Theku- stem (fromProto-Finnic*ku-) with the terminative case suffix-ni. CompareFinnishkunnes andVotickuniz.
- IPA(key): /ˈkuni/,[ˈkunʲi]
- Rhymes:-uni
- Hyphenation:ku‧ni
kuni (not comparable)
- up to,to(emphasising the limit of attainability of a phenomenon, a situation)
- Saal mahutabkuni 500 inimest. ―The hall can accommodateup to 500 people.
- Ma võin jääda siiakuni nädalaks. ―I could stay here forup to a week.
- Mäed onkuni kilomeeter kõrged. ―The mountains areup to a kilometre high.
- Heinamaa ulatus sooservastkuni põllu äärde välja. ―The grassland extended from the edge of the bogto the edge of the field.
- Nähtus ulatub tagasikuni esiajaloolisse aega. ―The phenomenon dates backto prehistoric times.
- Indicating the time until which the action or situation expressed in the main clause will take place:until,till
- Magasin,kuni mind äratati. ―I sleptuntil I was woken up.
- Tee seda,kuni pole hilja! ―Do ituntil it's not too late!
- Seni linnuke lendab,kuni ta pesa leiab. ―The bird fliestill he finds a nest.
- Ta ootas,kuni teised järele jõudsid. ―He waiteduntil the others caught up.
- (uncommon)while
- Linking words or phrases that indicate the scope of something:to
- Mul läheb aega veel viiskuni kümme minutit. ―It will take me another fiveto ten minutes.
- Kümnekuni kaheteistkümne päeva pärast kirjutatakse ta haiglast välja. ―After tento twelve days (s)he will be discharged from hospital.
- kuue-kuni kaheksa-aastased lapsed ―children aged sixto eight
- Seene kübar on kollakas-kuni kahvatupruun. ―The mushroom cap is yellowishto pale brown.
kuni (+ terminative case)
- up to,to;until,till(emphasises the boundary marked by a noun up to which something occurs)
- Saadan sindkuni järgmise tänavanurgani. ―I'll walk youto the next street corner.
- Käed olidkuni küünarnukkideni sidemeis. ―My hands were bandagedup to the elbows.
- Töötasin sellel kohalkuni 1965. aastani. ―I worked at this placeuntil 1965.
- Pidutsetikuni keskööni. ―They partiedtill midnight.
- Ma ei unusta sedakuni surmatunnini. ―I won't forget ittill the hour of my death.
- See komme on säilinudkuni tänapäevani. ―This custom has survivedto this day.
- Kotka tiibade siruulatus küünibkuni 2 meetrini. ―The eagle's wingspan reachesup to 2 metres.
- Kõik olikuni pisiasjadeni läbi mõeldud. ―Everything was planneddown to the last detail.
- Võttis riidedkuni särgini seljast. ―He took his clothes offdown to his shirt.
The preposition can be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence, due to the terminative case, which the preposition takes, having the exact same function.
- kuni inSõnaveeb (Eesti Keele Instituut)
- “kuni”, in[EKSS] Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat [Descriptive Dictionary of the Estonian Language] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation),2009
kuni(poetic or dialectal)
- Alternative form ofkuin.
kuni(poetic or dialectal)
- Alternative form ofkuin.
1954, “Ruusuja lurjukselta”, in Veikko Lavi (lyrics),Ruusuja Lurjukselta / Espanjan Muistoja / Raiteilta Poissa / Kaunis Marie[1], performed by Tapio Rautavaara:Siellä lapset olivat kauniit, / ja mieskuni filmistä- There the children were beautiful, / and the manlike in the movies
- Romanization of𐌺𐌿𐌽𐌹
kùnî m (possessed formkùnîn)
- (pharmacology)quinine
- Rōmaji transcription ofくに
Fromkuna +-i.
- IPA(key): /ˈku.ɲi/
- Rhymes:-uɲi
- Syllabification:ku‧ni
kuni (notcomparable,no derived adverb)
- (relational)marten(of, pertaining to, or characteristic of martens)
- kuni in Polish dictionaries at PWN
kuni (Cyrillic spellingкуни)
- dative/locativesingular ofkuna
kuni (Cyrillic spellingкуни)
- second-personsingularimperative ofkleti
- plural ofukuni:firewood