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See also:líquid


A liquid—water—flowing out of a bottle



FromMiddle Englishliquide, fromOld Frenchliquide, fromLatinliquidus(fluid, liquid, moist), fromliqueō(to be liquid, be fluid).Doublet ofliquidus. As a term for a consonant, it comes fromLatinliquida (cōnsōnāns), a calque ofAncient Greekὑγρὸν (σύμφωνον)(hugròn (súmphōnon),liquid consonant).





liquid (countable anduncountable,pluralliquids)

  1. (physical chemistry) A substance that is flowing, and keeping no shape, such as water; a substance of which the molecules, while not tending to separate from one another like those of a gas, readily change their relative position, and which therefore retains no definite shape, except that determined by the containing receptacle; aninelasticfluid.
    Hyponyms:ideal liquid,non-ideal liquid
    Coordinate terms:solid,gas
    Aliquid can freeze to become a solid or evaporate into a gas.
    • 2013 August 3, “Yesterday’s fuel”, inThe Economist, volume408, number8847:
      The dawn of the oil age was fairly recent. Although the stuff was used to waterproof boats in the Middle East 6,000 years ago, extracting it in earnest began only in 1859 after an oil strike in Pennsylvania.[]It was used to make kerosene, the main fuel for artificial lighting after overfishing led to a shortage of whale blubber. Otherliquids produced in the refining process, too unstable or smoky for lamplight, were burned or dumped.
  2. (phonetics) Any of a class of consonant sounds that includesl andr.
    Coordinate term:glide
    • 1996, Adrian Room,An Alphabetical Guide to the Language of Name Studies, page41:
      Many female forenames are regarded as euphonyms. What is and is not euphonious is necessarily subjective, but it could be suggested that names containing labials (b, m), sibilants (s, sh) andliquids (l, r) are more likely to be euphonyms than those that do not.
    • 1999, Ingo Plag,Morphological Productivity, page86:
      []-able does not attach to verbs ending in a postconsonantalliquid[]

Usage notes


The differentiation of a liquid as an incompressible fluid is not strictly correct, experiments having shown that liquids are compressible to a very limited extent. Seefluid.

Derived terms


Related terms



substance that is liquid
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See also




liquid (comparativemoreliquid,superlativemostliquid)

  1. (physical chemistry) Flowing freely like water;fluid; notsolid and notgaseous; composed of particles that move freely among each other on the slightest pressure.
    liquid nitrogen
  2. (finance, of anasset) Easily sold or disposed of without losing value.
  3. (finance, of amarket) Having sufficient trading activity to make buying or selling easy.
  4. Flowing or sounding smoothly or without abrupt transitions or harsh tones.
    aliquid melody
  5. (phonology) Belonging to a class of consonants comprised of thelaterals and therhotics, which in many languages behave similarly.
    /l/ and/r/ areliquid consonants.
  6. Fluid and transparent.
    theliquid air




  • (antonym(s) offlowing freely):solid;gaseous
  • (antonym(s) ofeasily sold):illiquid
  • (antonym(s) ofhaving sufficient activity):illiquid

Derived terms


Related terms



fluid; not solid and not gaseous
(of an asset) easily sold or disposed of
(of a market) having sufficient trading activity to make buying or selling easy
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Further reading


Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofliquide










liquid m (feminine singularliquida,masculine pluralliquids,feminine pluralliquidas)

  1. liquid
    • 2019 January 18, “La planeta dels tres pòls magnetics”, inJornalet[1]:
      Son dins una partida de la planetaliquida, facha de fèrre e niquèl.
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)

Derived terms




liquid m (pluralliquids)

  1. liquid

Further reading

  • Joan de Cantalausa (2006)Diccionari general occitan a partir dels parlars lengadocians[2], 2 edition,→ISBN, page607.
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