2012, William Manchester, Paul Reid,The Last Lion Box Set: Winston Spencer Churchill, 1874 - 1965, Little, Brown,→ISBN:
[…] a zigzag line of Lee-Enfield flashes, and a charge which took thekop at a cost of ten casualties. The victors held the key to the Ladysmith lock.
2014, Colin D. Heaton,Four-War Boer: The Century and Life of Pieter Arnoldus Krueler, Casemate,→ISBN:
Within three hours, we took thekop. The dead and wounded were everywhere. The Boers had taken thekop, collected their prisoners and had suffered very few casualties. However, they did not have the strength to hold the prisoners[…]
2019, Christiaan Rudolf De Wet,Three Years' War, Good Press:
A party of burghers, under Commandant Nel, of Kroonstad, were ordered to station themselves on akop with a flat top, called Swartbooiskop, an hour and a half to the south of Nicholson's Nek.
1917, Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne,Proceedings, page134:
The solerets are wide-toed,[…]; the wings of the elbow and knee-kops small. The inner bends of the elbow joints are furnished with a pliable protection of numerous very narrow plates.
1994,Archaeologia Cambrensis:
1. ElbowKop with rope-cable border. 2. Part of left Pauldron (shoulder piece) with similar border.
It is considered impolite to refer to someone's head withkop. That word normally only refers to the head of animals, although for horses, which are considered noble animals,hoofd is generally used.
“kop”, inKielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][1] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki:Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland),2004–, retrieved2023-07-02