1624,Henry Wotton,The Elements of Architecture,[…], London:[…] Iohn Bill,→OCLC, II. part,page103:
[I]f the greatDoore, beArched, vvith ſome braueHead, cut in fineStone orMarble for theKey of theArch, and tvvoIncumbent Figures gracefully leaning vpon it, tovvards one another, as if they meant to conferre; I ſhould thinke this a ſufficient entertainement, for the firſtReception, of anyIudicious Sight,[…]
1659 December 30 (date written),Robert Boyle, “[Experiment 1]”, inNew Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, Touching the Spring of the Air, and Its Effects, (Made, for the Most Part, in a New Pneumatical Engine)[…], Oxford, Oxfordshire:[…] H[enry] Hall, printer to theUniversity, for Tho[mas] Robinson, published1660,→OCLC,page33:
[U]pon the tops of high Mountains, the Air vvhich bears againſt the reſtagnant Quick-ſilver, is leſs preſſ'd by the leſs ponderousincumbent Air; and conſequently is not able totally to hinder the deſcent of ſo tall and heavy a Cylinder of Quick-ſilver, as at the bottom of ſuch Mountains did but maintain anÆquilibrium vvith theincumbent Atmoſphere.
1667,John Milton, “Book I”, inParadise Lost.[…], London:[…] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…];[a]nd by Robert Boulter[…];[a]nd Matthias Walker,[…],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…],1873,→OCLC, lines225–227:
Then with expanded wings he ſtears his flight / Aloft,incumbent on the dusky Air / That felt unuſual weight,[…]
1705,J[oseph] Addison, “The Antiquities and Natural Curiosities that Lye near the City of Naples”, inRemarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years 1701, 1702, 1703, London:[…]Jacob Tonson,[…],→OCLC,page249:
Here, as ’tis ſaid, the Rebel Giants lye, / And vvhen to move th’incumbent Load they try, / Aſcending Vapours on the Day prevail, / The Sun looks ſickly, and the Skie grovv pale.
1857,Asa Gray, “Lesson XVII. Morphology of the Stamens.”, inFirst Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology,[…], New York, N.Y.: Ivison & Phinney andG[eorge] P[almer] Putnam & Co.,[…],→OCLC, paragraph 293,page113:
[T]he anther either looks inwards or outwards. When it is turned inwards, or is fixed to that side of the filament which looks towards the pistil or centre of the flower, the anther isincumbent orintorse, as in Magnolia and the Water-Lily. When turned outwards, or fixed to the outer side of the filament, it isextorse, as in the Tulip-tree.
If theincumbent senator dies, he is replaced by a person appointed by the governor.
1655,Thomas Fuller, “Section II. The Seventh Century.”, inThe Church-history of Britain;[…], London:[…] Iohn Williams[…],→OCLC,(please specify |book=I to XI), subsection 68 (England Divided into Parishes. A.D. 637.),page120:
But whether parishes,—as usually understood for places bounded in regard of the profits from the people therein, payable only to a pastorincumbent there;—I say, whether such parishes were extant in this age, may well be questioned, as inconsistent with the community of ecclesiastic profits, which then seemed jointly enjoyed by the bishop and his clergy.
Analysts said that, while China sought to wield political influence in Vancouver, whatever role it played was unlikely to have swung the vote. ¶Kennedy Stewart, theincumbent mayor and Mr.[Ken] Sim's left-wing rival, agreed. "Chinese interference isn't the primary reason I lost," he said. "But it may have been a contributing factor." He received 29 percent of the vote to Mr. Sim's 51 percent.
Sunday's results confirmed that Uruguay had followed a global trend ofincumbent parties losing vote share compared with the previous election, as the biggest year for elections in history comes to an end.
The North muſt again have been alarmed, and agitated, by the invaſion of the Huns; and the nations vvho retreated before them, muſt have preſſed vvithincumbent vveight on the confines of Germany.
Proper behaviour isincumbent on all holders of positions of trust.
1679 January 2 (Gregorian calendar),Thomas Sprat,A Sermon Preached before theKing at White-hall December the 22. 1678,[London]:[…] S. R. for Henry Brome,→OCLC,page32:
Certainly all men truly Zelous, vvill moſt induſtriously endeavor to perform the first kind of good VVorks alvvaies; thoſe, I mean, that areincumbent on all Christians.
But, as for ſolid, corporeal Subſtances, I deſire you to ſhevv vvhereMoſes makes any mention of them; and, if they ſhou'd be mentioned by him, or any other inſpired VVriter, it vvou'd ſtill beincumbent on you to ſhevv, thoſe VVords vvere not taken in the vulgar Acceptation, or an unknovvn Quiddity, vvith an abſolute Exiſtence.
He begged Mrs. Tope's pardon when she found itincumbent on her to correct him in every detail of his summary of the facts, but pleaded that he was merely a single buffer getting through life upon his means as idly as he could, and that so many people were so constantly making away with so many other people, as to render it difficult for a buffer of an easy temper to preserve the circumstances of the several cases unmixed in his mind.
When the fires finally come for Whistler, the evacuation process will be hectic, to put it lightly. It isincumbent upon all of us to ensure we're well prepared.
While it'sincumbent on Congress to act, Zimmern told guests on Monday night that everyone can play a part. He encouraged seeing hunger firsthand by volunteering at shelters and talking about it to keep the issue at the forefront as a matter of "moral urgency.".
Hath the cleftCentre open'd vvide to Thee? / Death's inmoſt Chambers didſt Thou ever ſee? / E'er knock at his tremendous Gate, and vvade / To the black Portal thro' th'incumbent Shade?
[M]any a rock, / Hurled by primæval earthquake shock / From Benvenue's grey summit wild, / And here, in random ruin piled, / They frownedincumbent o'er the spot, / And formed the rugged sylvan grot.
[H]e foresaw not that he was losing for ever the opportunity of acquiring habits of firm andincumbent application, of gaining the art of controuling, directing, and concentrating the powers of his own mind for earnest investigation,—an art far more essential than even that learning which is the primary object of study.
Ambition, and Covetouſneſſe are Paſſions alſo that are perpetuallyincumbent, and preſſing; vvhereas Reaſon is not perpetually preſent, to reſiſt them: and therefore vvhenſoever the hope of impunity appears, their effects proceed.
of a body part: bent downwards or otherwise positioned so that it, or part of it, rests on or touches something else; of the hind toe of a bird: fully resting on a support
He has always remained friendly to me, though before his promotion, when he was anincumbent of this diocese, we had a little controversy about the Bible Society.
But if they had waited about the store to see what would happen when he arrived who until last night anyway must have still believed himself theincumbent, they were disappointed.[…] A few days later they learned that the new smith was living in the house[…]
Mr[Barack] Obama's problems were partly structural. Anincumbent must defend the realities and compromises of government, while a challenger is freer to promise the earth, details to follow. Mr Obama's odd solution was to play bothincumbent and challenger, jumping from a defence of his record to indignation at such ills as over-crowded classrooms and tax breaks for big oil companies.
2022 November 16, Philip Haigh, “Trans-Pennine … Transformative”, inRail, number970, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire:Bauer Media,→ISSN,→OCLC, page43:
Just as interest grew under previousincumbent-but-oneGrant Shapps, so interest could wane under new Transport SecretaryMark Harper.
But the prospect of a Presidential election as a contest of the ancients is not a heartening one, and the anxieties it provokes cannot be dismissed as ageism. What are younger people, especially, to make of a political culture in whichincumbents cling so tenaciously to their seats? The median age for senators is now around sixty-five. Mitt Romney, announcing his retirement, at the age of seventy-six, wasn't wrong to declare that it is time for a new generation of leaders to take the helm.
American capitalism is becoming like its European cousin: established firms with the scale and scope to deal with a growing thicket of regulations are doing well, but new companies are withering on the vine or selling themselves toincumbents.
^"incumbens", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
Asa Gray (1857) “[Glossary[…].] Incumbent.”, inFirst Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology,[…], New York, N.Y.: Ivison & Phinney andG[eorge] P[almer] Putnam & Co.,[…],→OCLC,page219: “leaning or resting on; the cotyledons are incumbent when the back of one of them lies against the radicle; the anthers are incumbent when turned or looking inwards”