FromJapanese着(gi,“clothing”); only used in combination, usually with the name of a martial art such as柔道着(jūdōgi,“judo uniform”) or空手着(karategi,“karate uniform”).
By the time they got up to the reception building, there was a welcoming committee standing in the lamp-lined drive, all in blackgi, headed by a tall, fit, scholarly-looking woman named Sister Rochelle[…]
2022 September 20, Danya Hajjaji, “‘Really nice guy’: Tom Hardy surprises competitors with entry and victory in martial arts contest”, inThe Guardian[1]:
Attenders watched the Mad Max: Fury Road star, dressed in a bluegi, subdue his opponents and win all his matches. Hardy’s certificate of achievement was awarded to “Edward Hardy” – the actor’s real name.
Kaaz a di gif we Gadgi mi, mi a tel unu: No bada tingk se unu muor dan wa unu riili bi. Insted-a dat unu fi ombl unuself an joj unuself bies pan di fiet we Gadgi unu
For by the gracegiven to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God hasassigned.
Den di ienjel shuo mi di riva wid di waata wegi laif. Di waata did a kom fram Gad an di Biebi Shiip chuon. Di waata did so klier it luk laik kristal.
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
(literally, “Then the angel showed me the river with water thatgives life. The water came from God and the Lamb throne. The water was so clear it looked like crystal”)
Evribadi av di rait fi bi frii fi se we dem waahn fi se an ekspres demself; dis miin se dem av di rait fi bi frii fi se we dem waahn fi se widout notn a get ina dem wie, an fi siik out, get angi infamieshan an di tingz dem we dem tingk bout ina dem ed, bai eni miinz no mata di baada lain dem we set op ina dem konchri.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive andimpart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
(literally, “Everybody has the right to free to say what they want, to express themselves; this means that they have the right to be free to say what they want without anything happening to them and to seek out andgive information[…]”)