There is a tide in the affairs of men, / Which, taken any way you please, is bad, / And strands them in forsakenguts and creeks / No decent soul would think of visiting.
Thesac ofsilk taken from asilkworm when ready to spin its cocoon, for the purpose of drawing it out into a thread. When dry, it is exceedingly strong, and is used as thesnood of a fishing line.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
1982 July 20,National Transportation Safety Board, “1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information”, inAircraft Accident Report: Pilgrim Airlines Flight 458, deHavilland DHC-6-100, N127PM, Near Providence, Rhode Island, February 21, 1982[1], archived fromthe original on3 April 2024, page 4:
The fuselage came to rest 522 feet from the initial impact point on a magnetic heading of 175 degrees. The complete fuselage from the nose section, including the nose gear section, aft to the empennage, was extensively burned andgutted by fire. The cabin area, which consisted of only the lower fuselage, was melted and the metal was visible in the ice.
2016 October 4, Danielle Pearl,In Ruins, Forever,→ISBN:
It's no worse than what he said in Miami, but hearing him repeat it, attribute it to my father...itguts me. “That's who your family is. Who you are. Stangers—Stanleys, whatever your fucking names are,” he spits.
2017 October 4, Angela Quarles,Earning It: A Romantic Comedy, Unsealed Room Press,→ISBN:
What's bothering me is that I'd felt more for him than I realized, and itguts me that it's over before it can really get going.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.Polański, Kazimierz (1971) “gut”, inSłownik etymologiczny języka Drzewian połabskich [Etymological Dictionary of the Polabian Drevani Language] (in Polish), number 2 (ďüzd – ľotü), Wrocław, Warszawa etc.: Ossolineum, page189
Olesch, Reinhold (1962) “gut”, inThesaurus Linguae Dravaenopolabicae [Thesaurus of the Drevani language] (in German), volumes1: A – O, Cologne, Vienna: Böhlau Verlag,→ISBN, page359
Yakup, Abdurishid (2002) “gut”, inAn Ili Salar Vocabulary: Introduction and a Provisional Salar-English Lexicon[2], Tokyo: University of Tokyo,→ISBN, pages109-110
Dwyer, Arienne M. (2007) “gut”, inSalar: A Study in Inner Asian Language Contact Processes: Part I: Phonology[3], 1st edition, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,→ISBN, page118
林莲云 [Lin Lianyun] (1985) “qut”, in撒拉语简志 [A Brief History of Salar][4], Beijing:民族出版社: 琴書店,→OCLC, page121
马伟 (Ma Wei), 朝克 (Chao Ke) (2016) “qut”, in濒危语言——撒拉语研究 [Endangered Languages - Salar Language Studies], 青海 (Qinghai): 国家社会科学基金项目 (National Social Science Foundation Project), page265