Pro. Thou lieſt, malignant Thing: haſt thouforgot / The fowle WitchSycorax, who with Age and Enuy / Was grown into a hoope? haſt thouforgot her?
1816 [1777],James Boswell, quotingSamuel Johnson,The life of Samuel Johnson[…][1], volume 3, T. Cadell and W. Davies, pages210–211:
Sir, Lord Hailes hasforgot. There is nothing in Pryor that will excite to lewdness.
2012, Michael Frayn,Skios: A Novel[2], volume 1, Macmillan, page189:
“That's so sweet of you! I think everyone hasforgot me, sitting here in my box like a doll in a shop and nobody wants her.” “You haven't seen Dr. Wilfred, have you, Elli?” said Nikki. “Our lecturer? He hasn't phoned, by any chance?”