2015, Nicholas Whittaker,Platform Souls: The Trainspotter as 20th-Century Hero:
Nose around any modest-sized station and the odds are you'll find that the chargeman's office doubles as a bashers' club, a place where shivering spotters can get warm and catch up on thegen.
The betting also began to shift. "Sixpence Ned wins!" cried three or four; "Sixpence he loses!" answered another; "Done!" and up went the halfpence. "Half-a-crown Joe loses!"—"Here you are," answered Joe, but he lost again. "I'll try you a 'gen'" (shilling) said a coster; "And a 'rouf yenap'" (fourpence), added the other. "Say a 'exes'" (sixpence).—"Done!" and the betting continued, till the ground was spotted with silver and halfpence.
1978, Rose Ayers,The Street Sparrows:
"Give me twogen, then, and take the whole bloody tol. I've walked me teef orf afore rouf this mornin', and wot 'ave I got? Two bloody yenneps! I ask yer."
(informal) Ageneration(group of people born in a specific range of years).
2022 June 28, “Wimbledon tennis: Fans react to Kristina Mladenovic's eye-catching outfit”, inThe New Zealand Herald[2]:
"Mladenovic playing in what the younggen is calling a crop top, but what mygen is calling a bra," Bouchard tweeted. "Sign of the times that Wimbledon has no issue with that. Still can remember the year some had troubles because of 'too short' skirts lol."
2022 July 4, Ben Schott, “Is There Anything That Gen Z Won’t Drink?”, inThe Washington Post[3]:
It’s anyone’s guess whether such attitudes will persist into adulthood, but if Gen Z (and thegens to come) do prove more alco-skeptic than their forbears then the above twelve steps are deftly primed to cash in.
2004, Sally Bishai, “Courtship, Marriage and the Ubiquitous ‘Dating Thing’”, inMid-East Meets West: On Being and Becoming a Modern Arab American, Lincoln, Neb.:iUniverse,→ISBN,page57:
For my fellow first-gens, get ready to hide a smirk, because your life story is likely hidden somewhere in this chapter. For the uninitiated—that is, the person who's never had a thing to do with the Arab way of doing things (namely dating)—I advise you to buckle up.
2016, Dwight Lang, “Witnessing Social Class in the Academy”, in Allison L. Hurst, Sandi Kawecka Nenga, editors,Working in Class: Recognizing How Social Class Shapes Our Academic Work, Lanham, Md.:Rowman & Littlefield,→ISBN, part 2 (Teaching),page102:
[…] I witness firsthand the difficult "downstream" outcomes (Grusky 2014) of social class stratification in a university setting where approximately 3,400 undergraduates (13% of the undergraduate population) are first in their families to attend and/or graduate from college (first-gens). Most of these students are low income and nearly 1,200 first-gens have grown up in poverty.
2017, Temple Fennell, “SCIE: Sustainable Cycle of Investing Engagement”, in Kirby Rosplock,The Complete Direct Investing Handbook: A Guide for Family Offices, Qualified Purchasers, and Accredited Investors (Bloomberg Financial Series), Hoboken, N.J.:John Wiley & Sons,→ISBN,page242:
TheFamily Values andFraming Strategy steps address soft issues as what is the purpose of the new investment strategy, is there a desire to engage and train the next generation (NextGens), and is there building buy-in and engagement across the family members important to strengthen family unity.
(genetics) a theoretical unit of heredity of living organisms; a gene may take several values and in principle predetermines a precise trait of an organism's form (phenotype), such as hair colour.
(molecular biology)locus: a segment of DNA or RNA from a cell's or an organism's genome, that may take several forms and thus parameterizes a phenomenon, in general the structure of a protein.
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
The formgēn appears early on inBavarian, later spreading to eastern and southernFranconian and to the newly developingEast Central German. Its origins are unknown. One theory invokes the original paradigm ofProto-West Germanic*gān, which had*ai in the 2nd and 3rd persons singular of the present; compareMiddle Low Germangân > he geit, modernColognianjonn > hä jeiht, etc. The Old High Germanē might thus be explained as a compromise vowel betweenā andei. What lends credence to this theory is the fact that Old High Germanē cannot have developed regularly in the given position, as it only occurs beforeh, r, w, and word-finally.
TheDictionary of the Irish Language believes that this was a u-stem, while Matasović disputes this classification since*giun would be expected from such a stem due to raising and u-infection; he declares it an o-stem.[1] All forms except the nominative are unattested.
(genetics)gene(theoretical unit of heredity of living organisms; it may take several values and, in principle, predetermines a precise trait of an organism's form (phenotype), such as hair color)
1989,Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea,Jenesis2:21:
Orait God, Bikpela i mekim man i slip i dai tru. Na taim man i slip yet, God i kisim wanpela bun long banis bilong man na i pasimgen skin bilong dispela hap.