inflection ofmirar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Deverbal frommirar .
mira f (plural mires )
look ,glance intention ,aim ( weaponry ) sight ,scope Synonym: punt de mira mira
inflection ofmirar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative The imperative formmira can reduce tomi in colloquial speech when one or more clitic pronouns are attached to the end of the verb.
This section or entry lacks references or sources. Please help verify this information by adding appropriatecitations . You can also discuss it at theTea Room . Particularly: “Eh? in which dialect of Catalan would be that?”
Inherited fromSpanish mirar ( “ to look ” ) .
tolook ; tolook ; toglance mira
third-person singular past historic ofmirer mira
inflection ofmirar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Frommirare .
mira f (plural mire )
aim sight Synonym: mirino ( figurative ) aim ,goal ,purpose ,design ,objective ,purport Synonyms: scopo ,obiettivo ,intenzione ( surveying ) stadia ,level staff See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofmirare : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Mira , o Norma, a' tuoi ginocchi Questi cari pargoletti. Ah! pietà di lor ti tocchi Se non hai di te pietà.Look , o Norma, at your knees These darling children. Ah! May pity for them touch you If you have no pity for yourself.(Felice Romani, libretto to Vincenzo Bellini's,Norma , Act 2, Scene 3. ) mira f (plural mires )
goal ,aim ,end mīra
inflection ofmīrus : nominative / vocative / ablative feminine singular nominative / accusative / vocative neuter plural mira
third-person singular / plural past indicative ofmirt FromItalian mira or itsSicilian equivalent.
mira f (plural miri )
target ;aim (e.g. for shooting)aim ;goal ;purpose Synonym: għan Ma lħaqniex il-miri tagħna. ―We didn’t reach ourgoals . FromPortuguese mirar andSpanish mirar .
tosee Learned borrowing fromLatin myrrha .
mira f
( rare ) Alternative form ofmirra (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
mira f
( astronomy , geodesy) reference point forazimuth measurements mira inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANmira in Polish dictionaries at PWN
Deverbal frommirar .
mira f (plural miras )
sight ( device through which the person aiming looks at the intended target ) marksmanship ( ability to shoot accurately at a target ) Synonym: pontaria aim ( ability of someone to aim straight ) Você tem umamira excelente. ―You have excellentaim . See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofmirar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Inherited fromLatin mīrārī .
a mira (third-person singular present miră ,past participle mirat ) 1st conjugation
( reflexive , a se mira) towonder ( reflexive ) to beastounded ,amazed ,surprised ( transitive ) toastound ,amaze ( regional , Transylvania ) tosee to mira (Cyrillic spelling мира )
genitive singular ofmir IPA (key ) : /ˈmiɾa/ [ˈmi.ɾa] Rhymes:-iɾa Syllabification:mi‧ra Deverbal frommirar .
mira f (plural miras )
target purpose ,object sight (of a weapon)See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofmirar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Borrowed fromDutch mier .
ant mira (Baybayin spelling ᜋᜒᜇ )( Rizal , colloquial )
Clipping ofprimera ( “ too; very ” ) .Mira ng ganda ng kapatid niya.Her sibling isvery beautiful. (literally, “Firstness in beauty of her sibling. ”)