If I digg'd up thy forefathers graves, And hung their rotten coffins up in chains, It could not slake mineire, nor ease my heart.
1667,John Milton, “Book IX”, inParadise Lost.[…], London:[…] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…];[a]nd by Robert Boulter[…];[a]nd Matthias Walker,[…],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…],1873,→OCLC:
Or Neptune'sire, or Juno's, that so long Perplex'd the Greek and Cytherea's son.
For this th' avenging Pow'r employs his darts; / And empties all his quiver in our hearts; / Thus will perſiſt, relentleſs in hisire, / Till the fair ſlave be render'd to her ſire: [...]
2019, Li Huang, James Lambert, “Another Arrow for the Quiver: A New Methodology for Multilingual Researchers”, inJournal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,→DOI, page 3:
News of this notice from the university was picked up by local media and had the effect of raising theire of some citizens who saw this as an attack on ‘Chinese heritage’, which in turn resulted in a rapid apology from the university[.]
2022 December 27, Brianna Sacks, “Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city”, inThe Washington Post[1], archived fromthe original on29 December 2022:
Meanwhile, Buffalo was under a driving ban until midnight Thursday because many of its streets were still clogged, preventing people from getting groceries and medication. In predominantly Black parts of the city, like the East Side, many residents still can’t leave their homes. Twelve-foot snow drifts still cover windows.¶ Buffalo’s slow, haphazard plowing and response has also drawn theire of county leaders.
“You have enemies. Is that why you have chosen to leave at this time?” Itired me that he should think so, but I held my peace, and when I spoke at last, my voice was mild.
1968, “H. P. Wasson and Company”, inDecisions and Orders of the National Labor Relations Board, volume170, page298:
Only one employee testified as to the interrogation. This was Mary Farley who testified that at the time the research interviewer reached her home she was entertaining company and that she was “ired” by the interruption.
199203, Canadian House of Commons,House of Commons Debates, volume 7, page8115:
Mr. Gray (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine): Mr. Speaker, [...] Having been in the House of Commons for seven and one-half years and regardless of political stripe, the thing that angers andires me the most is to hear downtown metro people talking[…]
2001 August 1, Xan Nowakowski,Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, iUniverse,→ISBN, page104:
[…]to give up anorexia. Everyone else deserves their food; itires me to no end—couldn't write “pissed off,” too juvenile—to hear other girls say, “I shouldn't be eating this.”Shut up, I want to say,you're fucking gorgeous.
2012 September 14, Jim McGahern,A Leg up on the Canon Book 3: Adaptations of Shakespeare's Tragedies and Kyd's the Spanish Tragedy, iUniverse,→ISBN, page264:
Instinctively Lear knows she is making some sense, but he has never been treated in this way before and itires him into calling Goneril a “degenerate bastard” The decrepit old[…]
2014 March, John A. Tirpak, “Gates versus the Air Force”, inAir Force Magazine, page56:
The origin of Gates’ decapitation of the Air Force’s top leadership clearly lie with the F-22. Gates wasired that “every time Moseley and Air Force secretary Mike Wynne came to see me, it was about a new bomber or more F-22s.”
2020, Sarah Hawkswood,River of Sins, Allison and Busby:
‘And do not leave Furnaux in a pool of blood, however much heires you. He has his uses.’
That lord is now of Thebes the Citee, Fulfild ofire and of iniquitee, He, for despit and for his tirannye, To do the dede bodyes vileynye, Of alle oure lordes, whiche that been slawe, Hath alle the bodyes on an heep ydrawe, And wol nat suffren hem, by noon assent, Neither to been yburyed nor ybrent.