From 1689. Imperative, used as an exclamation to call attention to a speaker; now a general cry ofapprobation.
- (often after atoast) Let ushear andapplaud the previous speaker; Iendorse the previous statement;expression of support, agreement, or enthusiasm for what has just been said.
Hearty congratulations are in order to Selma for her successful completion of the curriculum. /Hear, hear!
An occasion where this phrase commonly appears is in the parliaments with theWestminster system, e.g. UK, as the members are not allowed toapplaud according to tradition.
expression of support
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:好好! (zh)(hǎo, hǎo!)
- Finnish:hyvinpuhuttu,hyväpuhe,hyvä (fi)
- German:hört, hört,sehr richtig (de)
- Greek:άκουσον, άκουσον(ákouson, ákouson)
- Hungarian:úgyvan(,úgyvan)!,(literally)halljuk,halljuk!
- Icelandic:heyr, heyr
- Swedish:hör, hör
- Welsh:clywch, clywch
hear, hear on Wikipedia.Wikipedia