inflection offarë : definite nominative singular indefinite nominative / accusative plural Borrowed fromRussian фа́ра ( fára ,“ headlight ” ) , which in its turn is a borrowing fromFrench phare with the same meaning, ultimately fromAncient Greek φάρος ( pháros ) .
fara (accusative [please provide] ,plural [please provide] )
headlight ( on the front of a motor vehicle ) Mirjejev, V. A., Usejinov, S. M. (2002 )Ukrajinsʹko-krymsʹkotatarsʹkyj slovnyk [Ukrainian – Crimean Tatar Dictionary ][3] , Simferopol: Dolya,→ISBN fara f
parsonage ,presbytery Declension offara (hard feminine )
FromOld Norse fara , fromProto-Germanic *faraną , fromProto-Indo-European *por- ( “ going, passage ” ) .
fara (third person singular past indicative fór ,third person plural past indicative fóru ,supine farið )
togo , totravel 1 Only the past participle being declined.
fā̀rā f (plural fā̀rāi ,possessed form fā̀rar̃ )
locust ,grasshopper far ( “ buttocks ” ) +-a ( “ his/her/its ” ,possessive suffix )
IPA (key ) : [ˈfɒrɒ] Hyphenation:fa‧ra fara
third-person singular single-possession possessive offar FromOld Norse fara , fromProto-Germanic *faraną , fromProto-Indo-European *por- ( “ going, passage ” ) .
fara (strong verb ,third-person singular past indicative fór ,third-person plural past indicative fóru ,supine farið )
togo , toleave Égfór út í búð og keypti brauð. Iwent to the store and bought bread. Ég er aðfara . I amleaving . One peculiar property of the verb[að] fara ("[to] go") is that it can be repeatedad infinitum , asað fara also means "to be about to [be going to]...". For example:Ég er aðfara aðfara .I'm about to go. Ég er aðfara aðfara aðfara .I'm about to be going to go. Ég er aðfara aðfara aðfara aðfara .I'm about to be going to be going to go. and it can be repeatedad nauseam . This is comparable to the English wordthat . infinitive(nafnháttur ) að farasupine(sagnbót ) farið present participle(lýsingarháttur nútíðar ) farandi indicative(framsöguháttur ) subjunctive(viðtengingarháttur ) present(nútíð ) ég fer við förum present(nútíð ) ég fari við förum þú ferð þið farið þú farir þið farið hann ,hún ,það fer þeir ,þær ,þau fara hann ,hún ,það fari þeir ,þær ,þau fari past(þátíð ) ég fór við fórum past(þátíð ) ég færi við færum þú fórst þið fóruð þú færir þið færuð hann ,hún ,það fór þeir ,þær ,þau fóru hann ,hún ,það færi þeir ,þær ,þau færu imperative(boðháttur ) far (þú )farið (þið )Forms with appended personal pronoun farðu fariði ** Spoken form, usually not written; in writing, the unappended plural form (optionally followed by the full pronoun) is preferred.
infinitive(nafnháttur ) að farast supine(sagnbót ) farist present participle(lýsingarháttur nútíðar ) farandist **** the mediopassive present participle is extremely rare and normally not used; it is never used attributively or predicatively, only for explicatory subclauses indicative(framsöguháttur ) subjunctive(viðtengingarháttur ) present(nútíð ) ég ferst við förumst present(nútíð ) ég farist við förumst þú ferst þið farist þú farist þið farist hann ,hún ,það ferst þeir ,þær ,þau farast hann ,hún ,það farist þeir ,þær ,þau farist past(þátíð ) ég fórst við fórumst past(þátíð ) ég færist við færumst þú fórst þið fórust þú færist þið færust hann ,hún ,það fórst þeir ,þær ,þau fórust hann ,hún ,það færist þeir ,þær ,þau færust imperative(boðháttur ) farst (þú )farist (þið )Forms with appended personal pronoun farstu faristi ** Spoken form, usually not written; in writing, the unappended plural form (optionally followed by the full pronoun) is preferred.
fara n
indefinite genitive plural offar fara f
indefinite genitive plural offör FromProto-Cushitic . Cognates includeOromo lafee andRendille laf ,Somali laf ,Afar lafa ,Saho lafa ,Jiiddu lafi .[ 1]
fara f (plural fadu n or fadu' n )
bone Mous, Maarten, Qorro, Martha, Kießling, Roland (2002 )Iraqw-English Dictionary (Kuschitische Sprachstudien), volume18 , Köln, Germany: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag,→ISBN , page25 ^ Salim Alio Ibro (1998 )English-Jiddu-Somali Mini-Dictionary , Victoria, Australia: La Trobe University Language Center,→ISBN From early modern double prepositionfa ré ( “ along with ” ) , fromfa andré (fromOld Irish fri ).[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] Compare the Connacht formfrae ( “ along with ” ) andfreisin ( “ too, also ” ) .
fara (plus dative ,triggers no mutation ,before the definite article fairis )
( rare , Munster ) along with ,beside ( rare , Munster ) in addition to is beag fara leanbh atá ann he is little more than a child bacach fara bheith críonna lame as well as being old Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019 ), “faré, fare ”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language Dinneen, Patrick S. (1927 ) “fara ”, inFoclóir Gaeḋilge agus Béarla , 2nd edition, Dublin: Irish Texts Society – but note “the many errors in Dinneen’s treatment of the word” (O'Rahilly)[ 1] FromOld Irish forad ( “ elevated seat ” ) .Doublet offoradh .
fara m (genitive singular fara ,nominative plural faraí )
perch ,roost Alternative form offoradh Ó Dónaill, Niall (1977 ) “fara ”, inFoclóir Gaeilge–Béarla , Dublin: An Gúm,→ISBN Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019 ), “forad ”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
↑1.0 1.1 T. F. O’Rahilly (1941 ) “Introduction”, in Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire,Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an chrábhaidh [1] , Dublin, page xxxvi ^ Damian McManus (1994 ) “An Nua-Ghaeilge Chlasaiceach”, in K. McCone, D. McManus, C. Ó Háinle, N. Williams, L. Breatnach, editors,Stair na Gaeilge: in ómós do P[ h] ádraig Ó Fiannachta (in Irish), Maynooth: Roinn na Sean-Ghaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig,→ISBN ,§10.2 , page434 ^ Seán Ua Súilleabháin (1994 ) “Gaeilge na Mumhan”, in K. McCone, D. McManus, C. Ó Háinle, N. Williams, L. Breatnach, editors,Stair na Gaeilge: in ómós do P[ h] ádraig Ó Fiannachta (in Irish), Maynooth: Roinn na Sean-Ghaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig,→ISBN ,§6.9 , page506 Borrowed fromPolish fara .
IPA (key ) : /ˈfa.ra/ Rhymes:-ara Syllabification:fa‧ra fara f (related adjective ( obsolete ) farny )
( religion ) parish church Synonym: kòscół parafialny Stefan Ramułt (1893 ) “fara ”, inSłownik języka pomorskiego czyli kaszubskiego (in Kashubian), page36 Sychta, Bernard (1976 ) “fara”, inSłownik gwar kaszubskich [Dictionary of Kashubian dialects ] (in Polish), volume 7 (Suplement ), Wrocław: Ossolineum, page62 Jan Trepczyk (1994 ) “fara”, inSłownik polsko-kaszubski (in Kashubian), volumes1–2 Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011 ) “fara”, inSłownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi [4] Borrowed fromGerman Pfarre , fromLate Latin parochia , fromAncient Greek παροικία ( paroikía ) .
fara f
manse ,vicarage ,parsonage ,rectory Muka, Arnošt (1921, 1928 ) “fara ”, inSłownik dolnoserbskeje rěcy a jeje narěcow (in German), St. Petersburg, Prague:ОРЯС РАН ,ČAVU ; Reprinted Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag,2008 Starosta, Manfred (1999 ) “fara ”, inDolnoserbsko-nimski słownik / Niedersorbisch-deutsches Wörterbuch (in German), Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag FromOld Norse fara , fromProto-Germanic *faraną , fromProto-Indo-European *por- ( “ going, passage ” ) . Akin toEnglish fare .
fara (present tense fer ,past tense fór ,supine fare ,past participle faren ,present participle farande ,imperative far )
travel ,go ,drive Kvarfer me no? Where do wego now? Eg måfara heimatt snarast mogleg. Når kjem bussen? I need totravel back home as soon as possible. When the bus coming? move fast;rush This is a split infinitive verb. 1 Rare today.2 Unofficial today.
fara n
definite plural offar “fara” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .fāra
genitive plural offāh FromProto-Germanic *fērō , whenceOld English fær ,Old Norse fár .
fāra f
danger ,peril Atrick FromProto-Germanic *faraną . The sense of ‘to kill’ is equivalent toOld English forfaran and in older texts the verb is in this sense preceded byof .
fara (singular past indicative fór ,plural past indicative fóru ,past participle farit )
tofare , totravel tokill ,destroy Zoëga, Geir T. (1910 ) “fara ”, inA Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , Oxford: Clarendon Press ; also available at theInternet Archive FromOld Norse fara , fromProto-Germanic *faraną .
togo , totravel Conjugation offara (strong) present past infinitive fara — participle farandi ,farande farin active voice indicative subjunctive imperative indicative subjunctive iæk far fari ,fare — fōr fōri ,fōre þū far fari ,fare far fōrt fōri ,fōre han far fari ,fare — fōr fōri ,fōre vīr farum ,farom farum ,farom farum ,farom fōrum ,fōrom fōrum ,fōrom īr farin farin farin fōrin fōrin þēr fara farin — fōru ,fōro fōrin mediopassive voice indicative subjunctive imperative indicative subjunctive iæk — — — — — þū — — — — — han — — — — — vīr — — — — — īr — — — — — þēr — — — — —
Borrowed fromGerman Pfarre .[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] First attested in 1553.[ 5] CompareSilesian fara .
Rhymes:-ara Syllabification:fa‧ra fara f (related adjective farny )
( archaic , Christianity ) parish church ;parish ( church that serves as the religious center of a parish; the basic administrative unit of episcopal churches ) Synonym: kościół parafialny ( obsolete , education ) parochial school ( school associated with the parish of a church ) ( Middle Polish , Christianity ) parish ( part of a diocese; costs associated with parish maintenance ) Synonym: parafia ( Middle Polish , figurative , hapax legomenon , religion ) hell ( place of torment where some or all sinners and evil spirits are believed to go after death ) Synonym: piekło 1568 , M. Rej,Zwierciadło [5] , page118 :Pánie ſtáry/ Porzuć cżáry/ Im ſie wiáry/ Gotuy máry/ By bez wiáry/ Dyabeł ſzáry/ Do ſweyfáry / Zá ſwe dary/ W ſwe browáry Ná przewáry/ Nie wziął cie ná ſwiętá. [Panie stary/ Porzuć czary/ Im się wiary/ Gotuj mary/ By bez wiary/ Diabeł szary/ Do swejfary / Za swe dary/ W swe browary na przewary/ Nie wziął cię na święta.] ^ Mirosław Bańko , Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021 ) “fara ”, inWielki słownik wyrazów obcych ,→ISBN ^ Stanisław Dubisz , editor (2003 ), “fara ”, inUniwersalny słownik języka polskiego [Universal dictionary of the Polish language ][2] (in Polish), volumes1-4 , Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA,→ISBN ^ Bańkowski, Andrzej (2000 ) “fara ”, inEtymologiczny słownik języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language ] (in Polish) ^ Witold Doroszewski , editor (1958–1969 ), “fara ”, inSłownik języka polskiego (in Polish), Warszawa:PWN ^ Maria Renata Mayenowa, Stanisław Rospond, Witold Taszycki, Stefan Hrabec, Władysław Kuraszkiewicz (2010-2023 ) “fara ”, inSłownik Polszczyzny XVI Wieku [A Dictionary of 16th Century Polish ] fara inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANfara in Polish dictionaries at PWNfara in PWN's encyclopediaWiesław Morawski (03.12.2018 ) “FARA ”, inElektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century ] Samuel Bogumił Linde (1807–1814 ) “fara ”, inSłownik języka polskiego Aleksander Zdanowicz (1861 ) “fara ”, inSłownik języka polskiego, Wilno 1861 J. Karłowicz ,A. Kryński ,W. Niedźwiedzki , editors (1900 ), “fara ”, inSłownik języka polskiego (in Polish), volume 1, Warsaw, page720 Sławski, Franciszek (1958-1965 ) “fara ”, inJan Safarewicz , Andrzej Siudut, editors,Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego [Etymological dictionary of the Polish language ] (in Polish), Kraków: Towarzystwo Miłośników Języka PolskiegoFromGerman Pfarre .
fȁra f (Cyrillic spelling фа̏ра )
( regional ) parish ,district Synonym: župa Borrowed fromGerman Pfarre . ComparePolish fara .
IPA (key ) : /ˈfa.ra/ Rhymes:-ara Syllabification:fa‧ra fara f (diminutive farka ,related adjective farski or farny )
( Christianity ) rectory ,presbytery ( residence of Roman Catholic priest(s) associated with a parish church ) ( Christianity ) parish ( part of a diocese ) Synonym: parafijŏ situation ,job ,position ,post fara in dykcjonorz.eufara in silling.orgBogdan Kallus (2020 ) “fara”, inSłownik Gōrnoślōnskij Gŏdki , IV edition, Chorzów: Pro Loquela Silesiana,→ISBN , page294 Henryk Jaroszewicz (2022 ) “fara”, inZasady pisowni języka śląskiego (in Polish), Siedlce: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IKR[ i] BL, page77 Aleksandra Wencel (2023 ) “fara ”, inDykcjůnôrz ślų̊sko-polski , page207 Borrowed fromPolish fara .
IPA (key ) : /ˈfa.ra/ Rhymes:-ara Syllabification:fa‧ra fara f (related adjective farny )
( religion ) parish church IPA (key ) : /ˈfaɾa/ [ˈfa.ɾa] Rhymes:-aɾa Syllabification:fa‧ra fara f (plural faras )
Snake originating in Africa fara
first / third-person singular imperfect subjunctive offar FromEnglish far .
far fara classV (plural mafara classVI )
Alternative form offala FromOld Swedish fara , fromOld Norse fara , fromProto-Germanic *faraną , fromProto-Indo-European *per- ( “ going, passage ” ) .
fara (present far ,preterite for ,supine farit ,imperative far )
togo , totravel Conjugation offara (class 6 strong) active passive infinitive fara — supine farit — imperative far — imper. plural 1 faren — present past present past indicative far for — — ind. plural 1 fara foro — — subjunctive 2 fare fore — — present participle farande past participle faren
Jet engine air inlet onSaab 37 in the Swedish Air Force, marked 'fara',danger FromMiddle Low German vāre ,vār , fromOld Saxon *fāra ,fār , fromProto-Germanic *fērō ( “ danger ” ) , whenceOld English fær ,Old Norse fár ,German Gefahr .
fara c
adanger fara
akind ,type ,category fara
abirthmark fara
( transitive ) toseparate Rika Hayami-Allen (2001 )A descriptive study of the language of Ternate, the northern Moluccas, Indonesia , University of Pittsburgh fara
dative singular offar ( “ headlight ” ) dative singular offar ( “ eye shadow ” ) FromProto-Bantu *-jípata .
tohold fara
( physics ) farad fara
soft mutation ofbara ( “ bread ” ) Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.