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See also:lažyandлазы





Attested since 1540, origin uncertain. Probably fromLow German andMiddle Low Germanlasich(slack, feeble, lazy),[1][2] fromlas, fromProto-Germanic*lasiwaz,*laskaz(feeble, weak), fromProto-Indo-European*las-(weak).

Akin toDutchleuzig(lazy),Old Norselasinn(limpy, tired, weak),Old Englishlesu,lysu(false, evil, base). More atlush.

An alternate etymology traceslazy toEarly Modern Englishlaysy, a derivative oflay (plurallays +‎-y) in the same way thattipsy is derived fromtip. Seelay.





lazy (comparativelazier,superlativelaziest)

  1. Unwilling to dowork or make aneffort; disinclined to exertion.
    Get out of bed, youlazy lout!
  2. Causing or characterised by idleness;relaxed orleisurely.
    I love staying inside and reading on alazy Sunday.
  3. Showing a lack ofeffort orcare.
    lazy writing
  4. Sluggish; slow-moving.
    We strolled along beside alazy stream.
  5. Lax:
    1. Droopy.
      alazy-eared rabbit
    2. (optometry) Of an eye,squinting because of a weakness of the eyemuscles.
  6. (of a cattle brand) Turned so that (the letter) ishorizontal instead ofvertical.
    Coordinate term:flying
    • 2010,The Trail Drivers of Texas:
      There was probably more cattle bearing theLazy S brand marketed than those of any other ranch in the world.
    • 2002,American Cowboy, volume 9, number 3, page60:
      The Zuliagas branded aLazy B. In order to distinguish his cows from theirs for the drive back to Arizona, Mr. Day added a britchen brand across their butts, under their tails.
  7. (computingtheory) Employinglazy evaluation; not calculating results until they are immediately required.
    alazy algorithm
  8. (UK, obsolete or dialect)Wicked;vicious.
    • 1641,Ben Jonson,The Sad Shepherd:
      The swilland dropsy enter in
      Thelazy cuke , and swell his skin



Derived terms



with nouns
  • lazy person
  • lazy man
  • lazy woman
  • lazy bastard
  • lazy morning
  • lazy day
  • lazy time
  • lazy way


unwilling to work
causing idleness; relaxed or leisurely
eye: squinting because of weak muscles
cattle brand: horizontal
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lazy (third-person singular simple presentlazies,present participlelazying,simple past and past participlelazied)

  1. (informal) Tolaze, act in a lazy manner.
    • 1842,George Cruikshank,Omnibus[1], London: Tilt & Bogue, page79:
      “Go to sea,” muttered Mr. Unity Peach. “Work for your living—don’tlazy away your time here!”
    • 1884 December 10,Mark Twain [pseudonym; Samuel Langhorne Clemens], “Chapter 21”, inThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade) [], London:Chatto & Windus, [],→OCLC:
      You’d see a muddy sow and a litter of pigs comelazying along the street and whollop herself right down in the way, where folks had to walk around her[]
    • 1908,O. Henry, “The Memento”, inThe Voice of the City[2], New York: McClure, page239:
      That same afternoon we werelazying around in a boat among the water-lilies at the edge of the bay.



lazy (plurallazies)

  1. A lazy person.
    • 1874,David Livingstone, chapter 7, inThe Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death[3], volume I, London: John Murray, page159:
      The “lazies” of the party seized the opportunity of remaining behind—wandering, as they said, though all the cross paths were marked.
    • 1898, Jason E. Hammond, “Work and Reward” inSuggestive Programs for Special Day Exercises, Lansing, Michigan: Department of Public Instruction for District Schools, p. ,[4]
      The dudes and noodles, cads and snobs, had better move away,
      This busy land can’t spare the room forlazies, such as they,
      To foreign climate let them go and there forever stay.
      Ours is a land for busy workers.
    • 2016 May 11, Marta Bausells, Eleni Stefanou, “Meet the Greek writers revolutionising poetry in the age of austerity”, inThe Guardian:
      Which myth of the Greek crisis would you like to debunk? — That the Greeks are a nation oflazies on a permanent vacation; that austerity measures, as they were implemented, were proportionally distributed or worth the sacrifice.
  2. (obsolete)Sloth (animal).
    • 1716,Thomas Browne, edited bySamuel Johnson,Christian Morals[5], 2nd edition, London: J. Payne, published1756, pages49–50:
      To strenuous minds there is an inquietude in overquietness, and no laboriousness in labour; and to tread a mile after the slow pace of a snail, or the heavy measures of thelazy of Brazilia, were a most tiring pennance, and worse than a race of some furlongs at the Olympicks.


  1. ^lazy”, Unabridged,, LLC, 1995–present.
  2. ^lazy”, inMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:Merriam-Webster, 1996–present.


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