(uncountable) An unconventionally modernstyle of fashionable dress originating in England in the 1960s, characterized by ankle-lengthblacktrenchcoats and sunglasses.
(UK) A 1960s British person who dressed in such a style and was interested inmodernism and the modern music of the time; the opposite of arocker.
1964 March 31, “Rival Teen‐Age Gangs Terrorize British Sea Resort”, inThe New York Times[1]:
It was “Mods” against “Rockers” and the police against both as this quiet seaside town of 28,000 exploded with teen‐age violence during the Easter weekend.[…] The “Mods” or “Moderns” wear sharply cut Italian‐style suits and long, pointed “winklepicker” shoes. They ride motor scooters fitted with scores of gleaming accesories[sic].
Since Doom II, thousands of gamers had begun modifying id's products and making them available for free online. Doom fans would communicate entirely over the Internet to createmods of the game—often never even meeting in person or, for that matter, talking on the phone.
2019 October 23, Kaitlyn Tiffany, “How Reddit's R/Relationships Subreddit Is Moderated”, inThe Atlantic[3]:
Themods had a difficult time deciding whether to believe a story about a man who was attracted to his girlfriend only when she was grieving her dead sister, but it stayed up.
(Internetslang, originally Twitch-speak,humorous, in theplural)Used to express a wish of removal or, often hyperbolic, harm (as opposed to a literal request to moderators).
1992, Jordan K. Hubbard, “How to convert Amiga mods to Arch?”, incomp.sys.acorn (Usenet):
I'd like to convert some of the arch[sic]mods back into Amiga mods since I don't have the original Amiga versions.
2003, Rene T. A. Lysloff, Leslie C. Gay, Jr.,Music and Technoculture, page38:
Thesemods, while usually having the distinctive bleep and beep quality of transistor-generated tones, are often astonishingly creative and rich in expressive nuances.
1891 November, S. E. Winbolt, “The Schools at Oxford”, inThe Atlantic[4],→ISSN:
It will thus be seen that, however well a boy may have been trained at school, his time may be amply occupied in preparing forMods. during his first year and a half of residence at Oxford.
now mans have to beat uruguay to advance, dec 2nd gonna be themoddest day revenge for 2010
2023 March 10, “original trapstar, caught a leg shot and still took it OT til death”, inReddit[7], r/Torontology, archived fromthe original on7 June 2024:
What he did was actuallymod. Man fuck cancer for real
2024 March 27, “Whyg with a tweet about Zombie (Lane)”, inReddit[8], r/Torontology, archived fromthe original on7 June 2024:
The two forms,mod andimod, are interchangeable when used as a preposition. In the contemporary language, the shorter form is used about 10 times as much as the longer one. As an adverb, only the longer form is used.
Gyf þonne ǣfre gebyreð þæt þū þē ful hālne and ful trumne ongytst, and hæafst æalle þīne frēond myd þē, ǣġðer ge onmōde ge on līchaman, and on ðām ilcan worce and on ðām ylcan willum ðe ðē best lyst dōn, hweðer þū ðonne wille bēon āwiht blīðe?
If then it ever happen that thou shalt find thyself full whole and full strong, and hast all thy friends with thee, both inmind and in body, and in that same work and in that same will which pleaseth thee best to do, wilt thou then be happy at all?
1994, August Strindberg, edited by Ann-Charlotte Gavel Adams,Samlade Verk. Nationalupplaga. 37. Inferno[svensk text][10], Norstedts, accessed at Litteraturbanken.se, courtesy of Stockholms universitet & August Strindbergs Samlade Verk, archived fromthe original on2025-03-21, page51:
Buddha visarmodet att avstå från sin hustru och sitt barn, då han står i blomman av sin livskraft och njuter äktenskaplig lycka, medan Kristus undviker all befattning med denna världens tillåtna fröjder.
Buddha displaysthe courage of renouncing his wife and his child, when he's in the prime of his life and enjoys marital bliss, whereas Christ avoids all association with the permissible pleasures of this world.