FromMiddle English legh ,lege ,lei ( “ clearing, open ground ” ) , fromOld English lēah ( “ clearing in a forest ” ) fromProto-West Germanic *lauh ( “ meadow ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *lauhaz ( “ meadow ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *lówkos ( “ field, meadow ” ) .
Akin toOld Frisian lāch ( “ meadow ” ) ,Old Saxon lōh ( “ forest, grove ” ) (Middle Dutch loo ( “ forest, thicket ” ) ;Dutch -lo ( “ in placenames ” ) ),Old High German lōh ( “ covered clearing, low bushes ” ) ,Old Norse lō ( “ clearing, meadow ” ) .
lea (plural leas )
Lea Marsh, UK. An open field,meadow ,pasture . open field, meadow, pasture
FromMiddle English le ,lee ,ley , of uncertain origin. CompareOld French lier ( “ to bind ” ) ,Old French laisse ( “ leash, cord ” ) ,Old French lïace ,lïaz ( “ bundle ” ) .
lea (plural leas )
Any of severalmeasures ofyarn ; for linen, 300 yards (275 m); for cotton, 120 yards (110 m).Synonym: rap A set ofwarp threads carried by aloop of theheddle . Blend ofle +la .
lea gender-neutral (plural les )
( neologism ) the lea gender-neutral (plural les )
( neologism ) them ( direct object ) Je nelea vois pas souvent. I don't seethem often 1 On can also function as a first person plural (although agreeing with third person singular verb forms).2 Vous is also used as the polite singular form.3 Ils andeux are also used when a group has a mixture of masculine and feminine members.4 These forms are also used as third person plural reflexive.
inflection ofler : first / third-person singular present subjunctive third-person singular imperative inflection oflear : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative lea f (plural leas )
fight ,quarrel Synonyms: liorta ,briga ,lida lea f (genitive leae ) ;first declension
( poetic ) alioness First-declension noun.
“lea ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press “lea ”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891 )An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers "lea ", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887) lea inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. “lea ”, inWilliam Smith, editor (1854, 1857 ),A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography , volume1 & 2 , London: Walton and Maberly lea
third-person singular present indicative ofleat lea
simplepast andpast participle oflee From theOld Norse verbsliða andhliða .
lea (present tense lear ,past tense lea ,past participle lea ,passive infinitive least ,present participle leande ,imperative lea /le )
( transitive ) towiggle ,move See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
lea n
definite plural ofle “lea” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .lēa
inflection oflēan : first-person singular present indicative singular present subjunctive lea
third-person singular / plural present subjunctive ofla IPA (key ) : /ˈlea/ Hyphenation:le‧a lea
( intransitive ) to beripe Gizaw Shimelis, editor (2007 ), “lea”, inSidaama-Amharic-English dictionary , Addis Ababa: Sidama Information and Culture department IPA (key ) : /ˈlea/ [ˈle.a] Rhymes:-ea Syllabification:le‧a lea
inflection ofleer : first / third-person singular present subjunctive third-person singular imperative -lea (infinitive kulea )
toraise a child, torear tocare for something( attend to the needs of ) Conjugation of-lea Positive present -na lea Subjunctive -lee Negative -lei Imperative singular lea
Infinitives Imperatives Tensed forms Habitual hulea Positive past positive subject concord + -li leaNegative past negative subject concord + -ku lea
Positive present (positive subject concord + -na lea) Singular Plural 1st person ni nalea/na leatu nalea2nd person u naleam nalea3rd person m-wa(I/II) a naleawa naleaother classes positive subject concord + -na lea
Negative present (negative subject concord + -lei ) Singular Plural 1st person si leihatu lei2nd person hu leiham lei3rd person m-wa(I/II) ha leihawa leiother classes negative subject concord + -lei
Positive future positive subject concord + -ta leaNegative future negative subject concord + -ta lea
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -lee ) Singular Plural 1st person ni leetu lee2nd person u leem lee3rd person m-wa(I/II) a leewa leeother classes positive subject concord + -lee
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -si leePositive present conditional positive subject concord + -nge leaNegative present conditional positive subject concord + -singe leaPositive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngali leaNegative past conditional positive subject concord + -singali lea
Perfect positive subject concord + -me lea"Already" positive subject concord + -mesha lea"Not yet" negative subject concord + -ja lea"If/When" positive subject concord + -ki lea"If not" positive subject concord + -sipo leaConsecutive kalea /positive subject concord + -ka leaConsecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -ka lee
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. SeeAppendix:Swahili verbs for more information.
Probably fromProto-Polynesian *leo (compareMaori reo ).
language ;speech lea fakatonga ―Tongan language lea
Alternative form oflaave 1867 , “CASTEALE CUDDE'S LAMENTATION”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY , number 3, page104 :Anlea a pariesh o Kilmannan. Andleave the parish of Kilmannan. Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland , London: J. Russell Smith, published1867 ,page52