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FromMiddle Englishfloten, fromOld Englishflotian(to float), fromProto-West Germanic*flotōn, fromProto-Germanic*flutōną(to float), fromProto-Indo-European*plewd-,*plew-(to float, swim, fly).

Cognate withSaterland Frisianflotje(to float),West Frisianflotsje(to float),Dutchvlotten(to float),Middle Low Germanvloten,vlotten(to float, swim),Germanflötzen,flößen(to float),Swedishflotta(to float),Icelandicfljóta,Old Englishflēotan(to float, swim),Ancient Greekπλέω(pléō),Lithuanianplaukti,Russianпла́вать(plávatʹ). Compareflow,fleet.


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float (third-person singular simple presentfloats,present participlefloating,simple past and past participlefloated)

ice cubes floating in water
  1. (intransitive, of an object or substance) To besupported by afluid ofgreaterdensity (than the object).
    Helium balloonsfloat in air, while air-filled balloons don't.
    1. To besupported by aliquid ofgreaterdensity, such that part (of the object or substance)remainsabove thesurface.
      The boatfloated on the water.
      The oilfloated on the vinegar.
  2. (transitive) To cause something to besuspended in afluid ofgreaterdensity.
    tofloat a boat
  3. (intransitive) To becapable of floating.
    That boat doesn'tfloat.
    Oilfloats on vinegar.
  4. (intransitive) Tomove in aparticulardirection with theliquid in which one is floating.
    I’d love to justfloat downstream.
  5. (intransitive) Todrift orwanderaimlessly.
    I’m not sure where they went... they'refloating around here somewhere.
    Images from my childhoodfloated through my mind.
  6. (intransitive) Todriftgently through theair.
    The balloonfloated off into the distance.
  7. (transitive) To cause to drift gently through the air, towaft.
    • 1865,Walt Whitman, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”, inSequel to Drum-Taps: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d and other poems:
      Over the tree-tops Ifloat thee a song, / Over the rising and sinking waves, over the myriad fields and the prairies wide, / Over the dense-pack’d cities all and the teeming wharves and ways, / Ifloat this carol with joy, with joy to thee O death.
  8. (intransitive) Tomove in afluidmanner.
    The dancerfloated gracefully around the stage.
  9. (intransitive, figurative) Tocirculate.
    There's a rumourfloating around the office that Jan is pregnant.
  10. (intransitive, aviation) To remainairborne, withouttouching down, for anexcessivelength oftime duringlanding, due to excessiveairspeed during the landingflare.
  11. (intransitive, colloquial) Of anidea orscheme, to beviable.
    That's a daft idea... it'll neverfloat.
  12. (transitive) Topropose (an idea) forconsideration.
    Ifloated the idea of free ice cream on Fridays, but no one was interested.
    • 2025 January 8, Steve Holland, Joseph Ax, “Trump won't rule out force to take Panama Canal, Greenland”, inUSA Today[1], sourced fromReuters,→ISSN,→OCLC, Nation & World,page 1NN, columns3–4:
      Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, alsofloated the idea of turning Canada into a U.S. state, said he would demand far higher defense spending from NATO allies and promised to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
  13. (intransitive) Toautomaticallyadjust aparameter asrelated parameterschange.
  14. (intransitive, finance) (of currencies) To have anexchangevaluedetermined by themarkets, as opposed to by centralfiat.
    The yenfloats against the dollar.
  15. (transitive, finance) Toallow (theexchangevalue of acurrency) to bedetermined by themarkets.
    The governmentfloated the pound in January.
    Increased pressure on Thailand’s currency, the baht, in 1997 led to a crisis that forced the government tofloat the currency.
  16. (transitive, colloquial) Toextend ashort-termloan to.
    Could youfloat me $50 until payday?
  17. (transitive, finance) Toissue orsellshares in acompany (orunits in atrust) to members of thepublic, followed bylisting on astock exchange.
    • 1887, Harriet W. Daly,Digging, Squatting, and Pioneering Life in the Northern Territory of South Australia, page210:
      "Peg out a claim wherever you like and we willfloat it," was the substance of many a code of instructions sent by unprincipled men in the mining world of the colonies to the gold prospectors in Port Darwin.
    • 2005 June 21, Dewi Cooke,The Age[2]:
      He [Mario Moretti Polegato]floated the company on the Milan Stock Exchange last December and sold 29 per cent of its shares, mostly to American investors.
    • 2007, Jonathan Reuvid,Floating Your Company: The Essential Guide to Going Public:
    • 2011, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,SIPRI Yearbook 2011: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, footnote i,page 269,
      As a result of this reverse acquisition, Hurlingham changed its name to Manroy plc andfloated shares on the Alternative Investment Market in London.
  18. (transitive) Tospreadplaster over (a surface), using thetool called afloat.
    • 1932,The Bricklayer, Mason and Plasterer, volumes35-37, page35:
      This wire, nailed over the face of the old plaster will also reinforce any loose lath or plaster after the walls have set.Float the wall to the face of the lath first.
  19. (transitive) To use afloat (rasp-like tool) upon.
    It is time tofloat this horse's teeth.
  20. (transitive) Totransport byfloat (vehicular trailer).
  21. (poker) To perform afloat.
  22. (computing, publishing, transitive) To cause (anelement within adocument) to floatabove orbeside others.
    • 2010, Andy Harris,HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies, page290:
      To get the footer acting right, you need tofloat it and clear it on both margins.
  23. (transitive, retail) To prepare a till (cash register) for operation, either by putting a float (cash amount) in the cash drawer to provide change for customers making cash payments or (by extension) by recording the time a till starts being used for card payments if it is card-only
    You can't just close the drawer, log in to the till and start serving customers, telling them you're only taking card payments and that they should gonto another till if they're paying in cash. The till needs to befloated first, so ask the manager on the headset if you can use it and she'llfloat it and let you know when you can start serving.

Derived terms



to be supported by a fluid
to be supported by a liquid
to cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density
to be capable of floating
to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating
to drift aimlessly
to drift gently through the air
to move in a fluid manner
to circulate
aviation: to remain airborne for an excessive length of time during landing
colloquial: of an idea, to be viable
to propose for consideration
to automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change
of currencies, to have an exchange value determined by the market
to allow the price of a currency to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule
colloquial: to extend a short-term loan to
to issue or sell shares to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange
to spread plaster using float
to use a float upon
to transport by float
poker: to perform a float
computing: to cause to float above or beside others
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A small plane onfloats (buoyant devices).
smoothing concrete with a float
a parade float
a float (drink with ice cream)
a woven coverlet; the dark blue areas are long floats that cover multiplewarp threads

float (pluralfloats)

  1. Abuoyantdevice used tosupport something inwater or anotherliquid.
    Attach thefloat and the weight to the fishing line, above the hook.
    • 1983,The Fisherman Who Laughed, page40:
      'What you need are frogs,' said the veteran. 'Fish them at night. There's nothing like them on big corkfloats.'
  2. Amass oftimber orboardsfastenedtogether, andconveyeddown astream by thecurrent; araft.
  3. Afloat board.
  4. Atool similar to arasp, used in varioustrades.
  5. A sort oftrowel used forfinishingconcretesurfaces orsmoothingplaster.
    When pouring a new driveway, you can use a two-by-four as afloat.
  6. Anelaboratelydecoratedtrailer orvehicle,intended fordisplay in aparade orpageant.
    Thatfloat covered in roses is very pretty.
  7. A floatingtoy made offoam, used inswimming pools.
  8. (British) Asmallvehicle used forlocaldeliveries, especially in the termmilk float.
  9. (finance)Fundscommitted to bepaid but not yet paid.
    Our bank does a nightly sweep of accounts, to adjust thefloat so we stay within our reserves limit.
  10. (finance, Australia, and other Commonwealth countries?) Anoffering ofshares in acompany (orunits in atrust) tomembers of thepublic, normallyfollowed by alisting on astock exchange.
  11. (banking) Thetotalamount ofchecks/cheques or otherdraftswritten against abank account but not yetcleared andcharged against the account.
    No sir, your currentfloat is not taken into account, when assets are legally garnished.
  12. (insurance)Premiumstaken in but not yetpaid out.
    We make a lot of interest from our nightlyfloat.
  13. (programming) Afloating-point number, especially one that has lowerprecision than adouble.
    That routine should not have used an int; it should be afloat.
    • 2011, Rubin H. Landau,A First Course in Scientific Computing, page214:
      If you want to be a scientist or an engineer, learn to say “no” to singles andfloats.
  14. Asoftbeverage with ascoop ofice creamfloating in it.
    I don't consider anything other than root-beer with vanilla ice cream to be a "real"float.
  15. Asmallsum ofmoney put in acashier'still, or otherwisesecured, at thestart ofbusiness, toenablechange to be made.
  16. (poker) Amaneuver where aplayercalls on theflop orturn with aweakhand, with theintention ofbluffing after a subsequentcommunity card.
  17. (weaving) Aweft thread that passes over two or morewarp threads (or less commonly, warp over weft).
    • 1991, Carol Strickler, editor,A Weaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns, Interweave Press,→ISBN, pages140-141:
      The appearance of a waffle fabric changes drastically with washing. Yarns differ, but most relax and twist and curl in the longfloats when washed; the severe rectilinear design of the waffle cells in unwashed waffle weave fabric will soften dramatically.
  18. (knitting) A loose strand of yarn that passes behind one or more stitches when knitting with multiple yarns.
  19. (basketry) Adecorativerod that extends over the body of abasket without being attached for part of its length.
    • 1991, Rachel Nash Law, Cynthia Wieboldt Taylor,Appalachian White Oak Basketmaking: Handing Down the Basket (page xii)
      Rod Basket with SerpentineFloats
  20. (automotive) Acar carrier orcar transportertruck or truck-and-trailer combination.
  21. (transport) Alowboytrailer.
  22. (obsolete) The act offlowing;flux;flow.
  23. Apolishingblock used inmarbleworking; arunner.
    • 1863 April 24, “Trade News”, inThe Building News and Engineering Journal, volume10, page324:
      The machinery consists of two saws, a polishing table, afloat for grinding marble, and a ripping saw for cutting slabs.
    • 1925, Australia. Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration,Commonwealth Arbitration Reports, page557:
      Float Machinist— One who squares up, faces, noses or chamfers on afloat all marble, slate, or similar stones, and including terrazzo or similar compositions.
    • 1980,Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, page215:
      Next , finishers rub afloat — a small and smooth, rectangular piece of wood — over the entire surface, carefully avoiding edges and joints.
    • 2015, M. Clara Gonçalves, Fernanda Margarido,Materials for Construction and Civil Engineering, page102:
      Floated: Obtained by successive passages with a woodenfloat on the coat's surface until it is flat and uniform
  24. (UK, dated) Acoalcart.[1]
  25. Abreakdancingmove in which the body is heldparallel to thefloor whilebalancing on one or bothhands.
  26. (computing) Avisualstyle on aweb page that causes the styledelements tofloatabove orbeside others.
    • 2004, Eric A. Meyer,More Eric Meyer on CSS, page36:
      Because marginfloats don't collapse together, the actual spacing between twofloats sitting next to each other will be 6 pixels[]
    • 2007, Michael Bowers,Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns, page93:
      When afloat cannot fit next to another float, it moves down below it. A float's position, size, padding, borders, and margins affect the position of adjacent floats and adjacent inline content.
  27. (biology) Thegas-filledsac,bag, orbody of asiphonophore; apneumatophore.
  28. (publishing, digital typesetting) Any object (element) whose location in composition (page makeup, pagination) does not flow withinbody text but rather floats outside of it, usually anchored loosely (inbuoy metaphor) to spots within it (citations, callouts): a figure (image), table, box, pull quote, ornament, or otherfloated element.



Derived terms



buoyant device
tool similar to a rasp
sort of trowel
trailer or vehicle decorated for a parade
small battery-powered vehicle
funds committed to be paid but not yet paid
finance: offering of shares to the public
banking: total amount of outstanding checks/cheques or other drafts
insurance: premiums taken in but not yet paid out
floating-point numberseefloating-point number
soft beverage with a scoop of ice cream
small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business
poker maneuver


  1. ^1858, Peter Lund Simmonds,The Dictionary of Trade Products











  1. fleet,navy
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