- IPA(key): /mɑː/,(imitative)/mæː/,[mæ̰ː ~ mæˀæˀæ]
- Rhymes:-ɑː,-æː
- Ableating sound, as that of asheep orgoat.
maa (third-person singular simple presentmaas,present participlemaaing,simple past and past participlemaaed)
- (intransitive) To make such a sound.
1992, Josepha Sherman,A Sampler of Jewish-American Folklore, page126:Now it's even worse! The goatmaas all the time. And the smell...
2000, Frank McCourt,Angela's Ashes:Now the twins started to cry and Malachy clung to Mam, sobbing. The cows mooed, the sheepmaaed[…]
- IPA(key): /ˈmaː/ [ˈmaː]
- Hyphenation:maa
- Alternative form ofmá
- E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985) “maa”, inAn Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English), University of London,→ISBN
- Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015)L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie)[2], Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis)
- eye
- snake
- hand
- IPA(key): /maˈʔa/ [mɐˈʔa]
- IPA(key): /ˈma/ [ˈma]
- Hyphenation:ma‧a
maá (Badlit spellingᜋᜀ)
- Alternative form ofmala(“dry”)
FromProto-Finnic*maa, fromProto-Uralic*mëxe. Cognates includeFinnishmaa andKarelianmua.
maa (genitivemaa,partitivemaad)
- earth
- land
- ground
- country
- countryside
- rural
- agri
FromProto-Finnic*maa, fromProto-Uralic*mëxe.[1] Cognates includeEstonianmaa andKarelianmua,Erzyaмастор(mastor)[2] (initial component),Komi-Zyrianму(mu),Udmurtму(mu),Northern Mansiма̄(mā).
- ground,land(surface of the Earth, especially that which is not covered by water)
Panin senmaahan.- I put it on theground.
- (by extension)ground,floor,down(physically lower, no matter the material)
Hän onmaassa.- He is on theground.(after being hit)
- soil,earth(material)
- Synonym:multa
- tonnimaata ―a tonof soil
Maasta sinä olet, jamaaksi pitää sinun jälleen tuleman.- Dust you are, andto dust you will return.
- country(territory of a nation)
- mennämaahan ―to go into thecountry (e.g. Spain)
Hän onmaassa.- He is in thecountry.(within the national boundary)
Jokainen kuiva alue maapallolla Antarktista lukuun ottamatta kuuluu johonkinmaahan.- Every dry part of land on Earth, apart from Antarctica, is part of somecountry.
- land(area of land, as property or for farming, etc.)
Omistanmaata.- I own (some)land.
Nämä ovat Sakkolan isännänmaita.- These arelands belonging to the lord/master of Sakkola.
- countryside(area outside of towns and cities, or such part of a larger area)
- Synonym:maaseutu
- mennämaalle ―to go to thecountryside
Hän onmaalla.- He is in thecountryside.
Muutinmaalta kaupunkiin.- I moved into the cityfrom the countryside.
- (card games)suit
Mikämaa on valttia?- Whichsuit is the trump suit?
- (electronics)ground,earth(electrical conductor connected to the earth)
Kytkimien toinen jalka kytketäänmaahan.- One of the two connectors of the switch will be connectedto the ground.
The many senses ofmaa are commonly distinguished by the case forms used. For example, the following cases usually use the following:
- internal locative cases:“ground, land”(usually),“country”,(electronics)“ground, earth”
- external locative cases:“countryside”,“dry ground”(compared to water, the sea, etc.)
- ^Junttila, Santeri, Kallio, Petri, Holopainen, Sampsa, Kuokkala, Juha, Pystynen, Juho, editors (2020–), “maa”, inSuomen vanhimman sanaston etymologinen verkkosanakirja[1] (in Finnish), retrieved2024-01-01
- ^https://web.archive.org/web/20210127215653/http://uralistica.com/m/blogpost?id=2161342%3ABlogPost%3A227903
The sense "five" is a recent extension during the efforts to revitalise Gamilaraay, drawn from the fact that many languages use the same word for "hand" and "five", and that this semantic extension was also used to derive the word for "five" in other Indigenous Australian languages which traditionally did not have a word for "five".
- hand (part of the body)
- finger
- five
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium. Particularly: “I am not sure if these are different etymologies”)
- totem
- marks made onrugs andweapons to indicate the totem of theirmanufacturer/owner
- (2003) Gamilaraay Yuwaalaraay Yuwaalayaay Dictionary
- water
- Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Daniel Barreteau, Uwe Seibert,L'homme et l'eau dans le bassin du lac Tchad (1997), page 81
FromProto-Finnic*maa. Cognates includeFinnishmaa andEstonianmaa.
- earth
1936, L. G. Terehova, V. G. Erdeli, translated by Mihailov and P. I. Maksimov,Geografia: oppikirja iƶoroin alkușkoulun kolmatta klaassaa vart (ensimäine osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 3:Paljo uutta ja interesnoita töö saatta tiitämaast, kus möö elämmä.- You will get to know a lot of new and interesting things aboutthe earth, where we live.
- soil
1937, V. A. Tetjurev, translated by N. I. Molotsova,Loonnontiito (ensimäin osa): oppikirja alkușkoulun kolmatta klaassaa vart, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 5:Alemmas pintamaa ain muuttijaa, ain vaaliammaks ja viimen männöö samalaiseks, ku i alumainmaa.- Further down the topsoil always changes, always lighter and finally becomes just like the underlyingsoil.
- land
- ground
- country
1936, N. A. Iljin and V. I. Junus,Bukvari iƶoroin șkouluja vart, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page50:Punain armia ja flootta hoitaat meijenmaata.- The Red Army and Fleet protect ourcountry.
- floor(bottom part of a room)
1936, D. I. Efimov,Lukukirja: Inkeroisia alkușkouluja vart (ensimäine osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 7:Kirjan viskaismaaha.- He threw the bookonto the floor.
- Fedor Tumansky (1790) “ма”, inОпытъ повѣствованїя о дѣянїях, положенїи, состоянїи и раздѣленїи Санкт-Петербургской губернїи [An experiment of an account of the acts, location, condition and division of the Saint Petersburg gubernia],Краткїй словарь ижерскаго, финскаго, эстонскаго, чюдскаго, и ямскаго нарѣчїя съ россїйскимъ переводомъ [A short dictionary of the Ingrian, Finnish, Estonian, Chud and Yamtian dialects with a Russian translation], page677
- V. I. Junus (1936)Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[4], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page66
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971)Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page300
- Olga I. Konkova, Nikita A. Dyachkov (2014)Inkeroin Keel: Пособие по Ижорскому Языку[5],→ISBN, page73
- mother
- obsolete typography ofmå
màá (pluralmàá)
- mother
- Crane, Thera, Larry Hyman, Simon Nsielanga Tukumu (2011)A grammar of Nzadi[B.865]: a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,→ISBN
Old Galician-Portuguese
[edit]Inherited fromLatinmalam.
- femininesingular ofmao
- there
Jerry Randolph Valentine (2001)Nishnaabemwin Reference Grammar, University of Toronto, page141
Initialism ofmed anledning av.
- because of,due to
- Synonym:p.g.a.
FromProto-Finnic*maa, fromProto-Uralic*mëxe.
maa (genitivemaa,partitivemaad)
- earth
- soil
- land
- ground
- country
- countryside
FromProto-Finnic*maa, fromProto-Uralic*mëxe. Cognates includeEstonianmaa andKarelianmua.
- earth
- soil
- land
- ground
- country
- countryside
- Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012)Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn
- (transitive) tohold
- (transitive) toseize
- Clemens Voorhoeve (1982)The Makian languages and their neighbours[6], Pacific linguistics
- rain
- Lizot, Jacques (2004)Diccionario enciclopédico de la lengua yãnomãmɨ[7] (in Spanish), Vicariato apostólico de Puerto Ayacucho,→ISBN
- Alternative form ofmye
1927, “ZONG OF TWI MAARKEET MOANS”, inTHE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD, page129, line15:Maa bee haghed i more caar an angish than Ich."- May be upset in more care and hardship than I."
- Kathleen A. Browne (1927) “THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD.”, inJournal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of lreland (Sixth Series)[8], volume17, number 2, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, page129
- Used to express thefuture tense.
- Synonyms:á,yóò,óò
- Antonym:kò ní í
Momáa lọ sí Èkó l'ọdún tí ó ń bọ̀.- I'll be going to Lagos next year.
- Used to express thedurative tense incommands.
- Ẹmáa rọra o! ―Be careful! (literally, “Keep being careful!”)
- Contraction ofèmiá(“I'll”).
Màá lọ rí ọ̀rẹ́ mi lọ́tùn-únla.- I'll go see my friend the day after tomorrow.