Inherited fromOld Czechhoch. From derivatives ofholý, e.g.holobrádek,holeček,holec,holomudec, +-ch.
hoch m anim (female equivalentholka)
- boy
- Synonyms:kluk,chlapec
Declension ofhoch (velar masculine animate)
- “hoch”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957
- “hoch”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989
- “hoch”, inInternetová jazyková příručka (in Czech),2008–2025
FromMiddle High Germanhōch, fromOld High Germanhōh, fromProto-West Germanic*hauh, fromProto-Germanic*hauhaz, fromProto-Indo-European*kewk-, a suffixed form of*kew-. CompareDutchhoog,Low Germanhoog,Englishhigh,Swedishhög.
The irregular declension from the stemhoh- is due to the development of Old High German-h-, which in Middle High German became/x/ incoda position, but/h/ elsewhere (the latter was then gradually lost, starting from the north). Stem alternations of this kind were usually levelled in modern German, as for example innah (but comparenach),Schuh (Middle High Germannāch,schuoch). Most dialects have also levelledhoch, but the standard language has preserved the alternation in this isolated case.
hoch (strong nominative masculine singularhoher,comparativehöher,superlativeamhöchsten)
- high,tall
- high,great,immense
- grand,important
- (colloquial)hard tocomprehend,confusing
- Dieses Rätsel ist mir zuhoch. ―This riddle beats me. (literally, “This riddle is tooconfusing for me.”)
hoch (comparativehöher,superlativeamhöchsten)
- up,upwards
- (colloquial, figurative)northwards
Wir fahrenhoch an die Küste.- We'll driveup to the coast.
- (mathematics)to the power of
fünfhoch vier- fiveto the power of four, (5⁴)
- “hoch” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “hoch” in Uni Leipzig:Wortschatz-Lexikon
hoch (pluralhochs)
- hock