Alfred de Bréanski,Loch Ness (19th–20th century), from a private collection.Loch Ness, a loch(etymology 1) in theScottish Highlands, UK, is reputedly inhabited by theLoch Ness monster.
1802 November 1, “Account of the Drainage of the Lochs at Leuchars and Cotts, in the County of Moray”, inThe Farmer’s Magazine: A Periodical Work, Exclusively Devoted to Agriculture, and Rural Affairs, volume III, number XII, Edinburgh: Printed by D. Willison, forArchibald Constable, [...],→OCLC,pages453–454:
The greater part of LeucharsLoch belonged to the Inneses of Leuchars, Cotts to the Inneses of Innes; and while thus poſſeſſed, many unſucceſsful attempts to drain both, by canals, to the river Loſſie, ſeem to have been made.[…] [A] very ordinary fall of rain raiſes it [the river] far beyond its natural bounds; and the immediate conſequence of ſuch floods, was, the ſpeat-water flowing into thoſelochs, by the canal, and covering the adjacent meadows.
But, enchanting as are the woodland banks of the quiet stream, there is to me a higher and yet more powerful charm in the solitary wildness or savage grandeur of the Highlandloch.
1855,Philip Gilbert Hamerton, “Notes[on the poemThe Isles of Loch Awe]”, inThe Isles of Loch Awe and Other Poems of My Youth, London: W. E. Painter,[…],→OCLC,page91:
This book may possibly fall into the hands of tourists in the Highlands; and if it should induce any one to visitthe Isles ofLoch Awe, a few words on my part may save him a good deal of trouble. The inns are so badly situated that no visitors but sportsmen and painters ever think of staying long atLoch Awe. The hotel at Dalmally is an old inconvenient house, three miles from theloch, and wants rebuilding. The inn at Cladich is a mile from theloch, and the footpath in wet weather is almost impassable.
Mr. [James M.] Gale's scheme for doubling the [water] supply was carried through both Houses of Parliament, and was at once put into construction. It especially included the raising of the boundaries of theloch, and it brought into assistance and use otherlochs in theLoch Katrine area; and Glasgow and its suburbs are now supplied with water as no other community in the kingdom is supplied.
2010 January, Rick Emmer, “Into the Limelight”, inLoch Ness Monster: Fact or Fiction? (Creature Science Investigation), New York, N.Y.: Chelsea House Publishers,Infobase Publishing,→ISBN,page28:
[…] Marmaduke Wetherell was hired by theDaily Mail newspaper to lead a search for the lair of theLoch Ness Monster.[…] To everyone's surprise, within a few days of the start of his search, Wetherell came across a huge, four-toed footprint along the shoreline of theloch. This was just the sort of sensational story the newspaper was hoping for.
1865,James G[lass] Bertram, “Fish Life and Growth”, inThe Harvest of the Sea: A Contribution to the Natural and Economic History of the British Food Fishes, London:John Murray,[…],→OCLC,page28:
It is well known, for instance, that the superiority of the herrings caught in the inland sea-lochs of Scotland is owing to the fish finding there a better feeding-ground than in the large and exposed open bays. Look, for instance, at Lochfyne: the land runs down to the water's edge, and the surface water or drainage carries with it rich food to fatten theloch, and put flesh on the herring; and what fish is finer, I would ask, than a Lochfyne herring?
2010, Martyn S. Stoker, Charles R. Wilson, John A. Howe, Tom Bradwell, David Long, “Paraglacial Slope Instability in Scottish Fjords: Examples from Little Loch Broom, NW Scotland”, in J[ohn] A. Howe, W. E. N. Austin, M. Forwick, M. Paetzel, editors,Fjord Systems and Archives (Geological Society Special Publication;no. 344), London: Published byThe Geological Society,→ISBN,page227, column 1:
LittleLoch Broom is a NW trending sealoch situated approximately 10 km west of Ullapool[…]. The flanks of theloch are characterized by rugged headlands backed by mountains such as An Teallach to the south and Beinn Ghobhlach to the north.
1859,Al[fred François] Donné, “Of Professional Nurses”, inMothers and Infants, Nurses and Nursing.[…], Boston, Mass.: Phillips, Sampson and Company,→OCLC,page67:
We may obtain, then, a just idea of the constitution of this liquid [milk], if we look upon it as a soft, liquid substance, a kind ofloch,* in which caseine, sugar, &c., are dissolved, and in which the fatty or oily substance is distributed in small, rounded atoms. [Footnote *:Loch, or lohoch, is an Arabian name for a medicine of a consistence between an electuary and a sirup, and usually taken by licking.[…]]
Uncle James had caught a cold too, so I went with Grissel; and found a chemist who'd been in France, and knew what aloch was and made one for me;[…]
2011, Graeme Tobyn, Alison Denham, Margaret Whitelegge, “Hyssopus officinalis, Hyssop”, inThe Western Herbal Tradition: 2000 Years of Medicinal Plant Knowledge, Edinburgh, London:Churchill Livingstone,→ISBN,page195, column 2:
[Rembert] Dodoens specifically recommends the preparation of a lohoch orloch – a 'licking medicine', of middle consistency, between a soft electuary and a syrup – for relief of obstruction, shortness of breath and an old, hard cough.
1698,Jean Bouguer,Traité complet de la navigation[1], page136:
L’on marque encore les toises que fait un Vaisseau par leloch qui est un morceau de bois d’environ un anpan de long, taillé comme le fond d’une barque, garni de plomb sous son fond pour luy servir de leste, auquel attache un ligne de menuë & fine marquée par toises, & pour s’en servir on jette leloch à la mer par la Poupe ou arriere du Vaisseau, & l’on file de la ligne jusqu’à ce que leloch soit hors du remore du Vaisseau, aprés l’on commence à compter les toises de la ligne que l’on file pendant une demy minute, & si l’on en file six toises le Navire fait un quart de lieuë par heure, si l’on en file 24 toises on fait une lieuë par heure, & si 48 toises on fait deux lieuës par heure, &c.
We still mark the fathoms made by a Vessel by thelog which is a piece of wood about ananpan in length, shaped like the bottom of a boat, lined with lead under its bottom to serve as ballast, to which is attached a slim and fine line marked in fathoms, and which is used by throwing thelog in the sea from the Poop deck or stern of the Vessel, and the line is let slip up until thelog is out of the delay of the Vessel, after which one starts to count the leagues on the line which is being let slip for a half a minute, and if six fathoms slip the Vessel is doing a quarter of a league per hour, if 24 fathoms slip it's doing one league per hour, and if 48 fathoms it's doing two leagues per hour, &c.
*modifying a noun whose vocative is different from its nominative **modifying a noun whose vocative is identical to its nominative † not when substantivized