-a)
- Norwegian:musefelle
- Old English:mūsfealle f
- Persian:تلهموش(tale-muš)
- Polish:pułapkanamyszy f
- Portuguese:ratoeira (pt) f
- Romanian:cursă de șoareci
- Russian:мышело́вка (ru) f(myšelóvka)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic:мишоловка f
- Roman:mišolovka (sh) f
- Spanish:ratonera (es) f
- Swedish:råttfälla (sv) c,musfälla (sv) c
- Tibetan:ཙི་ཙི་ཟིན་ཡག(tsi tsi zin yag)
- Turkish:fare kapanı
- Vietnamese:bẫychuột (𠙣𤝞)
computing: website designed to open another copy of itself
mousetrap (third-person singular simple presentmousetraps,present participlemousetrapping,simple past and past participlemousetrapped)
- (figuratively) Totrap; to trick or fool (someone) into a bad situation.
1988, James McPherson,Battle Cry of Freedom, Oxford, published2004, page724:He hoped to bring the rebels out of their trenches for a showdown battle somewhere south of the Wilderness, that gloomy expanse of scrub oaks and pines where Lee hadmousetrapped Joe Hooker exactly a year earlier.
- (Internet, transitive) To prevent (the user) from leaving awebsite by opening another copy when it is closed.
2005, Armando Ang,Greed & Scams, Inc:The scammer is paid for each new visitor directed to his site. There is nothing wrong except that the user finds it impossible to leave the site because he ismousetrapped.