FromMalaymedan, ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*médʰyos viaArabicمَيْدَان(maydān),Classical Persianمیدان(maydān), orUrduمیدان(maidān).
- IPA(key): /ˈmɛdan/
- Hyphenation:mè‧dan
mèdan (pluralmedan-medan)
- field
- square,plaza,esplanade
- Synonyms:alun-alun,lapangan
- (figurative, physics) region affected by a particular force
- (figurative, computing) area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value
- (figurative)field,scope
- Synonyms:lingkungan,ruang lingkup
- (figurative)location
- Synonyms:lokasi,daerah
FromOld Norsemeðan, fromProto-Germanic*medanō.
- IPA(key): /²mɛːa(n)/,(unstressed)/mɛa(n)/
- while
Kome seg heim attmedan det er ljost ute.- Get back homewhile it's still light out.
FromOld Swedishmæþan,mædhan, fromOld Norsemeðan, fromProto-Germanic*medanō.
- while; during the same time that
medan (nominative pluralmedans)
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation, then remove the text
1 status as a case is disputed
2 in later, non-classical Volapük only