Inherited fromProto-Finnic*haju, possibly equivalent tohaja- +-u.
haju is a neutral term for an olfactory sensation and can sometimes carry a connotation of unpleasantness. The wordtuoksu is used particularly of a pleasant scent.
Inflection ofhaju (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation) | |||
nominative | haju | hajut | |
genitive | hajun | hajujen | |
partitive | hajua | hajuja | |
illative | hajuun | hajuihin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | haju | hajut | |
accusative | nom. | haju | hajut |
gen. | hajun | ||
genitive | hajun | hajujen | |
partitive | hajua | hajuja | |
inessive | hajussa | hajuissa | |
elative | hajusta | hajuista | |
illative | hajuun | hajuihin | |
adessive | hajulla | hajuilla | |
ablative | hajulta | hajuilta | |
allative | hajulle | hajuille | |
essive | hajuna | hajuina | |
translative | hajuksi | hajuiksi | |
abessive | hajutta | hajuitta | |
instructive | — | hajuin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
FromProto-Finnic*haju. Cognates includeFinnishhaju andVepshaju.
Declension ofhaju (type 4/koivu, no gradation, gemination) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | haju | hajut |
genitive | hajun | haijuin,hajuloin |
partitive | haijua | hajuja,hajuloja |
illative | haijuu | haijui,hajuloihe |
inessive | hajus | hajuis,hajulois |
elative | hajust | hajuist,hajuloist |
allative | hajulle | hajuille,hajuloille |
adessive | hajul | hajuil,hajuloil |
ablative | hajult | hajuilt,hajuloilt |
translative | hajuks | hajuiks,hajuloiks |
essive | hajunna,haijuun | hajuinna,hajuloinna,haijuin,hajuloin |
exessive1) | hajunt | hajuint,hajuloint |
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive. |
North Karelian (Viena) | haju |
South Karelian (Tver) | haju |
FromProto-Finnic*haju. Cognates includeFinnishhaju andVepshaju.
haju (genitivehajun,partitivehajuo)
Viena Karelian declension of haju (type 1/tyttö, no gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | haju | hajut | |
genitive | hajun | hajujen | |
partitive | hajuo | hajuja | |
illative | hajuh | hajuloih | |
inessive | hajušša | hajuloissa | |
elative | hajušta | hajuloista | |
adessive | hajulla | hajuloilla | |
ablative | hajulta | hajuloilta | |
translative | hajukši | hajuloiksi | |
essive | hajuna | hajuloina | |
comitative | — | hajuloineh | |
abessive | hajutta | hajuloitta |
Tver Karelian declension of haju (type 1/tyttö no gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | haju | hajut | |
genitive | hajun | hajuloin | |
partitive | hajuo | hajuloida | |
illative | hajuh | hajuloih | |
inessive | hajušša | hajuloissa | |
elative | hajušta | hajuloista | |
adessive | hajulla | hajuloilla | |
ablative | hajulda | hajuloilda | |
translative | hajukši | hajuloiksi | |
essive | hajuna | hajuloina | |
comitative | hajunke | hajuloinke | |
abessive | hajutta | hajuloitta |
Possessive forms ofhaju | ||
1st person | hajuni | |
2nd person | hajuš | |
3rd person | hajuh | |
*) Possessive forms are very rare for adjectives and only used insubstantivised clauses. |
Inherited fromProto-Finnic*haju. Related toFinnishhaju.
Inflection ofhaju (inflection type 1/ilo) | |||
nominative sing. | haju | ||
genitive sing. | hajun | ||
partitive sing. | hajud | ||
partitive plur. | hajuid | ||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | haju | hajud | |
accusative | hajun | hajud | |
genitive | hajun | hajuiden | |
partitive | hajud | hajuid | |
essive-instructive | hajun | hajuin | |
translative | hajuks | hajuikš | |
inessive | hajus | hajuiš | |
elative | hajuspäi | hajuišpäi | |
illative | hajuhu | hajuihe | |
adessive | hajul | hajuil | |
ablative | hajulpäi | hajuilpäi | |
allative | hajule | hajuile | |
abessive | hajuta | hajuita | |
comitative | hajunke | hajuidenke | |
prolative | hajudme | hajuidme | |
approximative I | hajunno | hajuidenno | |
approximative II | hajunnoks | hajuidennoks | |
egressive | hajunnopäi | hajuidennopäi | |
terminative I | hajuhusai | hajuihesai | |
terminative II | hajulesai | hajuilesai | |
terminative III | hajussai | — | |
additive I | hajuhupäi | hajuihepäi | |
additive II | hajulepäi | hajuilepäi |