- definiteaccusativesingular ofmal
- genitivesingular ofmali
Inherited fromMiddle Frenchmalin(g), backformation fromOld Frenchmaligne m (12th c.), a borrowing fromLatinmalignus. Compare the same backformation inbénin and, on the other hand, the original common-gender form preserved indigne.
malin (femininemaligneormaline,masculine pluralmalins,feminine pluralmalignesormalines)
- (obsolete)nocive,pernicious
- (medicine)malignant
- Antonym:bénin
- une tumeurmaligne ―a malignant tumor
- (chiefly dated or biblical)malicious,sadistic(which likes to do or say hurtful things for fun)
- Synonym:méchant
- prendre unmalin plaisir à faire quelque chose ―to take perverse pleasure in doing something
- (informal)smart and quick-thinking, and oftentricksterish;cunning,crafty
- Synonyms:astucieux,fin,intelligent,rusé
- malin comme un singe ―smart as a whip
- avoir l’airmalin ―to look daft, to look silly(ironic)
- C’estmalin ! ―Well done!
1982, “Un été sans toi”, performed by Charles Aznavour:C’est inhumain / De me laisser seul / J’ai l’airmalin / Sous mon parasol- It's inhuman / To leave me alone / Ilook silly / Under my umbrella
- (Quebec)aggressive(of an animal);petulant(of a person)
- The standard language uses the femininemaligne. The popular byformmaline has existed since the 16th century, but is considered incorrect in formal writing. In the vernacular, it is predominant especially for the sense“smart, cunning”.
- In its meaning of“malicious” the word is mostly restricted to expressions such asmalin plaisir; it is a standard attribute of the Devil.
malin m (pluralmalins,femininemaligneormaline)
- shrewd person,smart person
- Synonym:rusé
malin f
- genitiveplural ofmalina
malin m orn (feminine singularmalină,masculine pluralmalini,feminine and neuter pluralmaline)
- Alternative form ofmalign