FromFrenchmétrique (1864), fromNew Latinmetricus(“pertaining to the system based on the meter”), frommetrum(“a meter”); seemeter. Bysurface analysis,metre +-ic.
metric (notcomparable)
- Of or relating to themetric system ofmeasurement.
2018 December 24, The Editorial Board, “Yes, Virginia, there is good news this Christmas”, inUSA Today[1]:But the red planet has been a graveyard for Russian, European and American missions, including an embarrassing 1999 NASA fail caused when a computer, running onmetric numbers, and engineers, dealing in nonmetric numbers, got their signals crossed.
- (music) Of or relating to themeter of a piece of music.
- (mathematics, physics) Of or relating todistance.
relating to metric system
relating to musical meter
Translations to be checked
metric (pluralmetrics)
- Ameasure for something; a means of deriving aquantitativemeasurement orapproximation for otherwisequalitativephenomena (especially used in engineering).
Whatmetric should be used for performance evaluation?
What are the most importantmetrics to track for your business?
It's the most important singlemetric that quantifies the predictive performance.
How to measure marketing? Use these keymetrics for measuring marketing effectiveness.
There is a lack of standardmetrics.
2011 April 10,Financial Times:As for the large number of official statements that Spain is safe, I think they are merely ametric of the complacency that has characterised the European crisis from the start.
2013 August 3, “Boundary problems”, inThe Economist[2], volume408, number8847:Economics is a messy discipline: too fluid to be a science, too rigorous to be an art. Perhaps it is fitting that economists’ most-usedmetric, gross domestic product (GDP), is a tangle too. GDP measures the total value of output in an economic territory. Its apparent simplicity explains why it is scrutinised down to tenths of a percentage point every month.
2018, Clarence Green, James Lambert, “Advancing disciplinary literacy through English for academic purposes: Discipline-specific wordlists, collocations and word families for eight secondary subjects”, inJournal of English for Academic Purposes, volume35,→DOI, page106:The insight underlying such wordlists is that frequency, combined withmetricssuch as range and dispersion, profiles for teachers and students the relative usefulness of words.
2023 October 12, HarryBlank, “Fire in the Hole”, inSCP Foundation[3], archived fromthe original on22 May 2024:Ibanez had seen things with worse implications for herself, personally. That was the onlymetric of horror on which this sight knew remote equal. It was a wall, in a basic sense. It stretched from one side of the tunnel to the other, floor to ceiling, barring further passage. It was pink. It bubbled inside, and it sounded like a hundred simultaneous cases of indigestion which echoed off the rock around it.
- (mathematical analysis) Afunction whichsatisfies a particular set offormal conditions, created togeneralize the notion of thedistance between twopoints. Formally, areal-valued function
, where
is aset, is called a metric if (1)
if and only if
, (2)
for all pairs
, and (3)
obeys thetriangle inequality.2000, Lutz Habermann,Riemannian Metrics of Constant Mass and Moduli Spaces of Conformal Structures[4]:As we shall see, thesemetrics are constructed from a Green function.
- (mathematics) Ametric tensor.
- Abbreviation ofmetric system.
metric (third-person singular simple presentmetrics,present participlemetricking,simple past and past participlemetricked)
- (transitive, aerospace, systems engineering) Tomeasure oranalyse statistical data concerning the quality or effectiveness of aprocess.
We needto metric the status of software documentation.
We needto metric the verification of requirements.
We needto metric the system failures.
The project manageris metricking the closure of the action items.
Customer satisfactionwas metricked by the marketing department.
- “metric”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913,→OCLC.
- William Dwight Whitney,Benjamin E[li] Smith, editors (1911), “metric”, inThe Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.:The Century Co.,→OCLC.
- Burago, Dimitri, Burago, Yuri, Ivanov, Sergei (2001)A Course in Metric Geometry, American Mathematical Soc.,→ISBN, page 1
- metric
Borrowed fromFrenchmétrique. Bysurface analysis,metru +-ic.
metric m orn (feminine singularmetrică,masculine pluralmetrici,feminine and neuter pluralmetrice)
- metric
- metrical