( informal ) ARoman numeral representingnine hundred ninety-nine (999 ).im (notcomparable )
( medicine ) Initialism ofintramuscular .Alternative forms: IM ,I.M. ,i.m. 1999 , Carrie J. Bagatell, William J. Bremmer, “Androgen and Estrogen Effects on Plasma Lipids in Men”, in Leonard Share, editor,Hormones and the Heart in Health and Disease (Contemporary Endocrinology;21 ), Totowa, NJ:Humana Press ,→ISBN ,page237 :In the past few years, T patches have also been released for prescription usage. Both scrotally applied and nonscrotally applied vehicles are available. These forms of delivery offer more constant T levels and avoid the inconvenience ofim injection.
Misspelling ofI'm .ím m
thing Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015 )L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie) [5] , Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis) Demonstrative pronounProto-Albanian *is + (unstressed) 1st sg. pronounProto-Albanian *me , fromProto-Indo-European *is andProto-Indo-European *me .[ 1] [ 2]
im m (accusative/dative/ablative tim ,genitive (i) tim ,nominative, accusative plural e mi ,genitive plural (i) të mi ,dative/ablative plural të mi )[ 3] [ 4] [ 5]
my ,of mine (possessive pronoun innominative form,adjectival aspect ) [ 6] [ 7] 1.1. possessivepronoun placed →after noun , gender of the pronoun agrees with the gender of possessum/noun: (Gheg)syn i ẽm (jẽm ) ―(one/an ) eyeof mine (one ofmy eye) 1.1.b.definite/singular noun +im m (Gheg: withjẽm m ; a compound of prepositive articlei + pronounẽm m ): libriim ―the bookof mine (my book) syriim ―my eye(Gheg) synii ẽm (synijẽm ) ―my eyeatiim , vëllaiim , biriim ―my father,my brother,my son1.2.a.indefinite/plural noun + (linking morpheme)të + (pronoun)mi m : dy sytë mi ―(two) bothof my eyes 1.2.b.definite/plural noun + (link. morph.)e +mi m : librate mi ―my books (the booksof mine )sytëe mi ―my (the eyesof mine )my (possessive pronoun,adjectival aspect ) 2.1.pronoun placed →before noun , pronoun gender agrees with possessum gender, →restricted tokinship terms , family members: 2.1.a.indefinite/singular noun +im m : im gjysh,im atë,im bir ―my grandfather,my father,my sonIm atë, i dashuri ati im. ―My father, my beloved father.mine (possessive pronoun,nominal aspect ) 3.1.pronoun stands alone , nominal declension of pronoun, pronoun gender agrees with possessum gender (fem. possessor → masc. possessum → masc. pronoun),im m (my ) →im i m (mi ne ): Singular:imi ―mine (Gheg)i ẽmi (jẽmi ) ―(of /the )mine Plural:të mitë ―mine Ti jeimi m . ―You aremine . (Gheg) Ti jei m ẽmi m (jẽmi ). ―You are (of /the )mine . Ështëimi . ―It ismine . (Gheg) Õshti ẽmi (jẽmi ). ―It is (of /the )mine . 1. Possessive pronouns(adjectival) 2. Possessive pronouns(adjectival) There are also alternative forms which can be used before the noun (which will be in the indefinite state). These forms are restricted to personal relationships like family members, for example:
im vëlla ( “ my brother ” ) ,ime motër ( “ my sister ” ) These forms are limited to singulars.
3. Possessive pronouns(nominal) im m (definite imi , definite plural të mitë )[ 8]
akinsman ; amember of the sameclan ,tribe orfamily ( kinship, singular ) Synonyms: afërm ,fis ,fisnik ,kushëri Njëimi . ―Akinsman (Oneof mine ). one's (own );kinsfolk ;family members ( kinship, plural ) Synonyms: familje ,familjarët ,farefis ,gjini A: Kush erdhi? - B: Erdhëntë mitë . ―A: Who came? - B:My family came. aclose friend orpartner ; abeloved andtrusted person( sg.+pl., person (or people) connected through relationship (or friendship) ) Synonyms: besnik ,dashur ,mik ,shok Fromimë , a variant ofimtë ( “ tiny, small ” ) .[ 9]
im (aorist ima ,participle imur )
( active voice , transitive ) tocrumble ,grind ,shred ,refine Synonyms: imtoj ,imtësoj ,bluaj ,thërrmoj ,zbërthej Standard Albanian conjugation ofim (active voice)
participle imur gerund duke imur infinitive për të imur singular plural 1st pers. 2nd pers. 3rd pers. 1st pers. 2nd pers. 3rd pers. indicative present im im im imim imni imin imperfect imja imje imte imnim imnit imnin aorist ima ime imi imëm imët imën perfect kam imur ke imur ka imur kemi imur keni imur kanë imur past perfect kisha imur kishe imur kishte imur kishim imur kishit imur kishin imur aorist II pata imur pate imur pati imur patëm imur patët imur patën imur future1 do tëim do tëimësh do tëimë do tëimim do tëimni do tëimin future perfect2 do të kem imur do të kesh imur do të ketë imur do të kemi imur do të keni imur do të kenë imur subjunctive present tëim tëimësh tëimë tëimim tëimni tëimin imperfect tëimja tëimje tëimte tëimnim tëimnit tëimnin perfect të kem imur të kesh imur të ketë imur të kemi imur të keni imur të kenë imur past perfect të kisha imur të kishe imur të kishte imur të kishim imur të kishit imur të kishin imur conditional1, 2 imperfect do tëimja do tëimje do tëimte do tëimnim do tëimnit do tëimnin past perfect do të kisha imur do të kishe imur do të kishte imur do të kishim imur do të kishit imur do të kishin imur optative present imsha imsh imtë imshim imshi imshin perfect paça imur paç imur pastë imur paçim imur paçit imur paçin imur admirative present imkam imke imka imkemi imkeni imkan imperfect imkësha imkëshe imkësh imkëshim imkëshit imkëshin perfect paskam imur paske imur paska imur paskemi imur paskeni imur paskan imur past perfect paskësha imur paskëshe imur paskësh imur paskëshim imur paskëshit imur paskëshin imur imperative present — im — — imni — 1 ) indicative future identical with conditional present2 ) indicative future perfect identical with conditional perfect
( note : only 3rd person sg/pl passive forms; passiveimet ( “ it is grinding ” ) ) ^ Orel, Vladimir E. (2000 )A concise historical grammar of the Albanian language: reconstruction of Proto-Albanian [1] , Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN , page 241 → personal pronouns §, from IE*me ^ Orel, Vladimir E. (1998 ) “pronounim (my) ”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary , Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN , page154 ^ Oda Buchholz, Wilfried Fiedler, Gerda Uhlisch (2000 )Langenscheidt Handwörterbuch Albanisch , Langenscheidt Verlag,→ISBN , page 196 → (m.) possessive pronounim (my) / (f.) poss. pronounime (my) ^ Oda Buchholz, Wilfried Fiedler, Gerda Uhlisch (2000 )Langenscheidt Handwörterbuch Albanisch , Langenscheidt Verlag,→ISBN , page 323 → ( possessive pronoun(e/të) mi (my, (of) mine); ( poss. pronoun(e/të mia (my, (of) mine) ^ Oda Buchholz, Wilfried Fiedler, Gerda Uhlisch (2000 )Langenscheidt Handwörterbuch Albanisch , Langenscheidt Verlag,→ISBN , page 570 → (m./sg.) dat./abl. possessive pronountim (my, of mine); genitive poss. pronoun(i) tim (my, of mine) ^ Martin Camaj (1984 )Albanian grammar: with exercises, chrestomathy and glossaries , Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden,→ISBN , [[2] → (m.) possessive pronounsim, imi (my (of mine), mine);ime, imja (my (of mine), mine) (see → §134. - §136.: possessive pronouns and declension) pages102-103 ] ^ Olga Mišeska Tomić (2006 )Balkan Sprachbund, Morpho-syntactic Features , Springer Science & Business Media, The Netherlands,→ISBN , [[3] pages199-201 ] ^ [4] 7.) m./sg. nounim/imi ; nounime/imja (kinsman, kinswoman) / m./pl. noun(të) mitë ; f./pl. noun(të) mijat (kinfolks (m., f.)) • in FJALË, Fjalor Shqip (WORDS, Albanian Dictionary) ^ Orel, Vladimir E. (1998 ) “im ”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary , Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN , page154 [6] ( poss. pronounim (my) • Fjalori Shqip (Albanian Dictionary)[7] ( poss. pronoun(e) mi (my) • Fjalori Shqip (Albanian Dictionary)[8] ( poss. pronounime (my) • Fjalori Shqip (Albanian Dictionary)[9] ( poss. pronoun(e) mia (my) • Fjalori Shqip (Albanian Dictionary)im
water im
but than (comparative marker)Contraction.
Contraction ofin dem ;in the The contractionim is obligatory when the definite article has nodeixis whatsoever. In this case it is ungrammatical to usein dem as separate words: Wir sitzenim Garten. ―We're sittingin the garden. Er arbeitetim technischen Bereich. ―He worksin the technical field. On the other hand,im is usually not applicable when the definite article has an indicative function. This includes contexts in which English would use a demonstrative pronoun (“this” or “that”) but also some others. Particularly,in dem is used before adefining relative clause. Indem Haus haben wir mal gewohnt. ―We used to live inthat house [over there]. Mein Großvater starb indem Haus, wo ich geboren wurde. ―My grandfather died inthe house where I was born. The prepositionin can be used with both accusative and dative objects, but it only contracts withdem asim and withdas asins . Thus, the combination ofin with the definite article has the following forms:
Romanization of𐌹𐌼 im FromOld Irish imb ,[ 1] fromProto-Celtic *amban (compareWelsh ymenyn ), fromProto-Indo-European *h₃éngʷn̥ (compareLatin unguen ( “ grease ” ) ,Old High German ancho ( “ butter ” ) ).[ 2]
im m (genitive singular ime ,nominative plural imeanna )
butter Ó Dónaill, Niall (1977 ) “im ”, inFoclóir Gaeilge–Béarla , Dublin: An Gúm,→ISBN Dinneen, Patrick S. (1904 ) “im”, inFoclóir Gaeḋilge agus Béarla , 1st edition, Dublin: Irish Texts Society,page394 de Bhaldraithe, Tomás (1959 ) “im ”, inEnglish-Irish Dictionary , An Gúm“im ”, inNew English-Irish Dictionary , Foras na Gaeilge,2013-2025 im (triggerslenition )
( Munster ) Contraction ofi mo ( “ in my ” ) .Chuireas an peannim phóca. I put the penin my pocket. Irish preposition contractions
Basic form Contracted with Copular forms an ( “ the sg ” ) na ( “ the pl ” ) mo ( “ my ” ) do ( “ your ” ) a ( “ his, her, their; which (present) ” ) ár ( “ our ” ) ar ( “ which (past) ” ) (before consonant) (present/future before vowel) (past/conditional before vowel) de ( “ from ” ) den de na desna *de mo dem *de do ded *,det *dá dár dar darb darbh do ( “ to, for ” ) don do na dosna *do mo dom *do do dod *,dot *dá dár dar darb darbh faoi ( “ under, about ” ) faoin faoi na faoi mo faoi do faoina faoinár faoinar faoinarb faoinarbh i ( “ in ” ) sa ,san sna i mo im *i do id *,it *ina inár inar inarb inarbh le ( “ with ” ) leis an leis na le mo lem *le do led *,let *lena lenár lenar lenarb lenarbh ó ( “ from, since ” ) ón ó na ósna *ó mo óm *ó do ód *,ót *óna ónár ónar ónarb ónarbh trí ( “ through ” ) tríd an trí na trí mo trí do trína trínár trínar trínarb trínarbh *Dialectal.
im (plus dative ,triggerslenition ,does not mutateb ,m , orp )
Alternative form ofum Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
^ Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019 ), “imb, imm ”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language ^ Matasović, Ranko (2009 ) “*amben-”, inEtymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden:Brill ,→ISBN ,page69 ^ Breatnach, Risteard B. (1947 )The Irish of Ring, Co. Waterford: A Phonetic Study , Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,→ISBN , section 106, page22 ^ Ó Cuív, Brian (1968 )The Irish of West Muskerry, Co. Cork: A Phonetic Study , Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,→ISBN , section 57, page14 ; reprinted1988 ^ Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931 )Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry [Phonetics of an Irish Dialect of Kerry ] (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux,§ 134 , page70 ^ Finck, F. N. (1899 )Die araner mundart [The Aran Dialect ] (in German), volume II, Marburg: Elwert’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, page144 ^ Mhac an Fhailigh, Éamonn (1968 )The Irish of Erris, Co. Mayo: A Phonemic Study , Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, section 35, page11 ^ Quiggin, E. C. (1906 )A Dialect of Donegal , Cambridge University Press,§ 101 , page40 FromProto-Hmong-Mien *ʔim ( “ bitter ” ) . Cognate withWhite Hmong iab andWestern Xiangxi Miao [Fenghuang]anb .
bitter Derived fromEnglish him .
he Mekim tek weh himself. ―He needs to go away. 2005 , Kamau Brathwaite,The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica, 1770-1820 (in English),→ISBN , page239 :“Anim seh, Yu nyaam me peas today? Him seh, nuo ma, me no eat non.[ …] ” Andhe said, did you eat my peas today? He said, no ma, I didn't eat them. [ …] him Shi sen' im a letter wah day. ―She senthim a letter recently. 1984 , Laura Tanna,Jamaican Folk Tales and Oral Histories (in Jamaican Creole),→ISBN , page11 :“What de poor Bug do? Tekim pon im back an him travel, an him travel, an im travel.[ …] ” What did poor Bug do? He lethim go on his back and he travelled on and on. [ …] his Den im res' im han' pan di bench. ―Then he restedhis hand on the bench. 1984 , Laura Tanna,Jamaican Folk Tales and Oral Histories (in Jamaican Creole),→ISBN , page11 :“What de poor Bug do? Tek im ponim back an him travel, an him travel, an im travel.[ …] ” What did poor Bug do? He let him go onhis back and he travelled on and on. [ …] her [ 1] 'Im frack look good. ―Her dress looks good. she [ 2] Tanya deh yah? — Yeah, man.Im deh yah. ―Is Tanya here? — Yes, she's here. ^ Richard Allsopp, editor (1996 ),Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage , Kingston, Jamaica:University of the West Indies Press , published2003 ,→ISBN ,page292 ^ Richard Allsopp, editor (1996 ),Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage , Kingston, Jamaica:University of the West Indies Press , published2003 ,→ISBN ,page292 im at JamaicanPatwah.comim at majstro.comFromProto-Finnic *imeh .
miracle im
and im
askirmish about abrawl aduel ariot ahassle im
Alternative form ofhim ( “ him ” ) im
sky heaven FromEnglish him .
he his she it im
first-person singular present indicative ofbûn .Synonym: me Univerbation ofhi ( “ in ” ) +mo ( “ my ” )
in my c. 800 , Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published inThesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 499–712, Wb.14c 23 co beid .i. co mbed a ndéde sinim labrad-sa .i. gáuet fír .i. combad sain a n‑as·berin ó bélibet aní imme·rádin ó chridiu so that there may be, i.e. so that those two things might be in my speaking, namely false and true, i.e. so that what I might say with [my] mouth and what I might think with [my] heart might be different FromProto-Germanic *iz .
dative ofsia :them Old Saxon personal pronouns nominative accusative dative genitive singular 1st person ik mī ,me ,mik mī mīn 2nd person thū thī ,thik thī thīn 3rd person m hē ina imu is f siu sia iru ira n it it is dual 1st person wit unk unkero ,unka 2nd person git ink inker ,inka plural 1st person wī ,we ūs ,unsik ūs ūser 2nd person gī ,ge eu ,iu ,iuu euwar ,iuwer ,iuwar ,iuwero ,iuwera 3rd person m sia im iro f sia n siu
FromProto-Khasian *ʔim . Cognate withKhasi im andProto-Palaungic *ʔiːm ( “ alive, raw ” ) (whenceRiang [Sak]ʔiːm¹ andBlang [La Gang]ʔɪ́m ).
tolive (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
introduces a parallel, conditional, or comparative statement, placed before the thing being compared to im więcej..., tym mniej... ―the more..., the less...Im większy głód, tym lepiej smakuje. ―The greater the hunger, the better [the food] tastes.See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
dative ofoni dative ofone Ktoś musiałim powiedzieć. ―Someone must have toldthem . im in Polish dictionaries at PWNInherited fromLatin līmus , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂leyH- ( “ to smear ” ) .
im n (plural imuri )
( uncommon , regional ) mud ,dirt ,filth Synonyms: noroi ,murdărie ,nămol im
( Southern Scots , personal) him im
( Southern Scots ) First person singular simple present form oftibe im (Cyrillic spelling им )
tothem (cliticdative plural ofȏn ( “ he ” ) ) tothem (cliticdative plural ofòno ( “ it ” ) ) tothem (cliticdative plural ofòna ( “ she ” ) ) ( clitic, emphatic , possessive, dative ) their , oftheirs Gdjeim je auto? Where is their car? Inflection of 3rd-person pronouns
Singular Plural Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter nominative ȏn òna òno òni òne òna genitive njȅga ,ga njȇ ,je njȅga ,ga njȋh ,ih njȋh ,ih njȋh ,ih dative njȅmu ,mu njȏj ,joj njȅmu ,mu njȉma ,im njȉma ,im njȉma ,im accusative njȅga ,ga ,nj njȗ ,ju ,je njȅga ,ga ,nj njȋh ,ih njȋh ,ih njȋh ,ih vocative — — — — — — locative njȅm ,njȅmu njȏj njȅm ,njȅmu njȉma njȉma njȉma instrumental njȋm ,njíme njȏm ,njóme njȋm ,njíme njȉma njȉma njȉma
dative ofoni andony This verb has been postulated to have a Semitic origin due to its frequent usage with verbal prefixes common in Semitic languages such astimid ( “ you came ” ) ,yimid ( “ he came ” ) ,timid ( “ she came ” ) , in which caseGe'ez እም ( əm ,“ from ” ) is the likeliest source. Others posit these linguistic features to be remnants ofProto-Cushitic .
im /imaad
tocome from; toarrive from somewhere im
Romanization of𒅎 ( im ) Romanization of𒉎 ( im ) im • (㛪 ,厭 ,奄 ,庵 ,淹 )
calm ;silent ;quiet ; not talking anymoreim
( literary ) first-person singular ofi