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See also:LAW,Law,andław


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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishlawe,laȝe, fromOld Englishlagu(law), borrowed fromOld Norselǫg(law, literallythings laid down or firmly established), originally the plural oflag(layer, stratum, a laying in order, measure, stroke), fromProto-Germanic*lagą(that which is laid down), fromProto-Indo-European*legʰ-(to lie). Cognate withScotslaw(law),Icelandiclög(things laid down, law),Faroeselóg(law),Norwegianlov(law),Swedishlag(law),Danishlov(law),Finnishlaki(law). ReplacedOld Englishǣ andġesetnes. More atlay.

Not related tolegal, nor toFrenchloi,Spanishley, all of which ultimately derive fromLatinlēx, fromProto-Indo-European*leǵ-(to gather).



law (countable anduncountable,plurallaws)

  1. (usually with "the") Thebody ofbindingrules andregulations,customs, andstandardsestablished in acommunity by itslegislative andjudicialauthorities.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XLIV, inThe Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC,page361:
      Not unnaturally, "Auntie" took this communication in bad part.[]Next day she[]tried to recover her ward by the hair of the head. Then, thwarted, the wretched creature went to the police for help; she was versed in thelaw, and perhaps had spared no pains to keep on good terms with the local constabulary.
    • 1941,George Orwell,The Lion and the Unicorn, Pt. I:
      Here one comes upon an all-importantEnglish trait: the respect for constitutionalism and legality, the belief in "thelaw" as something above the State and above the individual, something which is cruel and stupid, of course, but at any rateincorruptible. It is not that anyone imagines thelaw to be just. Everyone knows that there is onelaw for therich and another for thepoor. But no one accepts the implications of this, everyone takes it for granted that thelaw, such as it is, will be respected, and feels a sense of outrage when it is not.
    The courts interpret thelaw but should not make it.
    In theory,entrapment is against thelaw.
    1. Thebody of such rules thatpertain to a particulartopic.
      commercial hunting and fishinglaw
    2. Common law, ascontrasted withequity.
  2. Abindingregulation orcustomestablished in acommunity in this way.
    There is alaw against importing wallabies.
    A newlaw forbids driving on that road.
    The court ruled that the executive order was notlaw and nullified it.
    • 1915,G[eorge] A. Birmingham [pseudonym; James Owen Hannay], chapter I, inGossamer, New York, N.Y.:George H. Doran Company,→OCLC:
      As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, []. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get.[]I do not suppose that it matters much in reality whetherlaws are made by dukes or cornerboys, but I like, as far as possible, to associate with gentlemen in private life.
  3. (more generally)Arule, such as:
    1. Anyrule that must or should beobeyed, concerningbehaviours and theirconsequences.(Comparemores.)
      "Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you" is a goodlaw to follow.
      thelaw of self-preservation
    2. Arule orprinciple regarding theconstruction oflanguage orart.
      thelaws of playwriting and poetry
      • 1997, Derek Prince,If you Want God's Best,→ISBN:
        The normal pronoun to use with "spirit" would be "it." But Jesus breaks thelaw of grammar and says not "whenit," but "whenhe."
    3. Astatement (inphysics, etc) of an (observed,established)order orsequence orrelationship ofphenomena which isinvariable under certainconditions.(Comparetheory.)
      Synonyms:seeThesaurus:law of nature
      • 1992 March 2, Richard Preston, “The Mountains of Pi”, inThe New Yorker:
        Observingpi is easier than studying physical phenomena, because you can prove things in mathematics, whereas you can't prove anything in physics. And, unfortunately, thelaws of physics change once every generation.
      thelaws of thermodynamics
      Newton's thirdlaw of motion states that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
      This is one of severallaws derived from his general theory expounded in thePhilosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
    4. (mathematics, logic) Astatement (ofrelation) that istrue underspecifiedconditions; amathematical orlogicalrule.
      Mathematicallaws can be proved purely through mathematics, without scientific experimentation.
    5. Anystatement of therelation ofacts andconditions to theirconsequences.
      thelaw of scarcity
      thelaw of supply and demand
    6. (linguistics) Asound law; a regular change in thepronunciation of a language.
    7. (cricket) One of theofficial rules ofcricket ascodified by the its (former)governingbody, theMCC.
  4. Thecontrol andorderbrought about by theobservance of such rules.
    They worked to maintainlaw and order.
    It was a territory withoutlaw, marked by violence.
  5. (informal) Aperson orgroup that act(s) withauthority touphold such rules and order (for example, one or morepoliceofficers).
    Here comes thelaw — run!
    then thelaw arrived on the scene
    • 1979,Frank Zappa, “Joe's Garage”:
      That was Joe's first confrontation with "TheLaw" / Naturally, we were easy on him / One of our friendly counsellors gave him a donut / And told him to stick closer / To church-oriented social activities
  6. Theprofession that deals with such rules (aslawyers,judges,police officers, etc).
    He is studying for a career inlaw.
    She has practicedlaw in New York for twenty years.
  7. Jurisprudence, thefield ofknowledge whichencompasses these rules.
    She went to university to studylaw.
  8. Litigation;legalaction (as ameans ofmaintaining orrestoringorder,redressingwrongs, etc).
    They were quick to go tolaw.
  9. (now uncommon) Anallowance ofdistance ortime (ahead start)given to aweaker (human oranimal)competitor in arace, to make the race morefair.
    • 1889, Thomas Hughes,Tom Brown at Rugby, page150:
      After a few minutes' waiting, two well-known runners, chosen for the hares, buckled on the four bags filled with scent, compared their watches with those of young Brooke and Thome, and started off at a long, slinging trot across the fields in the direction of Barby. Then the hounds clustered round Thome, who explained shortly, "They're to have six minutes'law."
  10. (aviation) Amode ofoperation of theflight controls of afly-by-wireaircraft.
    normallaw; alternatelaw; directlaw
  11. (fantasy) One of twometaphysicalforcesruling theworld in somefantasysettings, also calledorder, and opposed tochaos.
  12. (law, chiefly historical) Anoathsworn before acourt, especiallydisclaiming adebt.(Chiefly in the phrases "wager of law", "wage one's law", "perform one's law", "lose one's law".)
    • 1793, Richard Wooddeson,A Systematical View of the Laws of England, page169:
      As to the depriving the defendant of waging hislaw, it was thought, the practice merited discouragement, as a temptation to perjury.
    • 1846, Matthew Bacon, Sir Henry Gwilliam, Charles Edward Dodd,A New Abridgment of the Law with Large Additions and Corrections:
      But, before the defendant takes the oath, the plaintiff is called by the crier thrice; and if he do not appear he becomes nonsuited, and then the defendant goes quit without taking his oath; and if he appear, and the defendant swear that he owes the plaintiff nothing, and the compurgators give it upon oath, that they believe he swears true, the plaintiff is barred for ever; for when a person has waged hislaw, it is as much as if a verdict had passed against the plaintiff; if the plaintiff do not appear to hear the defendant perform hislaw, so that he is nonsuit, he is not barred, but may bring a new action.
    • 2013, William Paley Baildon,Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield: Volume 2, 1297 to 1309,→ISBN, page ix:
      A withdrawal from a wager of law was an admission of the point as to which thelaw was waged; the defaulter also incurred a fine (i, 297).
Derived terms
body of rules established in a community by its authorities
any rule that must or should be obeyed
statement of (observed, established) order, sequence or relationship of phenomena
mathematics: statement that is true under specified conditions
informal: the police
the legal profession
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Translations to be checked



law (third-person singular simple presentlaws,present participlelawing,simple past and past participlelawed)

  1. (obsolete) Towork as alawyer; topracticelaw.
    • 1889, New York (State). Court of Appeals,New York Court of Appeals. Records and Briefs, page71:
      That was in 1877 you werelawing with Herdick?
    • 1897,The Scroll of Phi Delta Theta - Volume 21, page210:
      J. H. Turner is married andlawing in Milwaukee.
    • 1923, Briton Hadden,Time - Volume 29, page59:
      The American Bar Association ruefully admits that the legal profession is overcrowded, especially in large cities. It has a committee studying the situation. Last week an editorial in the New York Law Journal urged a youthful revolt against the city, twanged an idyll oflawing in the country.
  2. (ambitransitive, chiefly dialectal) Toprosecute orsue (someone), tolitigate.
    • 1860, George Eliot (Mary Anne Lewes),The Mill on the Floss:
      Your husband's [...] so given tolawing, they say. I doubt he'll leave you poorly off when he dies.
    • 1886, Charles Dudley Warner,Their Pilgrimage, page144:
      "I like folks to be up and down and square," she began saying, as she vigilantly watched the effect of her culinary skill upon the awed little party. "Yes, I've got a regular hotel license; you bet I have. There's been folkslawed in this town for sellin' a meal of victuals and not having one."
    • 2014, Joseph Andrew Orser,The Lives of Chang and Eng: Siam's Twins in Nineteenth-Century America:
      “So I said to her, 'Well, no man ever made anythinglawing with his wife, so, if your mind is set on having a divorce and the children you will want plenty to raise them with,' so I deed her the farm in Sumner county and everything on it—horses, mules, machinery, everything.”
  3. (nonstandard) Torule over (with a certain effect) bylaw; togovern.
    • 1939, Henry Green Hodges,City management: theory and practice of municipal administration:
      At its 1933 session, the Kansas legislature provided for funding outstanding bills and floating debts of those cities which could not make payment by a fixed date. By this stroke of its imagination, the legislaturelawed all Kansas cities onto a "cash" basis and admonished them to stay there.
    • 1969,Aryan Path - Volume 40, page338:
      Earth lies in the chorus of the stars' congregation in thelawed line of their movement, in the balanced rotation of their light, bound by thatlawed line, conceived in the focus of that turning; a vessel fashioned on the wheel of endless time.
    • 1979, Gokhale,Surat In The Seventeenth Century,→ISBN, page27:
      Nicholas Downton (February 1615) says of the people of Surat: "a mixt people, quiet, peaceable, very subtle; civil, and universally governed under one King, but diverselylawed and customed".
    • 2007, Henry Grenryk Ledesma,The Little Book: The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet, page38:
      So that, when GOD said, “Let there be light:” Behold the first created light burst out unto its glory (here GODlawed the power of heat, fire, light, melting, cooling, and freezing)
    • 2011, Brian Freemantle,The Iron Cage,→ISBN:
      Beyond the ocher and yellow-washed buildings, French colonial with a suggestion of Beau Geste from the castellated balconies, it is an arm-grabbing, looselylawed bazaar of a place.
  4. (informal) Toenforce thelaw.
    • 1918, Eldred Kurtz Means,E.K. Means, page50:
      De gram jurylawed me all de time an' dat place got too hot.
    • 1972, Bill Peterson,Coaltown revisited: an Appalachian notebook, page28:
      The only time I ever gotlawed [arrested] was for the union. Happened three times.
    • 2008, Ron McLarty,Art in America: A Novel,→ISBN:
      So we're on the road with the micks, maybe a mile from the precinct, and Reedy just pulls over, takes them out onto the Commons, takes off the cuffs, and we knock about twenty pounds of shit out of them.” Petey sensed the agent watching him talk and tried to explain it all another way. “What I mean is,lawing used to be pretty damn pure.
    • 2013, J B Bergstad,Hyde's Corner - Book II - In The Name of Vengeance,→ISBN:
      The sheriff jabbed his thumb at his chest. "I run this shebang. Been doing so for forty-six years. You think you can come in here and preachlawing to me?
  5. Tosubject tolegalrestrictions.
    • 1895,The Chronicle - Volumes 55-56, page125:
      Insurance may fairly be said to head the list of objects of legislative interference. It has beenlawed andlawed until it is nearly outlawed, and the cry for more continues to go up unsatisfied
    • 1914,California Outlook - Volume 16, page lxx:
      No man knew what his water rights were until they had beenlawed over, andlawed over, andlawed over again.
    • 1920,Weight and Measure, page34:
      It has been truly said that we arelawed into existence andlawed through life andlawed out of it more than any other nation
    • 1994, Lisa Lewis,The Unbeliever,→ISBN, page58:
      She knows what's tethered underwater. Not Children's bodies, but their toys, their lost,Lawed-against pleasures

See also


Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishlawe, fromOld Englishhlāw(burial mound). Also spelledlow. See alsoScotslaw.



law (plurallaws)

  1. (obsolete) Atumulus ofstones.
  2. (Northern England, Scotland, archaic) Ahill.
Derived terms

Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishlagh, fromOld Norselag(that which is lying or laid, position, price, way, sting, blow), fromProto-Germanic*lagą(that which is laid). Cognate withScotslauch(one's tavern-reckoning or one's share of the cost, a score; a payment for drink or entertainment),Middle Englishlai(one's share of expenses, one's bill or account).



law (plurallaws)

  1. (dialectal or obsolete) Ascore;share ofexpense;legalcharge.
Related terms

Etymology 4


Comparela andLawd.




  1. (dated) An exclamation of mild surprise;lawks;in interjections, a minced oath forLord.
    • 1791-92,Jane Austen, ‘The Three Sisters’,Juvenilia:
      ‘Do tell me once for all, whether you intend to marry Mr Watts or not?’ ‘Law Mama, how can I tell you what I don't know myself?’
    • 1870, Arthur William A'Beckett,The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal of Satire, page104:
      [] and my boots were aleetle 'eavier than they are,law bless my soul! I'd do it myself.
    • 2024 March 1, Arthur Sketchley,Mrs. Brown on the Skating Rink, BoD – Books on Demand,→ISBN, page127:
      Arthur Sketchley. But,law bless my 'art , it's werry orful to be a forriner, as I were a-thinkin', and never be able to make yourself understood, except in that gibberish,
Related terms
  • laws(minced oath for 'Lord')
  • 2021 October 21, Harold F. Farwell, J. Karl Nicholas,Smoky Mountain Voices: A Lexicon of Southern Appalachian Speech Based on the Research of Horace Kephart, University Press of Kentucky,→ISBN:
    Laws-a-mighty me! Law bless my heart! Laws-a-mercy! (J 2:607). "Laws-a-marcy, how it does hurt!" (B 303). "I'm a-waitin' fer Jim Johnson, and with the help of the Lawd I'm goin' to blow his damn head off" (B 347).



Etymology inODS








  1. early



Khumi Chin

Law (1).



FromProto-Kuki-Chin*khlaa, fromProto-Sino-Tibetan*g-la. Cognates includeTibetanཟླ་བ(zla ba) andBurmese(la.).






  1. moon
  2. month


  • R. Shafer (1944) “Khimi Grammar and Vocabulary”, inBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, volume11, number 2, page422
  • K. E. Herr (2011)The phonological interpretation of minor syllables, applied to Lemi Chin[1], Payap University, page42

Lower Sorbian




FromProto-Slavic*lьvъ, fromProto-Indo-European*lewo-.





law anim (femininelawowka,diminutivelawk)

  1. lion(Panthera leo)


Declension oflaw

Derived terms


Further reading

  • Muka, Arnošt (1921, 1928) “law”, inSłownik dolnoserbskeje rěcy a jeje narěcow (in German), St. Petersburg, Prague:ОРЯС РАН,ČAVU; Reprinted Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag,2008
  • Starosta, Manfred (1999) “law”, inDolnoserbsko-nimski słownik / Niedersorbisch-deutsches Wörterbuch (in German), Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag

Middle English





  1. Alternative form oflawe





law (plurallaws)

  1. law
  2. roundedhill(usually conical, frequently isolated or conspicuous)



law (comparativelawer,superlativelawest)

  1. low

Sranan Tongo




Probably fromKongokilawu, fromProto-Bantu*dadU.






  1. To becrazy
    • ca. 1765, Pieter van Dyk,Nieuwe en nooit bevoorens geziene Onderwyzinge in het Bastert, of Neeger Engels, zoo als het zelve in de Hollandsze Colonien gebruikt word [New and unprecedented instruction in Bastard or Negro English, as it is used in the Dutch colonies]‎[2], Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana, page22:
      Joelau te moesi
      [Yulaw tumsi]
      You are toocrazy
  2. To drive somebodycrazy
    • 2005,Nyun-Grontapuvertaling fu den Kresten Griki Buku fu Bijbel [New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures]‎[3], Brooklyn, NY: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Acts of the Apostles, chapter 26, verse 24:
      Di Paulus kaba taki gi ensrefi, Festus taki nanga wan tranga sten: „Yu e kon law, Paulus! Den kefalek sani di yu lerie law yu!”
      When Paul was done speaking up for himself, Festus said with a loud voice: “You lost your mind, Paul! The great things you learntare driving you insane!”

Derived terms


Upper Sorbian




Inherited fromProto-Slavic*lь̀vъ.


  • IPA(key): /ˈlaw/
  • Rhymes:-aw
  • Hyphenation:law
  • Syllabification:law



law m animal

  1. (zoology)lion(Panthera leo)


Declension oflaw (masculine hard stem)


  • law” in Soblex






  1. Soft mutation ofglaw(rain).


Mutated forms ofglaw

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.




  1. Soft mutation ofllaw(hand).


Mutated forms ofllaw

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

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