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Frommilli- +‎Helen, referring toHelen of Troy, the maiden so beautiful that her abduction byParis sparked theTrojan War and was said, in Christopher Marlowe's 1604Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, to have "launched a thousand ships".



millihelen (pluralmillihelens)

  1. (informal, humorous) Aunit ofmeasurement ofbeauty, corresponding to the amount ofbeauty required to launch oneship.
    • 1983, Robertson Davies,The Rebel Angels:
      Now Maria seems to me to be a wonder in every respect that I have had the pleasure of examining, and her clothes are plainly not meant to conceal defects. So what do we say? I'd say 850millihelens for Maria. anybody bid higher?
    • 1992, Isaac Asimov,Asimov Laughs Again:
      During the days when I was a graduate student in the early forties, we were dealing with chemistry in which there were a great many units used in measuring various quantities--in particular the entire metric system. A friend of mine, Mario Castillo, and I therefore whiled away one lunch period by making up units and I finally came up with the "millihelen," which is enough beauty to launch one ship. (After all, Helen of Troy had a "face that launched a thousand ships.")
      Years later, I saw "millihelen" inTime, and it wasn't attributed to me, either.
    • 1993, R. E. Allen,commentator,The Symposium: The Dialogues of Plato volume 2:
      The finest achievement of modern aesthetic theory has been the discovery of a unit of measure of beauty. This is the millihelen: that quantum of beauty required to launch one ship. But the millihelen is an inappropriate measure of beauty in the ascent passage of theSymposium, for application of a measure implies invariance in what is measured,[] So there is no number ofmillihelens by which Socrates' soul is prettier than Helen of Troy's body.
    • 1994, Carl Pollard, Ivan A. Sag,Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar:
      threemilliHelens more beautiful
    • 2001, Ray Crowther,The Nearest FarAway Place:
      Don was referring to the time at school when Carl had first dated Sarah. ‘She was the best looking girl in the school — at least nine hundredmillihelens.’
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