Most likely fromLatin mactāre (through aVulgar Latin root*mattāre ). Alternatively, possibly from Vulgar Latin *mattāre , from Late Latinmattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus .
( transitive ) tokill Most likely fromLatin mactāre (through aVulgar Latin root*mattāre ). Alternatively, possibly from Vulgar Latin *mattāre , from Late Latinmattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus .
IPA (key ) : /maˈtaɾ/ [maˈt̪aɾ] Rhymes:-aɾ Syllabification:ma‧tar matar (first-person singular indicative present mato ,past participle matáu )
tokill Conjugation ofmatar
infinitive matar gerund matando past participle m matáu ,f matada ,n matao ,m pl mataos ,f pl mataes person first singular yo second singular tu third singular él/elli first plural nosotros/nós second plural vosotros/vós third plural ellos indicative present mato mates mata matamos matáis maten imperfect mataba matabes mataba matábemos ,matábamos matabeis ,matabais mataben preterite maté matasti ,matesti mató matemos matastis ,matestis mataron pluperfect matare ,matara matares ,mataras matare ,matara matáremos ,matáramos matareis ,matarais mataren ,mataran future mataré matarás matará mataremos mataréis matarán conditional mataría mataríes mataría mataríemos ,mataríamos mataríeis ,mataríais mataríen subjunctive present mate mates ,matas mate matemos matéis maten ,matan imperfect matare ,matara matares ,mataras matare ,matara matáremos ,matáramos matareis ,matarais mataren ,mataran imperative — mata — — matái —
Most likely fromLatin mactāre (through aVulgar Latin root*mattāre ). Alternatively, possibly fromVulgar Latin *mattāre , fromLate Latin mattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus .
matar (first-person singular present mato ,first-person singular preterite matí ,past participle matat )
tokill Synonym: ( formal ) occir toextinguish Synonyms: extingir ,apagar The past participle can optionally bemort .
second / third-person singular present ofmata FromOld Galician-Portuguese matar , most likely fromLatin mactāre (through aVulgar Latin root*mattāre ). Alternatively, possibly from Vulgar Latin *mattāre , from Late Latinmattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus .
IPA (key ) : /maˈtaɾ/ [maˈt̪aɾ] Rhymes:-aɾ Hyphenation:ma‧tar matar (first-person singular present mato ,first-person singular preterite matei ,past participle matado ,short past participle morto )
( transitive ) tokill ( pronominal ) to accidentallykill oneself ( pronominal ) tocommit suicide Synonym: suicidar ( pronominal , figurative ) tokill oneself ( exert oneself ) Non te mates a barrer as follas agora; esta noite vai ventar. ―Don't kill yourself raking the leaves now; we're due for a windstorm tonight.( transitive ) toextinguish ,turn off ,quench Synonym: apagar Conjugation ofmatar (irregular short past participle)
1 Usually used with auxiliary verbsser andestar .2 Usually used with auxiliary verbshaber andter .
Singular Plural First-person (eu ) Second-person (ti /tu ) Third-person (ele /ela /você ) First-person (nós ) Second-person (vós ) Third-person (eles /elas /vocês ) Infinitive Impersonal matar Personal matar matares matar matarmos matardes matarem Gerund matando Short past participle Masculine morto 1 mortos 1 Feminine morta 1 mortas 1 Long past participle Masculine matado 2 matados 2 Feminine matada 2 matadas 2 Indicative Present mato matas mata matamos matades ,matais matam Imperfect matava matavas matava matávamos matávades ,matáveis ,matávais 3 matavam Preterite matei mataste ,matache 3 matou matamos matastes matárom ,mataram Pluperfect matara mataras matara matáramos matárades ,matáreis ,matárais 3 mataram Future matarei matarás matará mataremos mataredes ,matareis matarám ,matarão Conditional mataria matarias mataria mataríamos mataríades ,mataríeis ,mataríais 3 matariam Subjunctive Present mate mates mate matemos matedes ,mateis matem Imperfect matasse matasses matasse matássemos matássedes ,matásseis matassem Future matar matares matar matarmos matardes matarem Imperative Affirmative mata mate matemos matade ,matai matem Negative (nom )nom mates nom mate nom matemos nom matedes ,nom mateis nom matem
1 Usually used with auxiliary verbsser andestar .2 Usually used with auxiliary verbshaver andter .3 Less recommended.
Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “matar ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006 –2018 ) “matar ”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “matar ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega “matar ”, inDicionario da Real Academia Galega (in Galician), A Coruña:Royal Galician Academy ,2012 –2025 Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “matar ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega “matar ” inDicionário Estraviz de galego (2014). Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “matar ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN Inherited fromOld Spanish .
tokill Old Galician-Portuguese [ edit ] Inherited fromVulgar Latin *mattāre , fromLatin mactāre .
( transitive ) tokill ( transitive , figurative ) toharm ( pronominal ) tocommit suicide Conjugation ofmatar
infinitive simple matar compound infinitive ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle gerund simple matando compound gerund ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle past participle singular plural masculine morto mortos feminine morta mortas present participle matante matantes person singular plural first second third first second third indicative mood eu ei tu el~ele ela vossa mercee nos nos outros nos outras vos vos outros vos outras eles elas simple tenses present mato matas mata matamos matades matan imperfect matava matavas matava matavamos ,matávamos matavades ,matávades matavan preterite matei mataste ,matasche ,matache matou matamos matastes mataron pluperfect matara mataras matara mataramos ,matáramos matarades ,matárades mataran future matarei matarás matará mataremos mataredes matarán conditional mataria matarias mataria matariamos ,mataríamos matariades ,mataríades matarian compound tenses present perfect present ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle present imperfect imperfect ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle past anterior preterite ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle pluperfect simple pluperfect ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle future perfect future ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle conditional perfect conditional ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle subjunctive mood eu ei tu el~ele ela vossa mercee nos nos outros nos outras vos vos outros vos outras eles elas simple tenses present mate mates mate matemos matedes maten preterite matasse matasses matasse matassemos ,matássemos matassedes ,matássedes matassen future matar matares matar matarmos matardes mataren compound tenses present perfect present subjunctive ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle pluperfect preterite subjunctive ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle future perfect future subjunctive ofhaver 1 ortẽer 2 + past participle imperative mood — tu vossa mercee nos nos outros nos outras vos vos outros vos outras — affirmative — mata mate matemos matade — negative — non mates non mate non matemos non matedes — personal infinitive eu ei tu el~ele ela vossa mercee nos nos outros nos outras vos vos outros vos outras eles elas matar matares matar matarmos matardes mataren 1 Its alternative spelling,aver , can be used as well.
2 teer andter were used too, though all 3 were less common than forms of "haver".
Manuel Ferreiro (2014 –2025 ) “matar ”, inUniverso Cantigas. Edición crítica da poesía medieval galego-portuguesa (in Galician), A Coruña:University of A Coruña ,→ISSN FromOld Galician-Portuguese matar , probably fromLatin mactāre (throughVulgar Latin *mattāre ). The development of-ct- would be irregular, however. Hence possibly derived from or influenced by Late Latinmattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus . Another possibility is an influence byArabic مَاتَ ( māta ,“ to die ” ) .[ 1]
The short past participle is derived fromLatin morīre , an unrelated verb that means "to die."
matar (first-person singular present mato ,first-person singular preterite matei ,past participle matado ,short past participle morto )
( transitive ) tokill ( to cause to die ) Synonym: assassinar Mataram -no a tiros! ―They shot him dead! (literally, “[They]killed him with gunshots! ”)A geadamatará a plantação. ―The frostwill kill the crop. 1890 ,Aluísio Azevedo ,O Cortiço , Rio de Janeiro: B. L. Garnier:Além disso, como?... Sim, como poderia despachá-la, sem deixar sinais comprometedores do crime?... Envenenando-a?... Dariam logo pela coisa!Matá-la a tiro?... Pior! (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) 2005 , Bill Diffenderffer,O Líder Samurai , Elsevier Brasil,→ISBN ,page22 :No entanto, ao saber que a mulher que estava no palanquim era a esposa de um nobre, o Senhor Nagato ordenou seu servidor que praticasse o seppuku (hara-kiri, ou seja,matar a si próprio enfiando uma faca no abdômen). (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) ( figurative , transitive ) tokill ; toeradicate ; todestroy Synonyms: erradicar ,destruir ,acabar com Matou -lhe as esperanças ―He killed his hopes.( figurative , informal , transitive ) tokill ( to cause extreme pain, distress or exhaustion in ) Synonyms: acabar com ,detonar ,quebrar ,arrebentar Minhas pernas estão mematando ―My legs are killing me! Essas palavrasmatam ! ―These wordskill ! ( transitive ) tokill ( to write a story that conveys the death of ) Hobbesmatara o positivismo acerca da revolução. ―Hobbeshad killed the positivism surrounding the revolution. ( figurative , transitive ) tosatisfy , tosatiate , toquench ( to fulfil an emotional or physiological need ) Synonyms: saciar ,satisfazer Antes dematar meu desejo de caminhar, precisomatar minha sede. ―BeforeI satisfy my desire to walk, I need toquench my thirst. ( reflexive ) tocommit suicide Synonym: suicidar Elamatou -se com a faca. ―Shekilled herself with the knife. ( figurative , reflexive ) tobreak one's back ( to make a great effort ) Synonym: arrebentar -se O homem sematava para sustentar a família. ―The manbroke his back providing for his family. ( colloquial , transitive ) to spend [a period of time] doing unimportant thingsSynonym: passar A escola ficou fechada hoje; tive o dia inteiro paramatar . ―School was closed today; I had the entire day togoof around . ( Brazil , slang , transitive ) toskip ( not to be present in a class ) Synonym: faltar Os alunosmataram a aula de geografia. ―The studentsskipped geography class. ( informal , transitive ) tosolve ( to find the solution to a mystery ) Synonyms: resolver ,solucionar Finalmentematei a charada. ―I have finallysolved the riddle. ( Brazil , slang , transitive ) to consume something entirely (especially an alcoholic drink); toknock down Matamos uns cascos para relaxar. ―We knocked down a few forties to relax.( sports , transitive ) tostop a moving ballSynonym: parar Passei de longe para o atacante, quematou a bola no peito. ―I passed the ball to the striker from a distance; he thenstopped it with his chest. ( cue sports, transitive ) topocket ( to cause a ball to go into one of the pockets of the table ) Synonym: encaçapar Ela sempremata duas ou três bolas na primeira tacada. ―She alwayspockets two or three balls with the first strike. 1 Usually used with auxiliary verbsser andestar .2 Usually used with auxiliary verbshaver andter .3 Brazilian Portuguese.4 European Portuguese.
1 Brazilian Portuguese.2 European Portuguese.
^ Antenor Nascentes (1955 ) “matar”, inDicionário etimológico da língua portuguesa [Portuguese language etymological dictionary ] (in Portuguese), 2nd edition, volume I, Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Acadêmica,page321 , column 1“matar ”, iniDicionário Aulete (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital,2008 –2025 “matar ”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006 –2025 “matar ” inDicionário Aberto based onNovo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo , 1913 “matar ”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003 –2025 “matar ”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015 –2025 “matar ”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008 –2025 IPA (key ) : /mâtar/ Hyphenation:ma‧tar mȁtar m (Cyrillic spelling ма̏тар )
Alternative form ofmȍtar ( “ sea fennel ” ) Several possibilities:
FromLatin mactāre (through aVulgar Latin *mattāre ). Thus, a potential cognate withEnglish mactate .[ 1] FromVulgar Latin *mattāre , fromLate Latin mattus ( “ drunk, intoxicated ” ) , related tomadidus . ComparePortuguese andCatalan matar , archaicItalian mattare .[ 2] From Spanishmazar , in turn frommaza ( “ mace, club ” ) ; compareItalian ammazzare ( “ to kill ” ) . FromArabic مَاتَ ( māta ,“ to die ” ) , comparePersian مات ( mât ) , the probable source of the second part ofEnglish checkmate .[ 3] IPA (key ) : /maˈtaɾ/ [maˈt̪aɾ] Rhymes:-aɾ Syllabification:ma‧tar matar (first-person singular present mato ,first-person singular preterite maté ,past participle matado )
tokill ,slay toput out ,extinguish ( a flame or light ) Synonyms: extinguir ,apagar tobutcher toinjure ,damage Synonyms: dañar ,enfermar tofatigue ,exhaust ,tire out Synonyms: fatigar ,cansar todull ( render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish ) Synonyms: apagar ,deslustrar ,opacar toround off toruin Synonym: arruinar ( colloquial ) tokill ( to annoy ) Synonyms: incomodar ,molestar ( colloquial ) tokill ( to get mad at ) ( colloquial ) tokill ( to amaze, exceed, stun ) Synonyms: sorprender ,asombrar ( colloquial ) tobeat ( to be better than ) topostmark Synonym: matasellar ( reflexive ) tokill oneself, tocommit suicide ( reflexive ) to be killed, to meet one’s death( reflexive ) to become galled, to become chafed, to get sores(said of horses) ( reflexive ) to wear oneself out1 Mostly obsolete, now mainly used in legal language.2 Argentine and Uruguayanvoseo prefers thetú form for the present subjunctive.
Selected combined forms ofmatar
These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.
singular plural 1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person with infinitivematar dative matarme matarte matarle ,matarse matarnos mataros matarles ,matarse accusative matarme matarte matarlo ,matarla ,matarse matarnos mataros matarlos ,matarlas ,matarse with gerundmatando dative matándome matándote matándole ,matándose matándonos matándoos matándoles ,matándose accusative matándome matándote matándolo ,matándola ,matándose matándonos matándoos matándolos ,matándolas ,matándose with informal second-person singulartú imperativemata dative mátame mátate mátale mátanos not used mátales accusative mátame mátate mátalo ,mátala mátanos not used mátalos ,mátalas with informal second-person singularvos imperativematá dative matame matate matale matanos not used matales accusative matame matate matalo ,matala matanos not used matalos ,matalas with formal second-person singular imperativemate dative máteme not used mátele ,mátese mátenos not used máteles accusative máteme not used mátelo ,mátela ,mátese mátenos not used mátelos ,mátelas with first-person plural imperativematemos dative not used matémoste matémosle matémonos matémoos matémosles accusative not used matémoste matémoslo ,matémosla matémonos matémoos matémoslos ,matémoslas with informal second-person plural imperativematad dative matadme not used matadle matadnos mataos matadles accusative matadme not used matadlo ,matadla matadnos mataos matadlos ,matadlas with formal second-person plural imperativematen dative mátenme not used mátenle mátennos not used mátenles ,mátense accusative mátenme not used mátenlo ,mátenla mátennos not used mátenlos ,mátenlas ,mátense
^ Posner, ‘The Romance Languages’, p. 321. ^ Edward A. Roberts. ^ Posner, ‘The Romance Languages’, p. 321. Edward A. Roberts. matar
present indicative ofmata