FromProto-Finnic[Term?]. Cognate toIngrianlahti andVoticlahti. Possibly derived fromlahk(“parting”).
lahti (not comparable)
FromProto-Finnic*lakci (compareKarelianlaksi,Vepslaht,Estonianlaht,Voticlahti,Northern Samiluokta), borrowed fromProto-Baltic[Term?] (compareLithuanianlanktis(“arc”)).[1]-ht- in the nominative is by analogy with the oblique case forms; the expected formlaksi (compare the declension ofkaksi) has fallen out of usage in the standard language, but survives in Swedish-language toponyms in Finland (as-lax) and some dialects, primarily some Karelian dialects.
Inflection oflahti (Kotus type 7*F/ovi,t-d gradation) | |||
nominative | lahti | lahdet | |
genitive | lahden | lahtien | |
partitive | lahtea | lahtia | |
illative | lahteen | lahtiin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | lahti | lahdet | |
accusative | nom. | lahti | lahdet |
gen. | lahden | ||
genitive | lahden | lahtien | |
partitive | lahtea | lahtia | |
inessive | lahdessa | lahdissa | |
elative | lahdesta | lahdista | |
illative | lahteen | lahtiin | |
adessive | lahdella | lahdilla | |
ablative | lahdelta | lahdilta | |
allative | lahdelle | lahdille | |
essive | lahtena | lahtina | |
translative | lahdeksi | lahdiksi | |
abessive | lahdetta | lahditta | |
instructive | — | lahdin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
Inflection oflahti (Kotus type 5*F/risti,t-d gradation) | |||
nominative | lahti | lahdit | |
genitive | lahdin | lahtien | |
partitive | lahtia | lahteja | |
illative | lahtiin | lahteihin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | lahti | lahdit | |
accusative | nom. | lahti | lahdit |
gen. | lahdin | ||
genitive | lahdin | lahtien | |
partitive | lahtia | lahteja | |
inessive | lahdissa | lahdeissa | |
elative | lahdista | lahdeista | |
illative | lahtiin | lahteihin | |
adessive | lahdilla | lahdeilla | |
ablative | lahdilta | lahdeilta | |
allative | lahdille | lahdeille | |
essive | lahtina | lahteina | |
translative | lahdiksi | lahdeiksi | |
abessive | lahditta | lahdeitta | |
instructive | — | lahdein | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
Possessive forms oflahti(Kotus type 5*F/risti,t-d gradation) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Back-formation fromlahte-. Cognates includeFinnishlahti andEstonianlaht.
Declension oflahti (type 5/lehti, t- gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | lahti | lahet |
genitive | lahen | lahtiin,lahtiloin |
partitive | lahtia | lahtija,lahtiloja |
illative | lahtee | lahtii,lahtiloihe |
inessive | lahes | lahis,lahtilois |
elative | lahest | lahist,lahtiloist |
allative | lahelle | lahille,lahtiloille |
adessive | lahel | lahil,lahtiloil |
ablative | lahelt | lahilt,lahtiloilt |
translative | laheks | lahiks,lahtiloiks |
essive | lahtenna,lahteen | lahtinna,lahtiloinna,lahtiin,lahtiloin |
exessive1) | lahtent | lahtint,lahtiloint |
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive. |
FromProto-Finnic[Term?]. Cognates includeEstonianlaht andVoticlahti.
FromProto-Finnic*lakci, a possibleBaltic loan. Cognates withFinnishlahti andEstonianlaht.
Declension oflahti (type VII/nimi, ht-h gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | lahti | lahõd |
genitive | lahõ | lahtijõ,lahtii |
partitive | lahtia | lahtiitõ,lahtii |
illative | lahtõsõ,lahtõ | lahtiisõ |
inessive | lahõz | lahtiiz |
elative | lahõssõ | lahtiissõ |
allative | lahõlõ | lahtiilõ |
adessive | lahõllõ | lahtiillõ |
ablative | lahõltõ | lahtiiltõ |
translative | lahõssi | lahtiissi |
*) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) theterminative is formed by adding the suffix-ssaa to the shortillative (sg) or thegenitive. ***) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka to thegenitive. |