jack of plate(armor made up of small metal plates sewn between layers of cloth, similar to abrigandine)
jack of mail
padded jack
1591, John Harington, translating Ariosto'sOrlando Furioso, x. 73 (quoted in e.g.1822, Robert Nares,A Glossary, page 186):
Their horsemen are withjacks for most part clad, / Their horses are both swift of course and strong, / They run on horseback with a slender gad, / And like a speare, but that it is more long.
1766,Walter Harris,The history and antiquities of the city of Dublin:
threescore men injacks or light coats of mail
1786, Francis Grose,A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page15:
The aketon, gambeson, vambasium, andjack were military vestments, calculated for the defence of the body, differing little from each other, except in their names, their materials and construction were nearly the same, the authorities quoted in the notes, shew they were all composed of many folds of linen, stuffed with cotton, wool or hair, quilted, and commonly covered with leather, made of buck or doe skin.
Call you me daughter? now I promiſe you / You haue ſhewd a tender fatherly regard, / To wiſh me wed to one halfe Lunaticke, / A mad-cap ruffian, and a ſwearingIacke, / That thinkes with oathes to face the matter out.
1935, Bernard O'Donnell,The trials of Mr. Justice Avory, page219:
When Wardell arrived on the scene, they were surprised to find that he was unshaven, and did not look too happy. One of them remarked: "The 'Jacks' (detectives) are after you."
2013, Nick Oldham,Big City Jacks:
'I'd like you to meet DCI Henry Christie,' FB was saying. The older of the twojacks reached forward and gave Henry's right paw a quick tug.
Our hero, among his other remarks, had obſerved, that in this place there was no ſuch utenſil as ajack, and that all the ſpits were turned by dogs,[…]
Each of a series ofblocks in aharpsichord or the earliervirginal, communicating the action of thekey to thequill; sometime also, ahopper in a modern piano.[from 16th c.]
Do I envy thosejacks that nimble leap To kiss the tender inward of thy hand, Whilst my poor lips, which should that harvest reap, At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!
In the virginal, an upright piece of wood fixed to the key-lever and fitted with a quill which plucked the string as thejack rose when the key was pressed down. Here used as "key."
A device used to hold aboot by theheel, to assist in removing the boot.[from 17th c.]
A mechanicaldevice used toraise and (temporarily) support a heavy object, now especially to lift one side of a motor vehicle when (e.g.) changing a tyre.[from 17th c.]
She used ajack to lift her car and changed the tire.
Any of variouslevers for raising or lowering thesinkers which push the loops down on the needles in a knitting machine or stocking frame.[from 18th c.]
(mining, now rare) Awedge for separating rocks rent by blasting.[from 19th c.]
(obsolete) A grating device used to separate and guide the threads in a warping machine; aheck box.[19th c.]
(obsolete) A machine for twisting thesliver as it leaves a carding machine, in the preparation ofyarn.[19th–20th c.]
He had his tea and hot rolls in a morning, while we were battening upon our quarter-of-a-penny loaf — ourcrug — moistened with attenuated small beer, in wooden piggings, smacking of the pitched leathernjack it was poured from.
First off Regan carried fifteen grand, packed it in his clothes all the time. Real money, they tell me. Not just a top card and a bunch of hay. That's a lot ofjack (orjack-shit)[…].
Angels come from everywhere with lots ofjack, and when you lose it, there's no attack. Where could you get money that you don't give back? Let's go on with the show
[A] quart of raisinjack was divided between us with the result that tha day proper (after the night before) was spent very quietly, watered and Bromo-Seltzered, with amusing anecdotes occasionally sprouting from towelled head to towelled head.
Sergeant Albrecht: Hey, c'mon, read the file! Shelly Webster, held on for 30 hours in intensive care and, her body finally just gave up. I saw it man, I couldn't dojack for her.
2023, Eleanor Catton,Birnam Wood, page72:
She didn't know what he was doing on the Darvish farm, or how long he'd been there, or how long he planned to stay. She didn't even know if it was his plane. In other words,jack, Mira thought, in a spike of furious resentment against herself.
1932, Isabel T. Kelly, “Ethnography of the Surprise Valley Paiute”, inUniversity of California Publications in California Archaeology an Ethnography, volume31, number 3, page88:
Cottontails were taken along the creeks, under the willows. Their flesh was preferable to that of the jacks[…]"
2003 May 1, “Is that “Jack” in the Pulpit”, inHilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History[3]:
Usually ajack that makes male flowers has only one main leaf (right), while female plants have two. […] The specific taxonomy of Jack-in-the Pulpit, a member of the Arum Family (Araceae), is rather up in the air. Some botanists believe alljacks are just one species,Arisaema triphyllum, while others claim there are as many as three:A. triphyllum,A. atrorubens, andA. stewardsonii.
2013 May 5, “Jack-in-the-Pulpit, and Jill”, inEat the Weeds[4]:
In fact, most maleJacks are under 14 inches tall. MostJacks over 14 inches tend to be Jills.
2003 May 1, “Is that “Jack” in the Pulpit”, inHilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History[5]:
Lifting the flap at the top of the spathe reveals our slender and round-headed friend "Jack," known better to botanists as the spadix.
2017 May 24, Stephen Westcott-Gratton, “Purple pulpits and trilliums”, inGardenmaking[6]:
On every kid’s list of favourite plants is our quirky Jack-in-the-pulpit with its green, red or purple spadices (theJacks) and hooded green-, red- or almost black-striped spathes (the pulpits).
If you want tojack your stats you just write off failures as invalid results.
To increase the potency of analcoholic beverage similarly todistillation by chilling it to below the freezing point of water, removing the water ice crystals that form, and leaving the still-liquid alcoholic portion.
1941,Esquire, volume15, numbers1-3, page176:
Fruit of the orchard has been "jacked" these many generations, with Plymouth Rockers putting the hard cider barrel down into the ground to freeze, and[…]
2010, Scott Mansfield,Strong Waters: A Simple Guide to Making Beer, Wine, Cider ...,→ISBN:
The potency of ajacked beverage depends on the temperature applied to the original beverage; the colder the liquor, the more water can be frozen out[…]. In New England, where this technique was historically used, people could getapplejack to around 30 percent alcohol[…].
1909, Edgur Thurston,Castes and Tribes of Southern India, page437:
A mock living burial of the principal performer, who is placed in a pit, which is covered with planks, on the top of which a sacrifice is performed, with a fire kindled withjack wood (Artocarpus integrifolia) and a plant called erinna.
2001 October 8, Ray Dames, “Re: McGwire's Year”, inrec.sport.baseball[7] (Usenet):
The year before ('76) Kingman had 37jacks with only 502 PAs. Is that the limit?
2002 April 18, Perry, “Re: To all you Oakland A's fans...”, inrec.sport.baseball[8] (Usenet):
Me three. I never have quite understood all the "three true outcomes" fetish around here. I mean, I know that building an offense around walks and 3-runjacks embodies the Sabermetric Virtues, and especially in today's conditions that's the way to win, but man, it sure leads to some slow, boring games.
2004 January 18, Terrell Miller, “Re: Does playing for the 3-run home run really help you win championships?”, inrec.sport.baseball[9] (Usenet):
3-runjacks are just another tool in a team's chest. The goal is to make the playoffs, then win at least one more game than your opponent each round. And repeat next year, and the year after that, and...
1986,Arete: The Journal of Sport Literature[10], volume 4, Sport Literature Association:
An excellent piece of work, Wayne thought, so good in fact, he wasn’t surprised when Bailey walked to the plate and on the first pitchjacked the ball far into the parking lot outside the left-field fence for a tournament winning homerun.
2004, Wayne Stewart,Hitting Secrets of the Pros: Big League Sluggers Reveal the Tricks of Their Trade, McGraw-Hill Professional,→ISBN,page90:
Therefore, even though Vizquel is certainly not a power hitter, at times he will try tojack the ball, perhaps pulling it with just enough oomph to carry down the line for a homer.
a.2009, Jim McManus, quoted in T.J. Lewis,A View from the Mound: My Father’s Life in Baseball, Lulu.com (publisher, 2008),→ISBN,page 107:
Maybe he hung a curve ball to somebody and theyjacked it out of the park on him and he wasn’t upset about it.