A unit of surface area (symbol㏊) equal to 100ares (that is, 10,000square metres, one hundredth of a squarekilometre, or approximately 2.5acres), used for measuring the areas of geographical features such as land and bodies of water.
1997, “Buying a Rural Property”, inBack to Basics, Surry Hills, NSW: Reader's Digest (Australia) Pty Limited, page10:
With careful planning almost anyone can turn the dream of owning a small farm or a fewhectares of country land into a reality.
2007 June 16, William Powers, Glenn Hurowitz, “Home on the Rainforest”, inThe New York Times[3]:
Onehectare (about 2.5 acres) of forest cleared and converted to ranchland or crops produces a piece of land worth, on average, $200 to $500.
2013 May 10, Audrey Garric, “Urban canopies let nature bloom”, inThe Guardian Weekly[4], volume188, number22, page30:
Last year 1m square metres of plant-covered roofing was built in France, as much as in the US, and 10 times more than in Germany, the pioneer in this field. In Paris 22hectares of roof have been planted, out of a potential total of 80hectares.