FromLatinmōrēs(“ways, character, morals”), the plural ofmōs.Doublet ofmoeurs.
mores pl (plural only)
- A set ofmoral norms or customs derived from generally accepted practices rather than written laws.
1970, Alvin Toffler,Future Shock, Bantam Books, page99:All of us seem to need some totalistic relationships in our lives. But to decry the fact that we cannot have only such relationships is nonsense. And to prefer a society in which the individual has holistic relationships with a few, rather than modular relationships with many, is to wish for a return to the imprisonment of the past — a past when individuals may have been more tightly bound to one another, but when they were also more tightly regimented by social conventions, sexualmores, political and religious restrictions.
1973,Philippa Foot, “Nietzsche: The Revaluation of Values”, inRobert C. Solomon,Garden City, New York, editors,Nietzsche: A Collection of Critical Essays,Anchor Books,→ISBN, page165:It is relevant here to recall that the word “morality” is derived frommos with its pluralmores, and that in its present usage it has not lost this connexion with themores — the rules of behaviour — of a society.
1984,Steven Levy, chapter 2, inHackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution[1]:Even as the elements of a culture were forming, as legends began to accrue, as their mastery of programming started to surpass any previous recorded levels of skill, the dozen or so hackers were reluctant to acknowledge that their tiny society, on intimate terms with the TX-0, had been slowly and implicitly piecing together a body of concepts, beliefs, andmores.
2013 May 3, Dean Van Nguyen, “Why Ireland Has Lagged Behind the Rest of Europe on Reproductive Rights”, inThe Atlantic[2]:The country's traditionalmores have sparked recent ideological battles, as well as a few national embarrassments.
2014 June 9, Emma Green, “Americans: Still Pretty Judge-y”, inThe Atlantic[3]:The one area where sexualmores seem to have changed is gay relationships. At the beginning of 2004, only 46 percent of respondents thought gay sex should be legal; in another poll that year, only 42 percent of people said they saw it as morally acceptable or believed that same-sex marriage should be legal.
- more(nonstandard back-formation)
a set of accepted moral norms or customs
- Afrikaans:norme pl
- Bulgarian:нрави (bg) m pl(nravi)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:習俗 /习俗 (zh)(xísú),風俗 /风俗 (zh)(fēngsú)
- Czech:mravy m pl,mrav (cs) m
- Finnish:normit pl
- French:mœurs (fr) f pl,coutumes (fr) f pl
- German:Sitten (de) f pl,Sittenkodex m,Bräuche (de) pl,Sitte (de) f,Gepflogenheiten (de) pl,Konventionen (de) pl,Lebensweise (de) f,Gebräuche (de) pl,Normen (de) pl orf
- Japanese:道徳観(どうとくかん, dōtokukan),モーレス(mōresu),慣習 (ja)(かんしゅう, kanshū)
- Portuguese:moras (pt) f pl,costumes (pt) m pl
- Romanian:moravuri (ro) n pl
- Russian:нра́вы (ru) m pl(nrávy),обы́чаи (ru) m pl(obýčai),мора́льный ко́декс m(morálʹnyj kódɛks)
- Swedish:seder (sv) c pl,sedvänjor (sv) c pl
- Tagalog:malig
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- plural ofmore
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- third-personsingularsimplepresentindicative ofmore
- s'more,moser,meros,morse,somer,smore,Somer,moers,Moser,omers,Morse,mesor,Romes
- plural ofmora(“delay; mora”)
- plural ofmora(“mulberry; blackberry”)
- plural ofmora(“female Moor”)
Borrowed fromLatinmōrēs(“customs, rules”).
mores pl (plural only)
- (college) customs, rules
- plural ofmore
- second-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofmorar
- nominative/accusative/vocativeplural ofmōs
- “mores”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- mores inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
- genitivesingular ofmōr
Borrowed fromGermanMores.
mores m inan
- lawobedience
- Synonyms:karność,subordynacja
- mores inWielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- mores in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- second-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofmorar
- IPA(key): /ˈmoɾes/[ˈmo.ɾes]
- Rhymes:-oɾes
- Syllabification:mo‧res
- second-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofmorar