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See also:Kitchen


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A modernkitchen.

Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishkychyn,kytchen,kichene,küchen, fromOld Englishcyċen,cyċene, fromProto-West Germanic*kukinā, a borrowing fromLate Latincocīna, from earliercoquīna(kitchen; cuisine), fromcoquō(to cook), fromProto-Indo-European*pekʷ-(to cook, become ripe).

In other languages, the cognate term often refers both to the room and the type of cooking. In English, the distinction is generally made via the etymological twinskitchen(room) (Latin via Germanic) andcuisine(type of cooking) (Latin viaFrench).





kitchen (pluralkitchens)

  1. Aroom or area for preparing food.
    We cook in thekitchen.
    • 1963,Margery Allingham, “Foreword”, inThe China Governess: A Mystery, London:Chatto & Windus,→OCLC:
      Everything a living animal could do to destroy and to desecrate bed and walls had been done.[]  A canister of flour from thekitchen had been thrown at the looking-glass and lay like trampled snow over the remains of a decent blue suit with the lining ripped out which lay on top of the ruin of a plastic wardrobe.
    • 1980, Jona Lewie, Keef Trouble, “You'll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties”, performed byJona Lewie:
      I always leave the stuff piled up, piled up in the sink / But you will always find him in thekitchen at parties
  2. (by extension)Cuisine; style of cooking.
    • 2011, Jacques Pépin,Essential Pépin: More Than 700 All-Time Favorites from My Life in Food,→ISBN:
      I had been trained with the rigidity and discipline of the Frenchkitchen, and now I was embracing American informality.
    • 2011, Daniel Orr,Paradise Kitchen: Caribbean Cooking with Chef Daniel Orr,→ISBN, page221:
      My palate passionately lies in the savorykitchen with its salty fats and infernal flavors of chilies and spices.
    • 2015, Yael Raviv,Falafel Nation: Cuisine and the Making of National Identity in Israel,→ISBN:
      Kline wrote that, according to various recent surveys, the young Israeli-born generation generally preferred a Mediterranean diet and dishes from the “Oriental”kitchen.
    • 2015, Mimi Sheraton,1,000 Foods To Eat Before You Die: A Food Lover's Life List,→ISBN, page651:
      Named for the La Merced monastery, which was built in 1594 and on whose grounds the market is now located, it is just east of Mexico City's famed Zócalo plaza and is a must-visit for anyone wanting to experience the many delectable specialties of the Mexicankitchen.
  3. (chiefly African-American Vernacular) Thenape of a person'shairline, often referring to its uncombed or "nappy" look.
  4. (music) Thepercussion section of anorchestra.
    • 1981, Norman Del Mar,Anatomy of the Orchestra:
      For obvious reasons the percussion is normally arranged along the back of the platform, whether centrally or to one side, and sometimes also in two tiers, the heavy, noisier instruments behind, and the pitched, agile instruments such as vibraphone, marimba, etc. in front. An outstanding exception, however, exists in Roberto Gerhard'sEpithalamion where the composer expressly desired that the all-importantkitchen department be spread out in front of the strings and hence nearest the audience.
  5. (dated) Autensil forroastingmeat.
    • 1897,The Warm Springs Receipt-book, page70:
      There are two modes of roasting: One is to use a tinkitchen before an open fire, and the other, and more common way, is to use a hot oven.
  6. (attributive) Adomesticated oruneducated form of a language.
  7. (slang) Apublicgamingroom in acasino.
    • 1925, William Rutherford Hayes Trowbridge,In the sun with a passport, page31:
      Having done what was required to gain admittance to the "kitchen," as the public rooms are termed, as well as to the more exclusive "Salle Privée"[]
    • 1953, Ian Fleming,Casino Royale:
      But on this June evening when Bond walked through the 'kitchen' into the salle privée, it was with a sensation of confidence and cheerful anticipation that he changed a million francs into plaques of fifty mille and took a seat[]
  8. (obsolete) Anything eaten as arelish with bread, potatoes, etc.; acondiment.
  9. The region of abilliard table between the head rail and the head string.

Usage notes

  • (area for preparing food): Akitchenfruit,kitchenapple, or the like, or onegood for the kitchen, is one suitable for use in prepared foods.

Derived terms








kitchen (third-person singular simple presentkitchens,present participlekitchening,simple past and past participlekitchened)

  1. To do kitchen work; to preparefood.
    • 1842, Caroline Matilda Kirkland,Forest Life - Volume 2, page52:
      A dress scarcely suited to woodlandkitchening was defended by an apron borrowed from the maid.
    • 1899, Egerton Castle -,The Light of Scarthey: A Romance, page10:
      "...May I ? " added the speaker, and forthwith took his answer from his master's smile ; "may I respectfully see what the old one haskitchened for you when I was not there ? "
    • 1920,Suffragist - Volumes 8-9, page239:
      Instinctively they moved toward community canning, community baking, communitykitchening on the grand scale to release energy for other war exigencies.
    • 1979, Barbara Ninde Byfield,A parcel of their fortunes,→ISBN, page21:
      From somewhere through the series of connecting rooms she smelled food, the stabbing odor of onions cooking, a distantly familiar spice, heard the clatter of womenkitchening.
  2. Toembellish a basic food; toseason, addcondiments, etc.
    • 1817, Mrs. Edgworth,Tales of Real Life, Or, Scenes in Ireland:
      I have found it so, for whenever I saw the meal and potatoes running low, I spared them, andkitchened them all I could, and never was run out of them till the new came in.
    • 1851, John Mackay Wilson,Tales of the Borders and of Scotland:
      I "kitchened" my loaf, as they say in Scotland, with a pennyworth of butter, and occasionally with lettuce or a few radishes in their season ; and the beverage with which I regaled myself, after my meals, was a glass of water from the nearest pump.
    • 1893, Malcolm Ferguson,Fishing Incidents and Adventures:
      The green hill slopes are dotted over with sheep and lambs nibbling away at their morning meal,kitchened with blabs of sparkling dew, and higher up the mountain side we hear the " cootie moorcock's coothy craw."
    • 1907, Thomas Finlayson Henderson, Francis Watt,Scotland of to-day, page358:
      This was seasoned with salt and sometimeskitchened with butter.
  3. (by extension) Toembellish; todress up.
    • 1830,The Imperial Magazine:
      His Maker has not so endowed him as to lay him under the necessity ofkitchening, so to speak, a slender share of talent, and, by rigid economy, make it go as far as possible.
    • 2003, Patrick Kavanagh, Antoinette Quinn,A Poet's Country: Selected Prose,→ISBN, page211:
      But as in his novels and other work there is a 'kitchening' of the material, a tentativeness.


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