Borrowed fromHawaiiankahuna(“shaman, wizard”).
kahuna (pluralkahunasorkahuna)
- (Hawaii) Apriest orpriestess of the traditional Hawaiian religion.
2012,Julia Flynn Siler,Lost Kingdom, Grove Press, page230:They werekāhuna, practitioners of the old Hawaiian religion, apparently offering themselves as sacrifices to appease the gods so that the queen would be restored.
- (surfing) A greatsurfer.
Compound ofkahu(“guardian, master”) +-na(nominalizing suffix; compareMaori-nga).
- IPA(key): /kaˈ,[kəˈhu.nə]
kahuna (irregular pluralkāhuna)
- priest,sorcerer,magician,minister,wizard
- expert in any profession (doctors, surgeons, dentists were referred to as such in the 1845 laws)