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See also:Fell





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishfellen, fromOld Englishfellan,fiellan(to cause to fall, strike down, fell, cut down, throw down, defeat, destroy, kill, tumble, cause to stumble), fromProto-West Germanic*fallijan, fromProto-Germanic*fallijaną(to fell, to cause to fall), causative ofProto-Germanic*fallaną(to fall), fromProto-Indo-European*h₂peh₃lH-.

Cognate withDutchvellen(to fell, cut down),Germanfällen(to fell),Danishfælde(to fell),Norwegianfelle(to fell).



fell (third-person singular simple presentfells,present participlefelling,simple past and past participlefelled)

  1. (transitive) To make somethingfall; especially tochop down atree.
  2. (transitive) To strike down,kill,destroy.
    • 1922,Edgar Rice Burroughs,The Chessmen of Mars[2], HTML edition, The Gutenberg Project, published2010:
      Gahan, horrified, saw the latter's head topple from its body, saw the body stagger and fall to the ground. ... The creature that hadfelled its companion was dashing madly in the direction of the hill upon which he was hidden, it dodged one of the workers that sought to seize it. … Then it was that Gahan's eyes chanced to return to the figure of the creature the fugitive hadfelled.
    • 1936,Norman Lindsay,The Flyaway Highway, Sydney: Angus and Robertson, page19:
      "Even in his most temperate moments he is constantlyfelling people with a hunting-crop."
    • 2010 September 27, Christina Passariello, “Prodos Capital, Samsung Make Final Cut for Ferré”, inWall Street Journal[3], retrieved2012-08-26:
      … could make Ferré the first major fashion labelfelled by the economic crisis to come out the other end of restructuring.
    • 2016 January 17, “WhatWeiner Reveals About Huma Abedin”, inVanity Fair, retrieved21 January 2016:
      This Sunday marks the debut ofWeiner, a documentary that follows former congressman Anthony Weiner in his attempt to overcome a sexting scandal and run for mayor of New York City—only to befelled, somewhat inexplicably, by another sexting scandal.
  3. (sewing) To stitch down a protruding flap of fabric, as a seam allowance, or pleat.
    • 2006, Colette Wolff,The Art of Manipulating Fabric, page296:
      Tofell seam allowances, catch the lining underneath before emerging 1/4" (6mm) ahead, and 1/8" (3mm) to 1/4" (6mm) into the seam allowance.
Derived terms
to make something fall
to strike down, kill, destroy
sewing: to stitch down a protruding flap of fabric, as a seam allowance, or pleat


The fell, or stitched down portion of a kilt

fell (pluralfells)

  1. A cutting-down of timber.
  2. Thestitching down of a fold of cloth; specifically, the portion of akilt, from the waist to the seat, where thepleats are stitched down.
  3. (textiles) The end of aweb, formed by the lastthread of theweft.
Derived terms
cutting-down of timber
stitching down of a fold of cloth
textiles: end of a web, formed by the last thread of the weft

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishfell,fel,vel, fromOld Englishfel,fell(hide, skin, pelt), fromProto-West Germanic*fell, fromProto-Germanic*fellą, fromProto-Indo-European*pél-no-(skin, animal hide).

See alsoWest Frisianfel,Dutchvel,GermanFell,Latinpellis(skin),Lithuanianplėnė(skin),Russianплена́(plená,pelt),Albanianplah(to cover),Ancient Greekπέλλᾱς(péllās,skin). Related tofilm,felt,pell, andpelt.



fell (pluralfells)

  1. An animalskin,hide,pelt.
  2. Human skin(now only as a metaphorical use of previous sense).
    • c.1390,William Langland,Piers Plowman, section I:
      For he is fader of feith · fourmed ȝow alle / Bothe withfel and with face.
Derived terms
animal hide

Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishfell,felle(hill, mountain), fromOld Norsefell,fjall(rock, mountain), compareNorwegian Bokmålfjell 'mountain',Danishfjeld 'mountain', fromProto-Germanic*felzą,*fel(e)zaz,*falisaz (compareGermanFelsen 'boulder, cliff',Middle Low Germanvels 'hill, mountain'), fromProto-Indo-European*pels-; compareIrishaill(boulder, cliff),Ancient Greekπέλλα(pélla,stone),Pashtoپرښه(parṣ̌a,rock, rocky ledge),Sanskritपाषाण(pāṣāṇa,stone).Doublet offjeld.

Typical fells in Scandinavia.



fell (pluralfells)

  1. (archaic outside Northern England, Scotland) A rocky ridge or chain ofmountains, particularly in theBritish Isles orFennoscandia.
    • 1886, Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr,The Squire of Sandal-Side : A Pastoral Romance[4]:
      Every now and then the sea calls some farmer or shepherd, and the restless drop in his veins gives him no peace till he has found his way over the hills andfells to the port of Whitehaven, and gone back to the cradling bosom that rocked his ancestors.
    • 1937, J.R.R. Tolkien,The Hobbit:
      The dwarves of yore made mighty spells, / While hammers fell like ringing bells, / In places deep, where dark things sleep, / In hollow halls beneath thefells.
    • 1970, James Herriot,If Only They Could Talk:
      I got out and from where I stood, high at the head, I could see all of the strangely formed cleft in the hills, its steep sides grooved and furrowed by countless streams feeding the boisterous Halden Beck which tumbled over its rocky bed far below. Down there, were trees and some cultivated fields, but immediately behind me the wild country came crowding in on the bowl where the farmhouse lay. Halsten Pike, Alstang, Birnside—the hugefells with their barbarous names were very near.
    • 1971, Catherine Cookson,The Dwelling Place:
      She didn't know at first why she stepped off the road and climbed the bank on to thefells; it wasn't until she found herself skirting a disused quarry that she realised where she was making for, and when she reached the place she stood and gazed at it. It was a hollow within an outcrop of rock, not large enough to call a cave but deep enough to shelter eight people from the rain, and with room to spare.
  2. (archaic outside Northern England, Scotland) A wildfield or upland moor.
    • 1612,Michael Drayton,Poly-Olbion,song 11 p. 174:
      As over Holt and Heath, as thorough Frith andFell;
    • 1948 March and April, O. S. Nock, “Scottish Night Mails of the L.M.S.R.—2”, inRailway Magazine, page77:
      The night continued beautifully clear and fine, and as we came into thefell country the outlines of the hills showed up dark against the starlit sky.
    • 2022 November 2, Paul Bigland, “New trains, old trains, and splendid scenery”, inRAIL, number969, page57:
      And there are few better ways to enjoy the rugged bleakness of thefells than from a nice warm train, especially when the weather's constantly changing as the day slips away.
    • 2023 June 29,Metro, London, page15, column 3:
      An artist dubbed the Borrowdale Banksy has created this slate work on a Lake Districtfell after past efforts were vandalised.
Derived terms
rocky ridge
wild field or upland moor

Etymology 4


FromMiddle Englishfel,fell(strong, fierce, terrible, cruel, angry), either fromOld Frenchfel[1] or fromOld English*fel,*felo,*fæle(cruel, savage, fierce) (only in compounds,wælfel(bloodthirsty),ealfelo(evil, baleful),ælfæle(very dire), etc.), fromProto-West Germanic*fali,*falu, fromProto-Germanic*faluz(wicked, cruel, terrifying). Cognate withOld Frisianfal(cruel),Middle Dutchfel(wrathful, cruel, bad, base),German Low Germanfell(rash, swift),Danishfæl(disgusting, hideous, ghastly, grim). Compare alsoMiddle High Germanvālant(imp) andDutchfel(fierce, feisty, bitter). Seefelon.



fell (comparativefeller,superlativefellest)

  1. Of astrong andcruel nature;eager andunsparing;grim;fierce;ruthless;savage.
  2. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Strong andfiery;biting;keen;sharp;pungent
  3. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Verylarge;huge.
  4. (obsolete)Eager;earnest;intent.
of a strong and cruel nature
strong and fiery; biting; keen; sharp; pungent
very large; huge
eager; earnest; intent



fell (comparativemorefell,superlativemostfell)

  1. Sharply;fiercely.
Derived terms

Etymology 5


Perhaps fromLatinfel(gall, poison, bitterness), or more probably from the adjective above.



fell (uncountable)

  1. (obsolete, rare)Anger;gall;melancholy.

Etymology 6





  1. (mining) The finer portions ofore, which go through themeshes when the ore is sorted bysifting.

Etymology 7





  1. simplepast offall
  2. (now colloquial)pastparticiple offall
    • 1650,Micheel Sandivogius, translated byJ. F.,A New Light of Alchymie: Taken Out of the Fountaine of Nature, and Manuall Experience [] [5], London: Richard Cotes, page121:
      For I have heard that my Enemies havefell into that ſnare which they laid for mee. They which would have taken away my life have loſt their own;[]
    • 1796, Thomas Bennett,The Life and Remarkable Conversion of T. Bennett, Etc.[Written by Himself.][6], London,→ISBN, page31:
      I ſhould havefell overboard, or been killed by the enemy ; for having ſo many things to carry along with me, which I knew not how to uſe[]
    • 2013 October 3, John McGahern,Collected Stories[7],Faber & Faber,→ISBN, page147:
      And when it got to ten past I said you must havefell in with company, but I was beginning to get worried.' 'You know I never fall in with company,' he protested irritably. 'I always leave the Royal at ten to, never a minute more nor less.'


  1. ^fell”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, launched 2000.

Further reading






FromProto-Albanian*spesla, metathesized form of*spelsa, fromProto-Indo-European*pels-(rock, boulder), variant of*spel-(to cleave, break). Compare Latin hydronymPelso,LatinPalatium,Pashtoپرښه(parša,rock, rocky ledge),Ancient Greekπέλλα(pélla,stone),GermanFelsen(boulder, cliff). Mostly dialectal, used in Gheg Albanian.




  1. deep,shallow

Derived terms


Related terms






Perhaps an alteration ofMiddle Cornishfelen (under influence fromMiddle Englishfell), itself a mutation ofMiddle Cornishmelen/milen, which being equivalent to the modern wordmilus(brutal).[1]




  1. grim;cruel;fierce


  1. ^Williams, Robert (1865) “felen”, inLexicon Cornu-Britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the Words are elucidated by Copious Examples from the Cornish Works now remaining; With Translations in English, London: Trubner & Co.,pages147, 205





Etymology 1


FromOld Norsefjall(mountain).



fell n (genitive singularfells,nominative pluralfell)

  1. isolatedhill, isolatedmountain
Declension offell (neuter)

Etymology 2





  1. first-personsingularpresentindicativeactive offalla

Middle English


Etymology 1





  1. Alternative form offele(good)

Etymology 2





  1. Alternative form offille

Norwegian Bokmål





  1. imperative offelle

Norwegian Nynorsk


Etymology 1





  1. present offalle

Etymology 2





  1. imperative offella

Old English


Alternative forms




FromProto-West Germanic*fell, whence alsoOld High Germanvel.





fell n

  1. fell
  2. skin

Old Norse





  1. inflection offalla:
    1. first-personsingularpresent/pastactiveindicative
    2. third-personsingularpastactiveindicative
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