FromHaitian Creolelwa.
loa (pluralloasorloa)
- In thevoodooreligion, aspiritintermediary betweenBondye (the creator god) andhuman beings.
1953,Maya Deren,Divine Horsemen, McPherson & Company, published2004, page36:Here, on the Island Below the Sea, theloa have their permanent residence, their primal location.
2007, Kevin Filan,The Haitian Vodou Handbook, Destiny Books, page 3:Some will caution you at great length about the dangers of Vodou. They will tell you that thelwa are jealous, thin-skinned, and hot-tempered.
2009,Diarmaid MacCulloch,A History of Christianity, Penguin, published2010, page714:Equally surprising is to find St Patrick so prominent in many Vodou shrines, until one remembers that he too had been a slave who had twice crossed the sea, the second time to freedom, and that he had particular power over snakes, like theloa (Haitian equivalent oforisha) Dambala Wèdo.
- genitivesingular ofluba
- inflection ofloar:
- third-personsingularpresentindicative
- second-personsingularimperative
- distance,length
- (stative)long,permanent
Borrowed fromtranslingualLoa.
loa f (pluralloe)
- anynematod of theLoataxonomicgenus
- loa in –Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*luaq (compareMalayluak).
- tovomit
- topay
- todischarge
loa (present tenseloar,past tenseloa,past participleloa,passive infinitiveloast,present participleloande,imperativeloa/lo)
- Alternative spelling ofloe
loa f
- definitesingular oflo
Deverbal fromloar.
loa f (pluralloas)
- praise
- (usually in theplural)carol
- inflection ofloar:
- third-personsingularpresentindicative
- second-personsingularimperative
- IPA(key): /ˈloa/[ˈlo.a]
- Rhymes:-oa
- Syllabification:lo‧a
Deverbal fromloar.
loa f (pluralloas)
- praise
- Synonyms:alabanza,halago,elogio,enaltecimiento
2022 August 23, Javier G. Cuesta, “Rusia convierte el funeral de Daria Dugina en un alegato para justificar el asedio a Ucrania”, inEl País[1]:La última despedida de Daria Dugina, asesinada la noche del pasado sábado en plena carretera en las afueras de Moscú con una bomba adosada a su coche, se ha convertido este martes en unaloa a favor de la victoria rusa sobre Ucrania.- (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
- inflection ofloar:
- third-personsingularpresentindicative
- second-personsingularimperative
Borrowed fromSpanishloa.
loa (Baybayin spellingᜎᜓᜏ)(ecclesiastical, poetry)
- poeticpanegyric ofeulogy(usually in praise of the Virgin Mary and the saints)
lôa (perfectloile)
- tobewitch
Sino-Vietnamese word from螺(“spiralshell”).
(classifiercái) loa
- megaphone(portable device used to amplify a person's voice)
- (by extension)speaker;loudspeaker