FromMiddle Englishhunting, fromOld Englishhuntung, equivalent tohunt +-ing.
hunting (countable anduncountable,pluralhuntings)
- The act offinding andkilling awildanimal, either forsport or with theintention of using itsparts tomakefood,clothes, etc.
1797,Encyclopædia Britannica:His pictures ofhuntings are particularly admired: the figures and animals of every species being designed with uncommon spirit, nature, and truth.
- The act oflooking for something, especially for ajob orflat.
- (engineering)Fluctuation oroscillation that does notstabilize.
1961 March, “Talking of trains”, inTrains Illustrated, page136:Bogiehunting is not caused by some sort of periodic disturbance but by dynamic instability; the oscillatory system is not the bogies alone but the complete assembly of bogie-plus-body; and variations in track rigidity do not affect the nature of the motion, only its intensity.
- (telephony) The process ofdetermining which of agroup oftelephonelines willreceive acall.
Althoughhunting is technically a hypernym forfishing, fishing is generally not thought of as a type of hunting since it involves aquatic animals.
chasing and killing animals for sport or to use its parts
- Arabic:صَيْد(ṣayd)
- Egyptian Arabic:صيد m(ṣēd)
- Hijazi Arabic:صيد m(ṣēd),قَنص m(ganṣ)
- Armenian:որս (hy)(ors)
- Avar:чанаве ине(čanawe ine)
- Bashkir:һунар(hunar),һунарсылыҡ(hunarsılıq)
- Bulgarian:лов (bg) m(lov)
- Catalan:caça (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:狩獵 /狩猎 (zh)(shòuliè)
- Czech:lov (cs) m
- Esperanto:ĉasado
- Finnish:metsästys (fi)
- French:chasse (fr) f,vènerie (fr) f
- Galician:caza (gl) f
- German:Jagd (de) f,Aalen (de) n(to hunt eels)
- Greek:κυνήγι (el) n(kynígi),θήρα (el) f(thíra)
- Ancient Greek:κυνηγέσιον n(kunēgésion),θηρευτική f(thēreutikḗ),εὔθηρος f(eúthēros)
- Hebrew:ציד (he) m(tsáyid)
- Irish:fiach m,sealgaireacht f,seilg f
- Italian:caccia (it) f
- Japanese:狩猟 (ja)
- Kazakh:аңшылық(añşylyq)
- Latin:vēnātiō (la) m
- Macedonian:лов m(lov)
- Malayalam:വേട്ടയാടൽ(vēṭṭayāṭal)
- Maori:whakangaunga
- Old English:huntoþ m
- Old Turkic:𐰉(b¹/ab/)
- Polish:polowanie (pl) n
- Portuguese:caça (pt) f
- Russian:охо́та (ru) f(oxóta)
- Sardinian:
- Campidanese:càssa
- Logudorese:zera,catza
- Sassarese:catza
- Southern Sierra Miwok:halki:
- Spanish:caza (es) f,cacería (es) f,cinegética (es) f,montería (es) f,cazata f
- Swahili:uwindo
- Swedish:jakt (sv)
- Tamil:வேட்டை (ta)(vēṭṭai)
- Tocharian B:werke
- Ukrainian:полювання (uk)(poljuvannja)
- Urdu:شِکار m(śikār)
fluctuating around a central value without stabilizing
FromMiddle Englishhuntynge, alteration of earlierMiddle Englishhuntinde,huntende,huntand, present participle ofhunten(“to hunt”), equivalent tohunt +-ing.
- presentparticiple andgerund ofhunt