Inherited fromProto-Finnic*haisu, equivalent tohaista(“to smell, stink”) +-u.
Inflection ofhaisu (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation) | |||
nominative | haisu | haisut | |
genitive | haisun | haisujen | |
partitive | haisua | haisuja | |
illative | haisuun | haisuihin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | haisu | haisut | |
accusative | nom. | haisu | haisut |
gen. | haisun | ||
genitive | haisun | haisujen | |
partitive | haisua | haisuja | |
inessive | haisussa | haisuissa | |
elative | haisusta | haisuista | |
illative | haisuun | haisuihin | |
adessive | haisulla | haisuilla | |
ablative | haisulta | haisuilta | |
allative | haisulle | haisuille | |
essive | haisuna | haisuina | |
translative | haisuksi | haisuiksi | |
abessive | haisutta | haisuitta | |
instructive | — | haisuin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
FromProto-Finnic*haisu, equivalent tohaissa(“to smell”) +-u. Cognates includeFinnishhaisu andEstonianhais.
Declension ofhaisu (type 4/koivu, no gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | haisu | haisut |
genitive | haisun | haisuin,haisuloin |
partitive | haisua | haisuja,haisuloja |
illative | haisuu | haisui,haisuloihe |
inessive | haisuus | haisuis,haisulois |
elative | haisust | haisuist,haisuloist |
allative | haisulle | haisuille,haisuloille |
adessive | haisuul | haisuil,haisuloil |
ablative | haisult | haisuilt,haisuloilt |
translative | haisuks | haisuiks,haisuloiks |
essive | haisunna,haisuun | haisuinna,haisuloinna,haisuin,haisuloin |
exessive1) | haisunt | haisuint,haisuloint |
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive. |
FromProto-Finnic*haisu; withh-, throughIngrianhaisu.
Declension ofhaisu (type II/võrkko, s-z gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | haisu | haizud |
genitive | haizu | haisujõ,haisui |
partitive | haisua | haisuitõ,haisui |
illative | haisusõ,haisu | haisuisõ |
inessive | haizuz | haisuiz |
elative | haizussõ | haisuissõ |
allative | haizulõ | haisuilõ |
adessive | haizullõ | haisuillõ |
ablative | haizultõ | haisuiltõ |
translative | haizussi | haisuissi |
*) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) theterminative is formed by adding the suffix-ssaa to the shortillative (sg) or thegenitive. ***) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka to thegenitive. |