FromMiddle English hot ,hat , fromOld English hāt , fromProto-Germanic *haitaz ( “ hot ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *keHy- ( “ hot; to heat ” ) . Cognate withScots hate ,hait ( “ hot ” ) ,North Frisian hiet ( “ hot ” ) ,Saterland Frisian heet ( “ hot ” ) ,West Frisian hjit ( “ hot ” ) ,German heiß ( “ hot ” ) ,Danish hed ( “ hot ” ) .
hot (comparative hotter ,superlative hottest )
Relating toheat and conditions which produce it. ( of an object ) Having or giving off ahigh temperature .Synonyms: heated ;see also Thesaurus:hot Antonyms: cold ,chilled ;see also Thesaurus:cold He forgot that the frying pan washot and burned his hand.
It is toohot to be outside.
It ishotter in summer than in winter.
1977 ,Agatha Christie , chapter 4, inAn Autobiography , part II, London:Collins ,→ISBN :There was also hairdressing: hairdressing, too, really was hairdressing in those times — no running a comb through it and that was that. It was curled, frizzed, waved, put in curlers overnight, waved withhot tongs; [ …] .
2021 July 20, Jack Healy, Sophie Kasakove, “A Drought So Dire That a Utah Town Pulled the Plug on Growth”, inThe New York Times [1] ,→ISSN :It is one of the first towns in the United States to purposely stall growth for want of water in a new era of megadroughts. But it could be a harbinger of things to come in ahotter , drier West.
( of aperson oranimal ) Feeling the sensation ofheat , especially to the point of discomfort.I was sohot from being in the sun too long.
Aren't youhot with that thick coat on?
Feverish ; feeling a highfever .Active , in use or ready for use (like a bullet or a firing range), turned on (like a microphone or camera).2004 , Phillip Moore,Sealed for a Purpose , page213 :The microphone washot and the show was on the air.
2013 , Larry Munson, Tony Barnhart,From Herschel to a Hobnail Boot: The Life and Times of Larry Munson , Triumph Books,→ISBN , page52 :So I just blurted out, "This is really a fucking way to make a living, huh?"[ …] The microphone washot , and I knew I was in trouble. The radio management came to my house and suspended me immediately.
2014 , Don Carpenter,The Hollywood Trilogy: A Couple of Comedians, The True Story of Jody McKeegan, and Turnaround , Catapult,→ISBN :I leaned forward, still ogling, thinking the camera was off me until the end of the song, but then on went the little red light that meant my camera washot ...
2017 , Charles Henderson,Terminal Impact , Penguin,→ISBN , page 8:"Your range ishot , corporal. Wind unchanged. You've got your dope. Fire at will," Hacksaw said, snapping the camera as fast as the motor drive could run ...
2017 , Scott Kelly,Endurance: My Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery , Vintage,→ISBN :I join the space-to-ground channel to warn Terry that his mic ishot and that everyone with an internet connection or tuned to NASA TV can hear every word ...
2020 , A.J. Stone,Project Titan , Page Publishing Inc,→ISBN :"The range is hot, chief. Fire at will." Alex says with a smile as he steps back and puts his shooting ear muffs on. "I'm going to shoot, major."
2020 , Ferrett Steinmetz,Automatic Reload: A Novel , Tor Books,→ISBN :I run an inventory, verify all bullets arehot in the chamber. They are. But the showroom prosthetics have all exited attraction mode.
( US , not comparable ) Electrically charged .Synonym: live Antonyms: neutral ,dead ahot wire
( informal ) Radioactive .[from the 20th c.] ( figurative ) Relating to excited emotions. ( of atemper ) Easily provoked toanger .Be careful, he has ahot temper and may take it out on you.
( colloquial , of a person) Veryphysically orsexually attractive .Alternative forms: hawt ,hott Synonyms: see Thesaurus:attractive ,Thesaurus:beautiful That stripper ishot !
( colloquial ) Sexual orsexy ; involvingsexual intercourse or sexualexcitement .Synonyms: see Thesaurus:sexy 2010 , Rick R. Reed,Moving Toward The Light [2] ,→ISBN , page50 :There was only one problem. Paul was HIV positive. And just a few weeks after hishot encounter with Max, a letter arrived for him, containing some legalese about HIV infection being a criminal act, with a few chilling words
( slang ) Sexually aroused;randy .Synonyms: see Thesaurus:randy Enough foreplay! You’ve gotten me sohot already!
( slang ) Extremely attracted to. [with for ]hot for her English teacher
Relating to popularity, quality, or the state of being interesting. ( informal ) Very good, remarkable, exciting.[from the 19th c.] He's ahot young player; we should give him a trial.
Popular ;in demand .This new pickup is sohot we can't keep it in stock!
2010 , Andy Bradley, Roger Wood,House of Hits , page206 :And in 1975 one of thehottest Austin ensembles was the posthippie western swing revivalist group known as Asleep at the Wheel.
Of greatcurrent interest ; provoking currentdebate orcontroversy .ahot topic
1964 June 16, “All Eyes On Lema At U.S. Open This Week”, inThe Indianapolis Star , volume62 , number11 , Indianapolis, Ind., page22 :The bluebloods of golf began pouring into the sweltering nation’s capital yesterday for the 64th U.S. Open championship, and thehottest topic was not Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus, but Champagne Tony Lema.
Performing strongly; havingrepeated successes .1938 , Harold M. Sherman, "Shooting Stars,"Boys' Life (March 1938), Published by Boy Scouts of America, p.5:"Keep going! You'rehot tonight!" urged Wally. 2002 , Peter Krause, Andy King,Play-By-Play Golf , First Avenue Editions, page55 :The ball lands on the fairway, just a couple of yards in front of the green. "Nice shot Sarah! You'rehot today!" Jenny says.
Fresh ; justreleased .1960 , Super Market Institute,Super Markets of the Sixties: Findings, recommendations.- v.2. The plans and sketches , page30 :A kid can stand in the street and sell newspapers, if the headlines arehot .
2000 , David Cressy,Travesties and transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England: tales of discord and dissension , Oxford University Press, page34 :Some of these publications show signs of hasty production, indicating that they were written while the news washot .
Relating to danger or risk. Uncomfortable , difficult to deal with;awkward ,dangerous ,unpleasant .1938 ,Daphne de Maurier ,Rebecca :The car sped along. She kept her foot permanently on the accelerator, and took every corner at an acute angle. Two motorists we passed looked out of their windows outraged as she swept by, and one pedestrian in a lane waved his stick at her. I felt ratherhot for her. She did not seem to notice though. I crouched lower in my seat.
1997 , David Wojnarowicz with Amy Scholder,The Waterfront Journals :I've been living here a few weeks and it's starting to get a littlehot for me … I've written myself out of several states in the last six years.
1999 , Sam Llewellyn,The shadow in the sands , page68 :The police are looking for an anarchist who answers my description, seen leaving the house the day before the fire; there was an explosion[ …] So what with one thing and another, His Grace thinks the country a littlehot for me now
2004 , Meredith Blevins,The Hummingbird Wizard , page197 :"Things are a littlehot for us in San Francisco. We'll burn the vardo at Drake's Bay and then head to your place." "Things arehot , so you're heading to my place?" "Hot' s not a big deal. Just a matter of jurisdiction and time.
2008 , Charlaine Harris with Toni L. P. Kelner,Wolfsbane and Mistletoe , page287 :I'd also thought things might have gotten a littlehot for him in Atlantic City, so he'd moved West to its bigger, badder cousin, where he wasn't as well known
( slang ) Characterized bypolice presence oractivity .I wouldn't speed through here if I was you. This area ishot this time of night.
( slang ) Stolen .[from the 20th c.] hot merchandise
2010 , Robert Eversz,Burning Garbo: A Nina Zero Novel , Simon and Schuster,→ISBN , page17 :The camera washot . Buying ahot camera was a parole violation.
( slang , of adraft orcheck ) Notcovered byfunds onaccount .Synonyms: rubber ,bad I wouldn't trust him. He gave me ahot check last week.
Veryclose tofinding orguessing something to be found or guessed.Am I warm yet? — You'rehot !
He washot on her tail.
( of food ) Spicy ,pungent ,piquant , as somechilis and other spices are.Antonyms: bland ,mild This kind of chili pepper is way toohot for my taste.
( acoustics ) Loud , producing a strong electric signal for the amplifier or othersound equipment.( slang ) Used to emphasize the short duration or small quantity of something He was finished in ahot minute.
I dated him for ahot second.
( slang , of avehicle oraircraft ) Extremely fast or with greatspeed .That plane's coming inhot !
ahot pass
a bit hot Alabama hot pocket as hot as hell ,hot as hell baking hot blow hot and cold boiling hot boiling-hot burning hot Castle Hot Springs catch it hot ,get it hot come in hot crash-hot crash hot domestic hot water drop like a hot brick drop like a hot potato drop like a hot skillet egg-hot egghot firehot foothot full-hot full of hot air give it to someone hot give it to someone hot and strong glowing hot go hot and cold go like hot cakes ,sell like hot cakes have the hots for hissing hot hot abscess hot ache hot air hot-air balloon hot air balloon hot and bothered hot and cold hot and heavy hot and high hot-and-hot hot and sour soup hot as a pistol hot as blazes hot as fire hot as Hades hot bag hot band hotbar hot bar hot bean hot bed hotbed hot beef hot beef injection hot-beef injection hot bench hot blast hot-blooded hotblooded hot boiled beans hot boot hot bottle hot box ,hotbox hot-brain hot-brained hot bread kitchen hot bread shop hot brown hot bulb hot bunk hotbunk hot burglary hot-button hot button hotcake hot cake hot cargo hot carl hot cathode hot cell hot chair hot chassis hot chat hot check hot chicken hot chips hot chisel hot chocolate hot chocolate effect hot closet hot-closet hot cockles hotcockles hot cocoa hot comb hot coppers hot corino hot corner hot cross bun hot cupboard hot curler hot damn hot dang hot dark matter hot date hot death hot desk hot-desk hot desker hot-desker hot desking hot diggety ,hot diggety dog hot diggity hot diggity dog hot-dip hot-dipped hot dipping hotdish hot-dog hot dog hot empathy hot end hot extraction hot favorite ,hot favourite hot-fire hotfix hot-flash hot flash ,hot flush hot-flue hot folder hotfoot hot from the press ,hot off the press hot fudge hot fusion hot genocide hot girl summer hot glue hot glue gun hot gospeler ,hot gospeller hot gospeling ,hot gospelling hotgun hot hamburger sandwich hot hand hot hatch hot-hatch hot hatchback hot-head hothead hotheaded hot-headed hot-headedness hot-hearted hot hold hot-hoof hot-house ,hothouse hot ice hot-iron test hot iron test hot jazz hot Jupiter hot karl hot key hot-key hotkey hot-knife hot lab hot laboratory Hotlanta hot lap hotlapping hot lava hot line ,hotline hot link hotlink hotlinking hot lips hotlist hot-livered hotly hot-making hot medium hotmelt hot melt adhesive hot melt glue hot melt ,hot-melt adhesive ,hot-melt glue hot mess hot metal hot metal typesetting hot mic ,hot mike hot microphone hot milk cake hot mint hot minute hot-mix hot money hot-natured hot Neptune hotness hot nickel hot off the presses hot on hot on someone's heels hot on the trail hot panted hot-panted ,hot-pantsed hot pants hot particle hot patch ,hot-patch hotpath hot pencil hot pepper hot pie hot pink hot pint hot piping hot plate hot-plate hotplate hotplug hot-pluggable hot poop hotpot hot-pot hot pot hot potato hot-potato routing hot press hotpress hot-press hot-presser hot property hot pursuit hot rail hot reactor hot refuel hot rock hot rodder hot-rodder ,hotrodder hot rod ,hotrod hot roll hot rolling hot sauce hot saw hot-saw hot seal hot seat hot second hot set hot sheet hotsheet hot-sheet motel hot shift hot shit hot shoe hot shop hot short hot-short hotshot ,hot shot hotski hot-skull hot sleeper hot spare hot spell hot-spirited hot spot hot spring Hot Spring County Hot Springs Hot Springs County hotspur hot squat hot-stage hot stamp hot-stopping hot stove hot-stove hot stove league hot streak hot stuff Hot Sulphur Springs hot-swap hot swap hot-swappable hot take hot-takey hot talk hot tamale hot tap hot tapping hot tear hot tearing hot-tempered hotten hotter hotter than a pistol hotter than a two dollar pistol hot ticket hottie hot tiger hotting hottish hot toddy hot top hot to trot hot-to-trot hot trod ,hot-trod hot truck hot tub hot-tub hot-tubber hot tubber hot tube hotty hot under the collar hot up hotwalk hot wall hot wallet hot war hot wash hotwash hot water hot water bag hot water bottle hot water bottle rash hot water can hot water heater hot wave hot well hot whiskey hot whisky hot wiener hotwife hot wind hot wing hot-wire hot-wired hot with hotword hot-work ,hot work hot-working hot yoga hot ziggety hot zone I'm hot in hot pursuit in the hot seat like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks like a hen on a hot griddle like a hot knife through butter like hot cakes like throwing a hot dog down a hallway make it hot for ,make things hot for more than someone has had hot dinners Nashville hot chicken nonhot not so hot not-so-hot one-hot overhot piping hot process hot water red-hot red hot red-hot minute red-hot poker run hot run hot and cold scalding hot scorching hot searing hot semihot shit-hot shit hot smoking hot steaming hot strike the iron while it's hot strike while the iron is hot superhot three hots and a cot too hot for too hot to handle too hot to hold ultrahot ultra-hot jupiter unhot warm-hot intergalactic medium white-hot white hot white-hot having a high temperature
Acehnese:please add this translation if you can Ahom:𑜍𑜨𑜃𑜫 ( ron ) Ainu:セセㇰ ( sesek ) ,セイセㇰ ( seysek ) Albanian:nxehtë (sq) Arabic:حَارّ (ar) m ( ḥārr ) ,سَاخِن ( sāḵin ) Egyptian Arabic:سخن ( suḵn ) Hijazi Arabic:حار ( ḥārr ) Armenian:տաք (hy) ( takʻ ) Assamese:গৰম ( gorom ) ,তপত ( topot ) ,চেঙা ( seṅa ) Asturian:caliente (ast) Azerbaijani:isti (az) ,qaynar (az) ( boiling-hot ) ,qızğın (az) Baba Malay:pane Bahnar:tŏ Bashkir:эҫе ( eśe ) Basque:bero Belarusian:гара́чы (be) ( haráčy ) Bengali:গরম (bn) ( gorom ) Bikol Central:mainit (bcl) Breton:tomm (br) Bulgarian:горе́щ (bg) ( goréšt ) Burmese:ပူ (my) ( pu ) Catalan:calent (ca) Cebuano:init Chakma:please add this translation if you can Chamicuro:chpelo Chechen:довха ( dovxa ) Cherokee:ᎤᏗᎴᎩ ( udilegi ) Chinese:Cantonese:熱 / 热 ( jit6 ) Dungan:жә ( řə ) Hokkien:熱 / 热 (zh-min-nan) ( joa̍h, loa̍h ) ,燒 / 烧 (zh-min-nan) ( sio ) Mandarin:熱 / 热 (zh) ( rè ) Wu:熱 / 热 Chukchi:нытгылӄин ( nytgylqin ) Cornish:tomm Crimean Tatar:issi Czech:horký (cs) m Danish:hed (da) ,varm (da) Dhivehi:ހޫނު ( hūnu ) Dolgan:итии ( itii ) Dutch:heet (nl) ,warm (nl) Erzya:пси ( psi ) Esperanto:varmega Estonian:kuum (et) Evenki:хэку ( həku ) Faroese:heitur Finnish:kuuma (fi) Franco-Provençal:chôd French:chaud (fr) ,très chaud Friulian:cjalt ,čhald Galician:quente (gl) Georgian:ცხელი (ka) ( cxeli ) German:heiß (de) Greek:ζεστός (el) m ( zestós ) ,θερμός (el) ( thermós ) Ancient:θερμός ( thermós ) ,ζεστός ( zestós ) Guaraní:aku (h-) Haitian Creole:cho Hawaiian:wela Hebrew:חַם (he) ( kham ) Hiligaynon:mainit Hindi:गरम (hi) ( garam ) ,गर्म (hi) ( garm ) ,उष्ण (hi) ( uṣṇa ) ,तपित (hi) ( tapit ) Hungarian:( excessively, unpleasantly ) : forró (hu) ,( pleasantly, moderately ) : meleg (hu) Icelandic:heitur (is) Ido:varmega (io) Ilocano:napudot Indonesian:panas (id) Ingrian:kuuma ,vari Ingush:дӏайха ( dˀajxa ) Interlingua: (multo )calide Irish:te Old Irish:té Isan:ฮ้อน Italian:caldo (it) ,molto caldo ,bollente (it) Iu Mien:jorm Japanese:熱い (ja) ( atsui ) ( water, food ) Javanese:panas (jv) Jeju:지접다 ( jijeopda ) Kaingang:rỹ Kapampangan:mapali Kashmiri:وُشُن ( vuśun ) ,گَرٕم ( garụm ) ,تۆت ( tot ) Kazakh:ыстық ( ystyq ) Khmer:ក្ដៅ (km) ( kdaw ) Komi-Permyak:пöсь ( pöś ) Konkani:हून ( hūn ) Korean:뜨겁다 (ko) ( tteugeopda ) ( external objects ) Kott:afam ,fal ,phal ,paltu ,palá ,pfóltu Kumyk:исси ( issi ) Kurdish:Central Kurdish:گەرم (ckb) ( germ ) Northern Kurdish:germ (ku) ,kel (ku) Kyrgyz:ысык (ky) ( ısık ) Lao:ຮ້ອນ ( hǭn ) Latgalian:korsts Latin:calidus (la) ,igneus (la) Latvian:karsts (lv) Lithuanian:karštas Louisiana Creole French:sho Lü:ᦣᦸᧃᧉ ( hoan² ) Macedonian:врел ( vrel ) ,жежок ( žežok ) ,топол ( topol ) ( manageably hot ) Malay:panas (ms) Malayalam:ചൂട് (ml) ( cūṭŭ ) Maltese:sħun m Manchu:ᡥᠠᠯᡥᡡᠨ ( halhūn ) Maori:mahana (mi) ,wera Marathi:गरम ( garam ) ,तप्त ( tapta ) Moksha:пси ( psi ) Mongolian:халуун (mn) ( xaluun ) Nanai:пеку ( pjeku ) Naxi:cer Northern Altai:изиг ( izig ) Northern Thai:ᩁ᩶ᩬᩁ Norwegian:varm (no) ,het (no) Occitan:caud (oc) m Old English:hāt ,wearm Old Saxon:hēt ,warm Oromo:ho'aa Ossetian:тӕвд ( tævd ) Ottoman Turkish:صیجاق ( sıcak ) ,ایصی ( ısı, ıssı ) Pangasinan:ampuetang Parauk:hax Pashto:تود (ps) m ( tod ) ,توده f ( tawda ) ,ګرم ( garëm ) Pennsylvania German:heess Persian:داغ (fa) ( dâğ ) Polish:gorący (pl) Portuguese: (muito )quente (pt) Quechua:rupha Rapa Nui:hana Rohingya:gorom Romanian:cald (ro) ,fierbinte (ro) Romansch:chaud Russian:горя́чий (ru) ( gorjáčij ) ( water, food ) S'gaw Karen:ကိၢ် ( koẖ ) Samoan:vevela Sanskrit:उष्ण (sa) ( uṣṇa ) ,तप्त (sa) ( tapta ) Sardinian:caldu Scottish Gaelic:teth Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:вру̑ћ Roman:vrȗć Shan:ႁွၼ်ႉ (shn) ( hâ̰un ) Simeulue:please add this translation if you can Sinhalese:රස්නෙ ( rasne ) ,උණු (si) ( uṇu ) Slovak:horúci Slovene:vroč (sl) Somali:kul Southern Altai:изӱ ( izü ) Spanish:caliente (es) ,muy caliente Swedish:het (sv) ,varm (sv) Sylheti:ꠉꠞꠝ ( goromo ) Tagalog:mainit ,nakapapaso Tai Dam:please add this translation if you can Tai Long:please add this translation if you can Tai Nüa:please add this translation if you can Tajik:доғ ( doġ ) Tatar:эссе ( esse ) Telugu:వేడైన ( vēḍaina ) Tetum:manas Thai:ร้อน (th) ( rɔ́ɔn ) Tibetan:ཚ་པོ ( tsha po ) Tocharian B:emalle Tongan:vela Tupinambá:akub (s-) Turkish:sıcak (tr) Turkmen:yssy Tuvan:изиг ( izig ) ,хайныышкынныг ( xaynıışkınnıg ) Udi:гам ( gam ) Udmurt:пӧсь ( pöś ) Ukrainian:гаря́чий ( harjáčyj ) Urdu:گرم ( garam ) Uyghur:ئىسسىق ( issiq ) Uzbek:issiq (uz) Venetan:(pleaseverify ) caldo (vec) Vietnamese:nóng (vi) Volapük:hitik (vo) Waray-Waray:init ,paso ,tub-ok ( Eastern Samar ) Welsh:poeth (cy) White Hmong:kub Yakut:итии ( itii ) Yiddish:הייס ( heys ) Yoruba:gbóná Zazaki:germ (diq) ,germ (diq) Zhuang:ndat Zulu:fudumele
of the weather
Ainu:シㇼポㇷ゚ケ ( sirpopke ) Arabic:حَرَّان ( ḥarrān ) ,حَارّ (ar) ( ḥārr ) Hijazi Arabic:حَرَّان ( ḥarrān ) ,حَرّ ( ḥarr ) ,حار ( ḥārr ) Azerbaijani:isti (az) Bashkir:эҫе ( eśe ) Belarusian:гара́чы (be) ( haráčy ) ,жа́ркі ( žárki ) ,спяко́тны ( spjakótny ) Bikol Central:mainit (bcl) Bulgarian:горе́щ (bg) ( goréšt ) Catalan:( to be hot ) : fer calor Cebuano:init ,alingaang Chinese:Cantonese:熱 / 热 ( jit6 ) ,炎熱 / 炎热 ( jim4 jit6 ) Dungan:жә ( řə ) Hokkien:熱 / 热 (zh-min-nan) ( jo̍ah, lo̍ah ) ,炎熱 / 炎热 ( iām-jo̍ah, iām-lo̍ah ) ,燒熱 / 烧热 (zh-min-nan) ( sio-jo̍ah, sio-lo̍ah ) Mandarin:熱 / 热 (zh) ( rè ) ,炎熱 / 炎热 (zh) ( yánrè ) Danish:hed (da) ,varm (da) Czech:horký (cs) m Esperanto:varmega Finnish:kuuma (fi) French:faire chaud Galician:( to be hot ) : facer calor German:heiß (de) Greek:κάνει ζέστη ( kánei zésti ) Hindi:गरम (hi) ( garam ) ,गर्म (hi) ( garm ) Hote:(thời tiết)nóng Hungarian:meleg van ( the adjective cannot be translated alone in this sense ) Italian:caldo (it) m ,fare caldo Japanese:暑い (ja) ( atsui ) Jeju:덥다 ( deopda ) Kaingang:rỹ Kazakh:ыстық ( ystyq ) Korean:덥다 (ko) ( deopda ) ( weather ) Latvian:karsts (lv) Louisiana Creole French:sho Macedonian:врел ( vrel ) ,жежок ( žežok ) Malayalam:ചൂട് (ml) ( cūṭŭ ) Maori:pūāhuru Ngarrindjeri:waldi Norwegian:varmt (no) ,hett (no) Ottoman Turkish:صیجاق ( sıcak ) ,ایصی ( ısı, ıssı ) Pashto:تودوخي ( tawdoxi ) ,ګرمي ( garmi ) Persian:گرم (fa) ( garm ) Polish:gorący (pl) ,upalny (pl) Portuguese:quente (pt) ,( to be hot ) : fazer calor Quechua:goñi ,gonog ,k'ajay Romanian:cald (ro) Russian:жа́ркий (ru) ( žárkij ) ,it is hot :жа́рко (ru) ( žárko ) Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:вру̑ћ Roman:vrȗć Slovak:horúci Slovene:vroč (sl) Spanish:caluroso (es) ,cálido (es) ,( to be hot ) : hacer calor Swedish:varm (sv) ,het (sv) Tajik:гарм (tg) ( garm ) Thai:ร้อน (th) ( rɔ́ɔn ) Turkish:sıcak (tr) Ukrainian:спеко́тний ( spekótnyj ) ,жарки́й ( žarkýj ) ,спеко́тливий ( spekótlyvyj ) ,спекотли́вий ( spekotlývyj ) ,гаря́чий ( harjáčyj ) ,спе́чний ( spéčnyj ) Uzbek:issiq (uz) Vietnamese:(thời tiết)nóng ,nóng (vi) ,nóng (vi) ,nóng (vi) Volapük:hitik (vo) Yoruba:ooru mú Zazaki:germ (diq)
feeling the sensation of heat
Azerbaijani:ədviyyatlı ,ədviyyəli Belarusian:во́стры (be) ( vóstry ) Bikol Central:maharang (bcl) Bulgarian:лют (bg) ( ljut ) Burmese:စပ် (my) ( cap ) Chamicuro:chawa Chinese:Cantonese:辣 ( laat6 ) Hokkien:辣 (zh-min-nan) ( lo̍ah ) ,薟 / 莶 (zh-min-nan) ( hiam, hiang ) Mandarin:辣 (zh) ( là ) Czech:ostrý (cs) m Danish:stærk (da) Dutch:pittig (nl) ,pikant (nl) ,heet (nl) Estonian:vürtsikas Finnish:tulinen (fi) ,polttava (fi) French:épicé (fr) ,piquant (fr) Georgian:ცხარე ( cxare ) German:scharf (de) ,würzig (de) Greek:πικάντικος (el) ( pikántikos ) ,καυτερός (el) ( kafterós ) Hindi:मसालेदार (hi) ( masāledār ) ,तीखा (hi) ( tīkhā ) ,गरम (hi) ( garam ) ,गर्म (hi) ( garm ) Hungarian:erős (hu) ,csípős (hu) Indonesian:pedas (id) Italian:piccante (it) Japanese:辛い (ja) ( karai ) Javanese:pedhes (jv) Khmer:ហឹរ (km) ( həl ) Korean:맵다 (ko) ( maepda ) Kurdish:Central Kurdish:تیژ (ckb) ( tîj ) Lao:ເຜັດ ( phet ) Latin:acer (la) ,mordax Latvian:ass (lv) Lithuanian:aštrus Macedonian:лут ( lut ) Malay:pedas (ms) Malayalam:എരിവ് (ml) ( erivŭ ) Maori:puhahana Marathi:गरम ( garam ) Mongolian:халуун (mn) ( xaluun ) Norwegian:sterk (no) Polish:ostry (pl) ,pikantny (pl) Portuguese:picante (pt) Romanian:iute (ro) ,picant (ro) Russian:о́стрый (ru) ( óstryj ) ,пря́ный (ru) ( prjányj ) Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:љут Roman:ljut (sh) Slovak:ostrý Slovene:pekoč Spanish:picante (es) ,picoso (es) Swedish:het (sv) ,kryddstark (sv) Telugu:మంటగా ( maṇṭagā ) Thai:เผ็ด (th) ( pèt ) Turkish:acı (tr) ,acılı (tr) Ukrainian:го́стрий (uk) ( hóstryj ) ,пря́ний ( prjányj ) Vietnamese:cay (vi) Volapük:pitik (vo) Zazaki:tun (diq) ,tunın
slang: physically very attractive
Bulgarian:добър (bg) m ( dobǎr ) ,добра (bg) f ( dobra ) ,готино m ( gotino ) ,готина f ( gotina ) Cebuano:hat ,hot Chinese:Mandarin:帥呆了 / 帅呆了 (zh) ( shuài dāi le ) Danish:hot (da) ,lækker (da) Dutch:begeerlijk (nl) ,heet (nl) ,lekker (nl) ,aantrekkelijk (nl) ,porno (nl) ( coarse slang ) Esperanto:amorveka Finnish:kuuma (fi) ,seksikäs (fi) ,kuumottava (fi) French:sexy (fr) ,bonne (fr) f ( coarse slang ) German:heiß (de) ,scharf (de) Hungarian:vonzó (hu) ,szexi (hu) Indonesian:seksi (id) Interlingua:sexy Irish:gnéasach ,téisiúil ,slachtmhar Italian:figo (it) m ,figa (it) f ,gnocca (it) f Korean:섹시하다 (ko) ( seksihada ) ( colloquial, informal ) ,잘생겼다 (ko) ( jalsaenggyeotda ) Lithuanian:ugningas Norwegian:het (no) ,heit ,lekker (no) ,sexy (no) Portuguese:gostoso (pt) Romanian:bun (ro) ,bunoc m ,bunoacă f Spanish:sensual (es) ,bueno (es) ,candente (es) ,sabroso (es) Swedish:het (sv) Thai:มีเสน่ห์ ( mii-sà-nèe )
very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed
Translations to be checked
hot (comparative hotter ,superlative hottest )
Hotly ; at a high temperature.2013 , Ted Reader,Gastro Grilling: Fired-up Recipes To Grill Great Everyday Meals , Penguin Canada,→ISBN :Oak burnshot and lasts a long time. Its smoke is a medium to heavy flavor but not too overpowering. It leaves a buttersmooth, nutty finish.
Rapidly ,quickly .1994 ,Cycle World Magazine , page74 :Whatever happened, braking into the next-to-last hairpin, a blue-sky turn called Cog Cut, Durelle went in toohot .
2009 , Dan Vining,Among the Living , Penguin,→ISBN :He went inhotter than he could have, the Cforce snugging him into the bucket seat. At the first switchback, there was already a hundred-foot drop-off[ …]
2014 , Dennis Foley,Take Back the Night: A Novel of Vietnam , Open Road Media,→ISBN :He rolled over on his belly and raised up enough to see the second chopper coming inhotter , more deliberately than the first. Hollister grabbed Jrae by the ...
2016 , Patrick Carman,Omega Rising , Random House Books for Young Readers,→ISBN , page26 :They were coming inhotter than Dash liked, nose down toward the watery surface[ …]
2019 , David W. Nelson,Ghost Squadron: Wwii Teenage Pilot ,→ISBN :“When landing on dirt, gravel, or pavement, you'll be coming inhotter , faster than a runway made of grass, so try and keep that in mind.
2021 , Christine D. Shuck,G581: Mars :"You're coming inhotter than we'd like." "Roger that, Huygens, increasing reverse thrust by 20%."
Whileshooting , whilefiring one's weapon(s).to come inhot ; to go inhot
2015 , Dave Barr,Four Flags, The Odyssey of a Professional Soldier: Part 1: US Marine Corps Vietnam 1969-72, Israeli Defence Force 1975-77 , Helion and Company,→ISBN , page121 :We would pop over the riverbank and come downhot (shooting) on a designated target.[ …] We started rolling inhot with rockets, then suddenly we started taking fire from the [ …]
2016 , Stephen Robertson CD BA ATPL,Go for Shakedown , Xlibris Corporation,→ISBN :"Shakedown is rolling inhot in Nakhoney right now. You're just in time. They've been getting shot at and are in overwatch for India 21 patrolling,"[ …]
hot (third-person singular simple present hots ,present participle hotting ,simple past and past participle hotted )
Toheat ; to make or become hot.Synonym: heat up To becomelively orexciting .2018 , “Clean Slate”, inWentworth :Turf war'shotting up.
hot (plural hots )
A hotmeal , usually in the phrasethree hots or derivations such asthree hots and a cot .
Uncertain. Probablyonomatopoeic . ComparePolish hetta .
Used to directhorses to theright Coordinate term: čehý “hot ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “hot ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 “hot ”, inInternetová jazyková příručka (in Czech),2008–2025 Borrowed fromEnglish hot .
hot (plural and definite singular attributive hotte )
( colloquial ) modern ,in ,fashionable ,trendy ( for a while ) Synonyms: in ,brandvarm ( colloquial ) involving orcharacterized bysex ( music ) Dixieland ,hot jazz spicy (food)1 When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite, the corresponding "indefinite" form is used.2 The "indefinite" superlatives may not be used attributively.
hot (comparative hoter ,superlative hotst )
( nautical ) right , on the right sideSynonym: rechts Borrowed fromEnglish hot .
hot (comparative hotter ,superlative hotst )
( informal ) hot ,popular ( informal ) hot ,sexy ,attractive hot (feminine hote ,masculine plural hots ,feminine plural hotes )
heated interesting Borrowed fromRussian хоть ( xotʹ ) .
for example hot
even if even though ,although Ruben E. Nirvi (1971 )Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja , Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page64 Arvo Laanest (1997 )Isuri keele Hevaha murde sõnastik , Eesti Keele Instituut, page37 FromOld English hāt .
hot hot (uncountable )
hotness “hō̆t,adj. ”, inMED Online , Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan ,2007 . “hō̆t,n.(1). ”, inMED Online , Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan ,2007 . hot
Alternative form ofod Pennsylvania German [ edit ] hot
third-person singular present indicative ofhawwe Onomatopoeic .
( Kuyavia ) used to direct a horse to theright Seeot .
( Western Greater Poland ) Alternative form ofot Józef Bliziński (1860 ) “hot ”, inAbecadłowy spis wyrazów języka ludowego w Kujawach i Galicyi Zachodniej (in Polish), Warszawa, page623 Oskar Kolberg (1867 ) “hot ”, inDzieła wszystkie: Kujawy (in Polish), page271 Oskar Kolberg (1877 ) “hot ”, in “Rzecz o mowie ludu wielkopolskiego”, inZbiór wiadomości do antropologii krajowéj (in Polish), volume 1, III (Materyjały etnologiczne), page27 hot m (plural hots )
Ellipsis ofhot roll .English hot
( informal ) erotic ( informal ) popular Prćić, T. (2021). Srpski rečnik novijih anglicizama, Filozofski fakultet, page 261 hot m or f (masculine and feminine plural hot or hots )
hot ;sexy FromOld Swedish hōt n , fromOld Norse hót n pl , fromProto-Germanic *hwōtō ( “ threat ” ) , cognate withGothic 𐍈𐍉𐍄𐌰 f ( ƕōta ) . Related to*hwētaną ( “ to attack, stab ” ) .
hot n
threat FromEnglish hot .
hot (popular; of great current interest)Nghe bảo trend này đanghot . I heard people say that this trend ishot right now.