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Fromfore- +‎determine.



foredetermine (third-person singular simple presentforedetermines,present participleforedetermining,simple past and past participleforedetermined)

  1. (transitive) Todetermine beforehand;predetermine.
    • 1847,The National preacher, volumes21-22:
      The relations of life act as bribes to bias his judgment andforedetermine his verdict.
    • 1864,Bibliotheca sacra and theological review, volume21:
      The answer made to this is, in effect, that although the will is in such a sense a power of contrary choice or self- determination that God cannotforedetermine its action without restraint upon this power and destruction of its freedom [...]
    • 1986, Daniel A. Helminiak,The same Jesus: a contemporary Christology:
      This is not to say that one has access to an eternal blueprint or that one is merely going along with someforedetermined cosmic plan.
    • 2004, Paul Carus, Martin Verhoven,The gospel of Buddha according to old records:
      But more to the point was Peirce's observation that Carus's reconciliation of religion and science constituted "an endeavor to reach aforedetermined conclusion."
    • 2007, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Horatius Bonar,God's Will, Man's Will and Free Will:
      If God plans,foredetermines and predestinates each and every deed of a man's life, powerfully controlling all circumstances, all persons, even all forces of whatever variety and magnitude that affects his life, can that man be truly free?
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