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Fromfat +‎-en.





fatten (third-person singular simple presentfattens,present participlefattening,simple past and past participlefattened)

  1. (transitive) To cause (a person or animal) to befat or fatter.
    We mustfatten the turkey in time for Thanksgiving.
    • 1582,Stephen Batman, transl.,Batman vpponBartholome his Booke De Proprietatibus Rerum[1], London: Thomas East,Book 6, Chapter 25, p. 82:
      And if the mat[t]er be too little, the vertue of digestion fayleth, and the bodye is dryed, and if the matter and meate be moderate, the meats is well digested, and the bodyefattened, the heart comforted, kinde heate made more, the humors made temperate, & wit made cleere:
    • 1969,Margaret Atwood,The Edible Woman[2], Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, published2010, Part 1, Chapter 4:
      In that classroom full of oily potato-chip-fattened adolescents, she was everyone’s ideal of translucent perfume-advertisement femininity.
  2. (intransitive, of a person or animal) To become fat or fatter.
    Synonyms:gain weight,put on weight
    He graduallyfattened in the five years after getting married.
  3. (transitive) To makethick or thicker (often something containing paper, especially money).
  4. (intransitive) To become thick or thicker.
    • 1929,Thomas Wolfe,Look Homeward, Angel[7], London: Heinemann, published1930, Part 2, Chapter 22:
      A broad river of white paper rushed constantly up from the cylinder and leaped into a mangling chaos of machinery whence it emerged a second later, cut, printed, folded and stacked, sliding along a board with a hundred others in afattening sheaf.
    • 1991, Stephen King,Needful Things:
      The pencil-line of light by his feetfattened to a bar. Alan looked around and saw Norris Ridgewick.
  5. (transitive) To make (soil)fertile andfruitful.
    tofatten land
    • 1612,Joseph Hall,Contemplations vpon the Principall Passages of the Holie Storie, London: Sa. Macham, Volume 1, Book 4, p. 333,[8]
      As the riuer ofNilus was to Egyptin steed of heauen to moisten andfatten the earth; so their confidence was more in it then in heauen;
    • 1850,Christina Rossetti, “A Testimony”, inGoblin Market and Other Poems[9], London: Macmillan, published1862, page163:
      The earth isfattened with our dead;
      She swallows more and doth not cease:
      Therefore her wine and oil increase
      And her sheaves are not numberèd;
  6. (intransitive) To become fertile and fruitful.
    • 1700, “The First Book ofHomer’sIlias”, inJohn Dryden, transl.,Fables Ancient and Modern[10], London: Jacob Tonson, page205:
      These hostile Fields shallfatten with thy Blood.

Derived terms



to cause to be fatter
to become fatter








  1. plural offat
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