She asked in what sort of accident I had broken my back, and when I told her that I had been shot down she became much morematey.
1995, Gwynneth Latham, Michael C. Latham,Kilimanjaro Tales: The Saga of a Medical Family in Africa,page140:
We decided that it would be morematey to have communal meals, so all the guests and hosts foregathered at the hotel for lunches and dinners, and at every sitting there were about 40 of us, all in high spirits.
he[Major-General Douglas Wimberley] wrote: ‘They[the Australians] took a bit of getting used to. I was dressed as a general and they treated me in the mostmatey way, but despite this it was easy to see that there was nothing wrong with their battle discipline.’
2002, Alan Di Perna, Guitar World,Guitar World Presents: Pink Floyd,page29:
His opening salvo, “If you didn′t care what happened to me, and I didn′t care for you,” gives way to a morematey mood at the end: “You know that I care what happens to you. And I know that you care for me.”
Adolphus Egerton Ryerson was his full name, but he insisted on being called Egerton Ryerson, under the mistaken conviction that this was much morematey than Adolphus.
“No, no,matey, I means no harm. Ye see, I think I done ye a bad turn onst, an′ I′m minded t′ do ye right afore I goes off. You bring a writer here,matey, an′ I′ll tell ye what.”
“You've got great legs,matey,” he said to me. “You know that?” They were good straight legs, and could run, but I had always thought them too much on the lean side.
“Well, we are and we en′t, eh,mateys? The Waterman′s Rest en′t exactly the kind of place to spend shore leave; it en′t a patch on Wapping or Rotherhithe.[…]”
1979, Larona Homer, “Blackbeard the Pirate”, inBlackbeard the Pirate and Other Stories of the Pine Barrens,page91:
“Well,Mateys,” he said, “heave to. Rum for all.” The pirates grabbed their bottles, and as they drank they began to sing and laugh and shout at each other.
2003, Paul Abbaszadeh,One Love: A True Love Story,page318:
Soon the talking skull came into view and gave us a warning, “Avast there, it be to late to alter coursemateys and there be plundering pirates lurking in every cove waiting to board.[…]”
“Ahoy,mateys!” The chorus came from all sides, and he fought the urge to snicker. She nudged him with her elbow, and he looked down to find her eyes twinkling. “Hope you brushed up on your pirate lingo. The desk is over there. I gotta go use the little wench′s room.” He watched her go with a grin and nearly laughed again when he saw the signs on the bathroom doors. Wenches andMateys. Good God.
1979, Alfred Draper,Operation Fish: The Race to Save Europe's Wealth, 1939-1945, page48:
He got the dockyard 'mateys' to install a primitive form of steam heating which he had seen in Navy ships[…]
2011, Gordon W. Stead,A Leaf upon the Sea, page63:
Mediterranean peoples are thought to be excitable, but the Maltese stood up to the blitz with great aplomb, especially the dghaisa men who plowed back and forth across the harbours regardless of the raids, themateys who made the devastated dockyard work, and all who served in units of the armed forces.