I had thisgig as a file clerk but it wasn’t my style so I left.
That guy’s got a greatgig over at the bike shop. He hardly works all day.
2014 July 24, R. Z. Aklat, “Introduction”, inBecome a Freelance Translator,[S.l.]: R. Z. Aklat,→ISBN:
Whether you want to have some occasional translationgigs or turn freelance translating into your fulltime occupation, you'll need to know some essential things[…]
2016 January 11,Geoffrey Nunberg, “Fresh Air: Goodbye Jobs, Hello ‘Gigs’: How One Word Sums Up a New Economic Reality”, inNPR[1], archived fromthe original on13 February 2022:
In recent decades, "gig" has become just a hip term for any temporary job or stint, with the implication you're not particularly invested in it. I think of the barista or bookstore clerk who responds to my questions with a look that says, "Hey, man, it's agig. I don't really DO this?" That tone of insouciance has made "thegig economy" the predominant name for what's being touted as the industrial revolution of our times.
Peda[nt]. Thou diſputes like an Infant: goe vvhip thyGigg. /Pag[e]. Lende me your Horne to make one, and I vvill vvhip about your Infamievnũ cita agigge of a Cuckolds horne.
Pedant [i.e., Holofernes]. You argue like an infant: go whip yourgig. /Page. Lend me your horn to make one, and I will whip about your infamy, [vnũ citais unclear; perhaps an error for vidcit = videlicet, "namely"], agig of a cuckold's horn.
Play-things vvhich are above their [children's] Skill to make; as Tops,Gigs, Battledors, and the like, vvhich are to be uſed vvith labour, ſhould indeed be procur'd them: Theſe 'tis convenient they ſhould have, not for Variety, but Exerciſe.
From infancy through childhood's giddy maze, / Frovvard at ſchool, and fretful in his plays, / The puny tyrant burns to ſubjugate / The free republic of the vvhip-gig ſtate.
1820, Richard Ranger, “Randall; a Fragment. With Notes”, inJack Randall’s Diary of Proceedings at the House of Call for Genius.[…], London:[…][J. Brettell] forW[illiam] Simpkin and R[ichard] Marshall,[…],→OCLC,page62:
Such was his toil, when one night coming home, / Suchswell uncivil, who'd been out to roam / In search oflark, or some deliciousgig / The mind delights in, when 'tis inprime twig,—
She [a frigate] also carried a Commodore's Barge, a Captain'sGig, and a "dingy," a small yawl, with a crew of apprentice boys.[…] Above all, the officers see to it that the Commodore's Barge and the Captain'sGig are manned by gentlemanly youths, who do credit to their country, and form agreeable objects for the eyes of the Commodore or Captain to repose upon as he tranquilly sits in the stern, when pulled ashore by his barge-men or gig-men, as the case may be.
While Sir William was with them, Mr. Collins devoted his mornings to driving him out in hisgig, and shewing him the country;[…]
1837 July, Nathaniel Hawthorne, “[Tales and Sketches.] Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man.”, inThe Dolliver Romance, and Other Pieces, Boston, Mass.:James R[ipley] Osgood and Company, lateTicknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood, & Co., published1876,→OCLC, section I,page84:
Here a coach thundered over the pavement, and there an unwieldy omnibus, with sprucegigs rattling past, and horsemen prancing through all the bustle.
[W]hen he was gone (in the carriage, mind you, not in thegig driven by the groom), I am sure Mrs. Newcome would have written a letter that night to Her Grace the Duchess Dowager, his mamma, full of praise of the dear child, his graciousness, his beauty, and his wit, and declaring that she must love him henceforth and for ever after asa son of her own.
[T]he room grew stifling warm and vapor clung to the windowpanes, blurring the throng of people still milling outside the courthouse, a row of tetheredgigs and buggies, distant pine trees in a scrawny, ragged grove.