Fromfore- +determine.
foredetermine (third-person singular simple presentforedetermines,present participleforedetermining,simple past and past participleforedetermined)
- (transitive) Todetermine beforehand;predetermine.
1847,The National preacher, volumes21-22:The relations of life act as bribes to bias his judgment andforedetermine his verdict.
1864,Bibliotheca sacra and theological review, volume21:The answer made to this is, in effect, that although the will is in such a sense a power of contrary choice or self- determination that God cannotforedetermine its action without restraint upon this power and destruction of its freedom [...]
1986, Daniel A. Helminiak,The same Jesus: a contemporary Christology:This is not to say that one has access to an eternal blueprint or that one is merely going along with someforedetermined cosmic plan.
2004, Paul Carus, Martin Verhoven,The gospel of Buddha according to old records:But more to the point was Peirce's observation that Carus's reconciliation of religion and science constituted "an endeavor to reach aforedetermined conclusion."
2007, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Horatius Bonar,God's Will, Man's Will and Free Will:If God plans,foredetermines and predestinates each and every deed of a man's life, powerfully controlling all circumstances, all persons, even all forces of whatever variety and magnitude that affects his life, can that man be truly free?