Rezaei, Tahereh (2020)First notes on the syntax of Kholosi as a heritage language in the south of Iran[1], Hormozgan Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts & Tourism Organization
2002, Gad Nassi, editor,En Tierras Ajenas Yo Me Vo Murir: Tekstos Kontemporanos en Djudeo-espaniol : Leyenda de Una Lingua - Haketia - Kuentos. Memorias - Meliselda - Oki Oki[2], Isis,→ISBN,page414:
Los amigos i los parientes a pareser, avian eksplikado a muestra mamake, achakes del numero chiko de famiyas de la komunitad djudiya de Pashabahche, no se puedia asperar de tener un ayudo de eya, ike kaliake mirara de bushkar otrun remedio.
The friends and relatives in position, they had explained to our motherthat, because of the small number of families from Pashabahche’s Jewish community, one could have no hope of getting help from it, andthat one shall need to search for one more remedy.
Una konversa se avia mizmo salvado de la muerte, en afirmandoke, achakes de su fervor katoliko avia mojado su rida kon esta sangre.
One convert had saved herself from death by declaringthat, because of her Catholic fervour, she had washed her hands of this blood.
(literally, “One convert had herself saved from the death in affirmingthat because of her Catholic fervour she has soaked her handkerchief with this blood.”)
2013, Myriam Moscona, Jacobo Sefamí with Martín Fierro, José Hernández,Por mi boka: Textos de la diáspora sefardí en ladino[4], Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial México,→ISBN,page222:
[…] I el kijo azer lo mizmo, komo un buen kavayero, adjustar al suyo el nombre de la suya, i yamarse “don Kishot de la Mancha”,ke asegun el, deklarava klaramente su linaje i patria, i la onorava en tomandola por alkunya.
And he kept repeating himself, like a good knight, adding to his name the name of his homeland, and calling himself ‘don Koshot de la Mancha’,as according to him, it was clearly declaring his lineage and homeland, and he was esteeming it in treating it like family.
may;might(indicating desire or permission, usually used with the subjunctive)
Ke tenga muncha azlaha en tu vida i en la otra.
May you have much success in this life and the next.
2006, Matilda Koén-Sarano,Por el plazer de kontar[5], Nur Afakot,page28:
Este es un kuento atado a una eksperiensa emosional sovrenatural,ke sea una eksperiensa emosional sovrenatural,ke sea una eksperiensa emosional relijioza personal, komo por exemplo un kuento sovre un santo sovrenatural o sovre un amahamiento mirakolozo,ke se trate de una eksperiensia emosional de un enkontro kon un ser sovrenatural o de un ser de otro mundo, komo un guerko o un fantazma.
This is an account connected to an emotional supernatural experience, whether it be an emotional supernatural experience, or a personal emotional religious experience, as for example an account about a supernatural saint or about a miracle cure, it is about an emotional experience from an encounter with a supernatural being or a being from another world, like a demon or a ghost.
19th century, Sa'adi Besalel a-Levi, edited by Aron Rodrigue, Sarah Abrevaya Stein,A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi[7], Stanford University Press, published2012,→ISBN,page222:
I despues, respondyo Riza Pasha: "Sinyor, estos 2 sinyores son loske vos avli ayer ke syempre estan mirando en el byen de la sivdad sin dingun enteres".
And then Riza Pasha replied, ‘Sir, these are the two gentlemenwhom I mentioned to you yesterday who are always looking after the city’s welfare irrespective of [self-]interest.’
2003,Sefárdica[10], numbers14–16, Centro de Investigación y Difusión de la Cultura Sefaradí,page83:
Tomaremos de aki adelantre unos kuantos egzempios, eskojidos por kazualidad, por darmos una chika idea de la rikeza kulturala eskondida en las palavras ebreaske en ladino.
We shall take henceforth some examples, selected by chance, to give us a little idea of the cultural richness hidden in the Hebrew wordsas in Ladino.
↑“ke”, inTrezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola.
↑2.02.1Dov Cohen and Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald (2019 June 19) “Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Judeo-Spanish Printed Publication”, inJournal of Jewish Languages, volume 7, number 1, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV,→DOI,→ISSN, page4651
Amanda Bohnert, Kelly Harper Berkson, Sui Hnem Par (2022) “Vowel Sounds in Hnaring Lutuv”, inIndiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures[11], volume 3, number 1
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
Adams, Douglas Q. (2013) “ke”, inA Dictionary of Tocharian B: Revised and Greatly Enlarged (Leiden Studies in Indo-European;10), Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi,→ISBN,page201